Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Guess what I tried?

So I was walking in the store & saw something sitting on the shelf that was individual size...

it said it was "French Vanilla".... who doesnt love French Vanilla?

So on Friday after Thanksgiving, Ricky has gone to work ... & I think to myself, I'm going to take a leap.... a huge leap... & I pulled out something I've never used for myself....

Yes - a coffee maker!  I've never made coffee for myself.

We only have this little "2 cup" maker because I only used it when we'd have Bible Study Group over - or when Julie is up visiting.

But on this Friday - I made a cup.... FOR ME!!!!!  ... is the world coming to an end?

I've never really wanted coffee before - but Julie has me so addicted to the Frappachino's at Starbucks, & it was snowy & cold, so I thought, let me give it a try...

Know what?  It wasnt bad!!!!

Of course, it took some trial & error... Put some sugar in it (2 table spoons to be exact) - & I had actually bought some French Vanilla creamer too & it was kinda like a Cappachino... I didnt mind it...

So, it has taken me 38 years.. but I did it... my first cup of coffee....

Then I quickly went right back to my Diet Coke.... Diet Coke, I'll never betray you....

So tell me the good mix up - the concoction you like the most?  I was reading some people put Hot Chocolate mixed with their coffee... now that sounds kinda good?  So give me the best coffee mix you can give me!

Monday, November 29, 2010

O Christmas Tree...

Work... its work to put up a Christmas tree... especially in our house.

It starts off with the tree... thank goodness for Pre-lit trees though. I always said Ricky & I would get divorced over a Christmas tree.  Every year, we would argue about how many strings of lights need to go on it, how far back they were pushed inside the tree, all white lights or colored lights... I'm telling you - it was just plain ugly!  Then (....angels singing....) - we got our pre-lit tree a few years ago & life is just good.  All I ask for Ricky is to get tree standing - I'll take care of the rest...

Once the tree is up & the lights connected - its time to bring up the totes

Ribbon gets drapped around the tree - the ribbon topper goes on & then the ornaments...and the most important ornament goes on first... always does...

We put it dead center of our tree so everyone can see it... Its the reason Christmas exists so we definitely keep CHRIST in Christmas!!!!

Then its onto the Disney ornaments... our whole Christmas is Disney-fied... We have big statues of Mickey & Minnie decorated for Christmas - we have a huge Pluto statue tangled in lights... we have a statue of Donald Duck carrying a Christmas package.  We just need a boat to go through our home & I'd play "Its a Small world" through our stereo speakers!

Our tree of course has plenty of Mickey Mouse & Goofy & Minnie & Pluto... the whole gang... but I really love the "rare" Disney characters... the ones you dont see too often...

We have 3 different Pinnochios... We picked one up in Vegas one year that has actual hinges like a real puppet... one of my favs...

I also love the ladies that dont get much recognition - like Esmerelda from "The Hunchback" ... I still have not ever seen a "Mulan" ornmament.  If anyone sees on, let me know!  I am proud we also have a Pochontas, a Sleeping Beauty & a few Little Mermaid Ariels...

Woody is also one of my favs, swinging the lights in a lasso... right above him is a Buzz Lightyear with a star in his hands, like he is flying... And of course, I have plenty of Belle ornaments. I actually used to have a Beauty & the Beast tree - nothing but ornaments from the movie... but I dont have a place to put that tree anymore... I think that may be my new mission - to find a real thin tree so I can put up in my bedroom so I can pull out all those ornaments!!! 

Here is Meg from Hercules - another one of my favs... Did you know Meg's voice is actually the voice of Belle from the original Broadway Play?  (I told you - I love Disney!) ... Right below this ornament is Hercules...

Keeping with some other ladies, here's Jasmine with Aladdin on their magic carpet.  I also have another ornament with them in their wedding clothes from the 2nd Aladdin movie.  The Genie is also hanging on our tree... cant leave out the Genie!

I need to keep count of how many Disney ornaments we have... & Hallmark keeps us going to with all the ones they bring out every year... Keep em coming Hallmark!

And here is the finished product... a beautiful glowing tree of magic...I love sitting in the room at night with nothing but the tree on & a Disney movie on the television... makes me feel like a kid again...perfect for Christmas time...

So, is your tree up?  If you have any pictures on your blog, leave a comment - I'd love to come take a look at it!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Project 365-39

I'm getting excited - we're getting towards the end of the year for Project 365.... as you can see, my numbers are off - I actually have no missed any weeks - I just started late.  So I will be starting on week one of the year with everyone else... & I want to have a full 52 weeks of photos... If you havent thought of it before, you should do it along with me... its really great looking back over a year of pictures & seeing what you've done... so, lets get to lookin' at this week...

Sunday - "Can I have this dance, for the rest of our lives?".... you all hear me talk about Ryan all the time - my friend, Stephanie's son... he's like family to Ricky & I... Well, he has been dating the most adorable young lady over the past year - someone who was just made for him... & he for her... So Sunday, I knew what the day was going to hold for her... Ryan was going to propose marriage!!!!  Do you KNOW how hard it was for me to see her & not just want to run & hug & SQUEEEEL with excitement?  But I contained myself... as did her family who was all aware of what the day would hold too... So here are the two of them after church - Chasity was trying to teach Ryan how to ballroom dance... I had to take a picture of them before the "events" took place... By the way - she of course said yes... & when he proposed, it was in a NEW HOUSE that he had bought & she had no idea... So she got a beautiful ring, a new home & a fiance all in the span of a question...now THAT's a proposal! Congratulations my friends!!!

Monday - Happy Birthday Sydney.... Our Aussie was 10 years old & we had a little doggie party.  I made sure I got bones for all the babies - their favorite - & Ricky has a way of making them all howl, so it was our way of having them "sing" Happy Birthday to Syd.  She's the one who rules the roost with all the dogs... she is truly our baby... Its always so easy for us to remember her birthday too - 11/22/00.... Hope we get many more years with her...

Tuesday - Shopping with a beautiful sunset... I had to run to Kohl's to spend some Kohl's cash before it expired & this was the most beautiful sky... Fall clouds with the sun shining through - so beautiful....

Wednesday - Knitted Gifts coming together... I am starting to gather all my knitted goodies that I've made over the year together for Christmas gifts... get them all wrapped up & ready to see which home gets what... I hope the people that receive these enjoy them as much as I do making them....

Thursday - Thanksgiving is TIRING!!!! .... You saw the pictures of my Thanksgiving day in a previous post... So here is another one of the day that I just love... I was running around doing so much & looked in the bedroom & saw Zoe all snuggled up... how comfy does she look?  It was a rainy day so seeing her lyng there made me want to just cuddle with her... but no time!  too much to do....Dogs have quite the life, dont they?

Friday - First SNOW of the season.... It actually was the first snow on Thanksgiving... it started late at night.  Big, fluffy snow flakes... but the morning of Black Friday - the snow was still all over the ground.  It set the mood to go Christmas shopping, that's for sure...

Saturday - On my feet in my long johns all day.... after a day of shopping yesterday, I literally was on my feet all day gift wrapping!  It was cold outside & I didnt want to go anywhere anyways.  So just stayed snuggled in my pink fluffy socks, cozy in my long underwear & wrapped all the gifts we bought...presents under the tree make it really look like the Holidays now...

Yes - you notice there are no Christmas Tree pictures here... I'll be posting them in a post all to themselves... I love our Christmas tree, so be sure to come back & take a look...

Hope you all are clicking those cameras in this festive time of the year!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I have to say, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving - minus that my mother was home in pain (insert really sad face)... she hurt her back, literally as they were walking out the door - so I didnt get to see her...but here's what Thanksgiving looked like for me

We woke up & the weather was yucky yuck...

I got up early & got my turkey going & made some cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  Nothing like warm sugary topping to start a day of food-fest!  I figure the day is already a mess, so might as well go gung-ho!

Ricky was like a kid being stuck in the house with the rain... I snapped this picture while I was working in the kitchen & just noticed him staring at the rain...

So we opened the garage & just watched the rain for awhile... It was actually still warm at this point of the day, & I love a good, warm rain.  Most of the dogs, the rain doesnt bother them... hence, Zoe

But Syndey prefers NOT to be in the rain.  So she ran up on the porch (In her spot, next to my rocking chair) & thought she'd just lay in her spot to watch the rain. 

I then did my 5k for the "Feed the Turkey" that benefited St. Judes (LOVE THAT!) - had a great run - & then, what do you do after you run 3.106 miles?  You make MORE food!  So off to the kitchen to make some dessert.  I was going to make some pumpkin pie, but Ricky kept ho-humming about that, so I just went with cookies... its sugar... its all good to me...

I went over to my brothers & got to see my family for a little bit.  Got to talk to my nieces about their Christmas Lists.... Madi told me she only wanted two things - "TWO THINGS" she said while pumping her hands for dramatic effect.  The two things - a computer (one of those cute kiddo kinds - & a Barbie jet) - I asked her if she liked Barbies? "No... not really.  I just like all the fun stuff that comes with her.  I just give the doll to Sophia" ... love conversations with kids...  Sophia then told me, "Aunt Bec, I dont care what you get me... I'll be happy with anything" ... is that the most precious thing ever?

Then I headed back home & made Ricky do something productive besides watch the rain.  I needed him to put up the tree.  I do all the decorating of it - I just need his brute strength to get it up.  While he laid down on the ground to level it up, Bruno saw the opportunity & ran to him. Bruno honestly LOVES when someone gets on the ground - its his perfect opportunity to jump in a lap or get in some arms.  He literally ran over & got in this position in like 0.127 seconds that Ricky got down under the tree... (FYI - my carpet isnt normally that dirty - its the tree falling apart out of the box...)

So much for Ricky being productive... he had to lay there with Bruno for awhile under the tree...

That's alright, because I just had to finish up the rest of dinner & then it was chow-time!  I cant believe I didnt get a picture of my turkey either.  We were just both so excited, we tore that bird apart!  Sooooo yummmy...Here is our dinner for two

(Notice Ricky's plate actually has green on it with the green beans - my plate is full of all the carbs in the world!)

While I was cleaning up after our bellies were stuffed, we get a call & our Lindsay Kay said she was going to stop by... what a fun surprise!  She's 22 & with that, comes a busy schedule where we dont get to see her very often.  But it was the perfect way to end a day that is dedicated to things to be Thankful for.  AND "Beauty & the Beast" was on tv for the 2nd night in a row, so we got to watch it, like Lindsay was 8 yrs old again... I still picture her like that anyways :)

It really was a relaxing day... I think I gained a few pounds (even running a 5k) but its worth it - its once a year, right? Hope you all had wonderful food, lots of laughs, fantastic family time & just a memorable holiday!

If you could lift up a prayer for my mom & her back... & also my dad & HIS back/hip... they would be THANKFUL! :) 

Now onto Christmas!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Here's a few smiles for you on Thanksgiving...

For those of you who traveled this Thanksgiving....

For all those people slaving in the kitchen today....

For all those parade fans... or Spiderman fans... (In otherwords, Ricky & our grandbaby Isaac)

And for everyone... may we acknowledge our blessings daily, not just once a year!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Turkey Tag

My friend Amy, over at Keeping up with the Shultz Family is doing a Thanksgiving Tag...

And since its getting close... & since I'm so dang lost on what day it is (I'm doing Wednesday's work on Monday - Friday's work on Tuesday - I'm so lost!!!) - I'm going to take some time & just play along today.

Do you like to cook your own Thanksgiving meal or go some place?
The past few years, Ricky & I were running between families & we were so stuffed from all the food & so tired from being on the road so much... so then we broke it up to where I'd go visit my family & he'd go to his family.  Then we just missed eating Thanksgiving dinner together, so that didnt work.  So last year, I made dinner for the two of us.  It worked perfectly - I go visit my family for a little bit while he goes & visits his family, but we come home & just calm down & eat dinner for two... &  may I say, its a mighty good dinner!  Its one day out of the year that I cook some good cookin' & love every minute of it too!

Dark Meat or White Meat?
YUUUUCCCCKKKKK to Dark Meat!!!  I dont even buy turkey that has dark meat on it... I'll just buy a turkey breast.  Dark Meat literally gags me to look at it... no turkey legs in my house, thankyouverymuch

Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, or Pecan Pie for dessert?
Is all of the above a good answer?  I am a pie kinda gal!  Love pie!!!  But for Thanksgiving, we will be having pumpkin pie.  Most definitely... And its gotta have some yummy whip cream on top too!  That's the best part of the dinner!

What is your favorite side dish to eat on Thanksgiving?
Anything that is carb-related... stuffing, yeast rolls, dumplings, baked mac & cheese, potatoes (of any kind!!!)... if it is starchy, its my friend

What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
I think my favorite memory is when I was little & going to my grandma's... she would have the BEST dumplin's in the world... & yes, I said dumplin's - not dumplings... these babies were SOUTHERN DUMPLIN'S ... Thick yumminess... nothing like them in this world... oh man, I miss them.  I looked forward to them every year....

What are your Thanksgiving plans this year?
Same as I mentioned in the first question... But we also do our normal Thanksgiving routine of waking up, getting the newspaper, jumping on the bed with the ads all scattered around us, trying to get dogs off of the paper, & planning routes for shopping the next day!  I'll also be starting to drag out the decoration for the Christmas tree since Friday is decorating day!!!!

I'll also be doing a 5k... I was going to run a 5-miler that is local in town - but its supposed to be freezing & HORRIBLE downpouring rain. So I did the next best thing.  Joined up with DAILY MILE Virtual Turkey Trot  & helped raise money for St. Judes.  You donate & run a 5k on your own, or with others & log in at the end of the day & put in your time.  Which works fantastic for me - I can do it in the comfort of my treadmill & not in the pouring rain... If you want to join along - click right here: http://www.dailymile.com/turkey_trot

What are you Thankful for this year?
Pretzel M&M's!!!! ... joking... kinda.  Oh mercy me.. so much to be thankful for.... my family (all of 'em - parents, husband, daughters, grandbabies, nieces, brothers, everyone!) - my friends, near & far (that includes you, my bloggy buddies), who always give me words of encouragement & laughter - a home that keeps us safe, my doggies, my health... & most importantly, what I'm thankful for every day of my life - My Savior & the mercy & grace He gives - Jesus Christ for loving me!

....May we all find something to be thankful for....

You wanna take a bloggy break & play along?  Go right ahead... just let me know you are playing by leaving a comment so I can come visit & see if you're a carb-lover like me!

Monday, November 22, 2010


We made it everyone... its the FINALS... & FREESTYLE... come on, we all know Jennifer's has to do with Dirty Dancing... you know Kyle is going to be full of energy... & no telling what Bristol is going to do... but its going to be a great night... let's get this party started... we're LLLIIIVVVEEEEEE

8:00 - A quick look down memory lane of the final 3....

8:01 - "Live from Hollywood... this is the finals of Dancing with the Stars" - unknown secret voice man

8:03 - Tonight & tomorrow, our stars will perform 4 demanding dances to determine our new champion" -Tom

8:03 - ".... the judges visited each of the stars to give tips on their routines" -Brooke on tonight's "Redemption Dances"

8:04 - "The first time we did the fox trot, it was a 70's theme" - Lacy... with clips of Len freaking out how much he hated it with his 5 paddle... & reminding me how much I LOVED it!!!!

8:05 - "Since he's the only man left in the competition, he's all business this week" - Lacy on Kyle.... ENTER LEN!!!!!!!

8:05 - "Let me just hold you in the ballroom hold" - Len to Kyle ... "We have a bromance happening now"-Lacy

8:08 - "I tend to like the Kyle that performs outward, & at the beginning you were a little focused on the footwork, obviously listening to the voice of Len in your ear... I'm looking forward to your freestyle" -Carrie Ann

8:09 - "Our voting system has been quite a news story this week.  We tell you every week you have to vote.  If you dont, dont complain... and please dont shoot the television...." -Tom

8:15 - we get a glimpse of Vince Neil on the ice for the next show "Skating with the stars" - I'm disturbed to see a rocker like he was in the Motley Crue days, in a blue robe, ice skating... something is wrong with that picture...

8:16 - ".... I'm more intimidated by the media attention then I am of Jennifer& Kyle..." -Bristol ... "It sucks that people still dont think I deserve to be here... people freaked out when Brandy got eliminated"

8:17 - ENTER BRUNO!!!!!  "I'm here to get the wild child out of you" -Bruno, whipping his fake hair

8:18 "...(Bruno) has such a big personality & mine is exactly the opposite" - Bristol on Bruno acting like... well, Bruno ...teaching her

"I want her to just get her out of her shell... she either got the message... or I scared her to death" -Bruno

8:19 - (I'm convinced the girls legs dont bend above knee height)

8:20 - "You came out brighter & more vibrant .... " - Carrie Ann .... "Vast improvement" - Len

8:26 - "The (first) paso was a low point for me... I was disappointed on how it turned out" - Jennifer

8:27 - ENTER CARRIE ANN... "you are so tiny & petite, you need to fill up more space..." (those are words that have NEVER been said to me in my life!)

8:29 ... For a 50 yr old woman - girl has some good stretchy legs!  .... yipee - her daddy is there cheering her on for the Finals!!!


8:30 - "I rarely do this.... but it was fantastic" - Len, giving a standing ovation... & I think Carrie Ann was going to have her eyes bug out of her head when he stood up!!!

8:32 - "Up next... my favorite... the Free Style Round" - Tom.... what we wait all year for!

8:38 - "The freestyle, there are no rules - so I picked "Tootsie Roll" since its one of my favorite songs" - Kyle

"Do you know how to coffee grind?" - Lacy (I never knew that's what that was called....I learned something)

8:39 - ".... wait... wait... are we really doing this?" - Kyle on his first lift with Lacy

8:41 - I was "tootsie-rolling" right along with Kyle... Boy has the young energy!!!

8:42 - "Tootsie Roll... one of my favorites" - Len ... "This was great fun, great entertainment & I thoroughly enjoyed it"

8:49 - "So for the freestyle, I've chosen a tango-style from Chicago... ever see it" -Mark
"ummm... no" - Bristol
"Ever heard of it?" - Mark
"ummm... not really" - Bristol "I've never been to a broadway show, so I'm not sure how I'll get into character with this".... wh wh what????? Never a broadway show?  That makes this Broadway lover's heart sad...

8:50 - "Why do you look so defeated?" - Mark.... "Because I feel defeated" - Bristol ... thats never a good way to start a dance... especially your final dance

8:52 - Sarah Palin mouthing "Put him in that cage" ... after Bristol threw Mark in a jail cell at the end of their dance...

8:53 - "I have to give you credit for aiming so high" - Bruno
"I'm proud of you for dancing in a cage... get your sexy on" - Carrie Ann

8:55 - "Bruno just asked if we were using the cage after tonights show" - Tom

9:01 - "I know the free style is supposed to be full of lifts & tricks... but I am really nervous about it because I dont want to reinjure myself" - Jennifer

9:02 - "Jennifer is on a need to know basis" - Derk ... as he jumps over Jennifer's head & she lets out a string of full 10 seconds worth of cursing... (I would too if I wasnt aware someone was going to jolt themselves over my head, off of my shoulders!)

9:02 - I KNEW IT!!!!!!! ... Dirty Dancing theme!!!! "I carried a watermelon".... awesome!

9:03 - I thought for sure it would be to "I had the time of my life" ... even if it was the Black Eyed Peas version... but awesome to see all the classic Dirty Dancing moves in there!

9:04 - "... I thought it was amazing... " - Carrie Ann

9:05 - "I feel like I've been through airport security" - Tom as Jennifer pats his butt

9:10 - Jennifer explaining why they didnt use "Time of my life" - it was her & Patrick's song... OK - I can cry now & give her props for not using that song...

Folks - we made it to the end of another season... did you think Jennifer pulled 2 perfect dances?  What did you think of Bristol?  Think she can win?  Did you just love Kyle more then ever?  And can you remember who was even on this season?  David Hasselhoff was this year?  That feels like forever ago!  Tomorrow, we'll know the winner... I have loved the surprises of the season... & even more so that Brandy wont win... (I had to end with one more slam!) .... so folks, tomorrow night, I will hoist my own mirror balled trophy - made of aluminum foil - & I may even have to find some fringe... let's give one more shimmy for this season!!!  Until next season folks!!!! Dance on!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Project 365-38

Here we go into another week - they go by so fast!!!!  Let's take a gander into my world...

Sunday - Renovation!!!! - our church was getting the Extreme Makeover.  So they pulled up the carpet & asked if anyone had any verses that were their favorite, then we could write it on the floor... new carpet was coming a few days later.  So this is one of my favorite verses that was given to us as youth leaders one year at a youth conference.  It's always stuck with me... especially the DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! ... Sorry for the bad writing - its hard to write on bumpy, stapled wood floors - so it says:
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest, if we DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! (Exclamantion points are mine!) haha!!!  -Galatians 6:9

Monday - One technique I dont want to know about!!!! .... I was looking up ideas for poses for photography for big groups & new ideas when Google cracked me up... take a look at the technique it suggested.  Which by the way, you couldnt PAY me enough to look at what it gives... I dont want any images in my mind...

Tuesday - SOCK DAY!!!! ... These are all Ricky's socks... In this basket, there were over 40 pairs of matches.  He wears multiple pairs a day - for more padding... Add in the fact that I missed a week of doing whites & I had a load to match up.  Its always like a puzzle matching up all the different kinds he has too... whew!

Wednesday - Diet Coke gets me through at work.... yes - this is on top of the file cabinet in my office... All of those, I drank so far in the week... & you know the sad part - its not all of them... OH MY GOODNESS... I do think I have an addiction... (I love my Diet Coke).... Does VH1 have a rehab show for this with Dr. Drew that I need to check out?

Thursday - A braid goes with jewelry ... I went to another Premiere Jewelry party & this time, there was a friend who is a hair dresser.  She was braiding all the little girls hair that was there & I asked her to do mine... she whipped it right up... I love a good french braid.  Reminds me when my mom used to fix my hair before school....

Friday - HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!! .... enough said!  It was FANTASTIC... so darn good... so much like the book, which is so rare... Got to hang out with my buddies, Lynn & Carly & chat, talk, laugh, cry in the movie & then laugh some more... I cant believe we have to wait months for the total end... that's torture! (Here's Carly with the love of her life... Ron...Ron Weasley....)

Saturday - Perfect weekend morning.... Ricky had to work which means I get to sleep.  Ricky is such an early riser & I know he TRIES to stay quiet, once he's up & moving around, the dogs expect me to be up too... But today, he was at work & I woke up at 9:00 AM with all the dogs snuggled around me.  We all got to sleep in.  I finally got up & made me some pancakes & they tasted like the best pancakes ever... it was a great way to kick off the weekend....

I know next week will be exciting with Thanksgiving & Black Friday & Christmas Season kicking off...

Until then... click away!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Indian Weekend....


We are getting one more weekend of beautiful weather...

Two days (today & tomorrow) in the 60's, with the sun shining...

Then the bottom falls out - They are saying Thanksgiving here will be in the 30's ....brrr... so I want to enjoy the last bit of nice weather we have...

So this weekend, you will either find me running, sitting on the front porch with my latest book, or out with my camera taking a picture of anything or anyone....

Is it pretty where you are at this weekend?  If so - get out & enjoy it... winter is looming....

(by the way - HARRY POTTER IS AMAZING!!!!!! If its yucky where you are at - go check out the movie... It really is the best one so far...)