Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea
Friday!!!!!!!  How I love thee...time to Frag...

Its been over a week since I had my tooth prepped for my crown & DANG!  It still feels like someone punched me in the face.  All the teeth on that side of my face are so tender to chomp down on now too.  They'll probably all heal just in time to take the temporary off & put the real crown on - making it all ache again...

Anyone else excited that Conan is back?  You all know I love me some red-heads ... but that man is just plain funny!  My DVR has been set everynight for 11:00... COCO!!!  COCO!! COCO!!!

Today is the first day I dont sound like Barry White, have a kleenex sticking out of my nose, or sneezing every 5 minutes!  WHOO HOO!!! 

I have "Teenage Dream" from Glee stuck in my head... it was nice to see actual good music back on the show this week.... if you havent heard this version, go check it out.  It was really really good!  Cant wait to see Gwyneth Paltrow next week!

Does this cake even look appetizing?  Can you imagine people having the chocolate around their mouth?  I think I may get sick now everytime I see chocolate cake thinking of this...(the flies add that little extra touch)

There is a house down the street from us totally decorated for Christmas... wow... I guess it really is getting into that time of the year...I dread pulling out all the totes for it & hauling them up & down the stairs.  Christmas makes me want to be lazy.

LAUGH OF THE DAY:  My question - if you want to wake a baby, are you saying an air horn wouldnt work?  Because my money is on that it would work VERY WELL!

SPAT OF THE WEEK:  TAMMY FAYE VS EXTREME!!! ... the past week, Ricky has sang to me EVERYDAY the song "Hole Hearted" (There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by you) ... are you saying, Ahh?  Well then you havent heard Ricky sing!  Let me just say, everytime he sings it, Sydney, our Australian Shepherd starts howling - no joke!  So in return, I have started singing Tammy Faye Bakker's song "You can Make it" because for some reason Ricky hates that song... I grew up listening to Tammy Faye Bakker songs thanks to my mom's love for that little mascara lady (I love her too!)... so during the week, it has been a sing-off that has turned into a "who can scream the lyrics the loudest" ... I'm sure the neighbors are really thankful for us...

I'll leave this with you... sing along ...


  1. I wish Joe would hang our Christmas lights now while it's warm, instead of waiting til December when it's freezing. I promise not to turn them on until after Thanksgiving...

    Have a great weekend...hope you win the "sing-off"!

  2. OK. The Tammy Faye sing along is TOO FUNNY!! Check out the about being "over dramatic". ha!

    I also anticipate that the house a few blocks over will have the BIG manger scene up this weekend and it will stay up until spring. Always does...along with Santa, candy canes, wreaths and everything else. : )

  3. Glee was amazing this week. I also can't wait for next week. That cake is kind of gross.. Have a great weekend..

  4. that is hilarious! i love your sing off, we do that too!! i also think the blow horn would work for anyone in our home, not a bad thought... thank you for your fragments!

  5. This was a really great post! I was chuckling the whole time.

    And Tammy Faye always scared me just a little...ok, a lot!

  6. I guess that cake looks the same going in as it does coming out. Let's hope it tastes great.

  7. Holy Smokes, I just noticed those shoulder pads on Tammy Faye! LOL Sounds like an enjoyable sing off at your place -haha

    I saw that air horn post on Failblog - what possessed someone to think they needed to use that as an example. sheesh.

    Kristin - The Goat

  8. RJ,
    You are SO cute!!! I LOVE your fragging and I ALWAYS look forward to the spat of the week. Does that make me weird? =)

    Have a Blessed week,

  9. I SO want to be a fly on the wall in your house while you have your sing offs. TOO FUNNY! That song would make me lose my marbles if I had to hear it too many times. It's positive and all but YIKES!

    That cake was done too well if you ask me.


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