Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Friday?  Already?  Whew - this week has flown by... I think because its getting closer & closer to the Holidays & that makes the time warp just crazy... I have a feeling the rest of the year is just going to zoom... but we'll take our Friday & enjoy... let's Frag...

Its Fix It Friday!  Dont know what that means?  Go to my photography blog & check it out...
Today is the day... HARRY POTTER!!!!!  I'm headed out right after work to meet up with friends to catch the movie!  I cant believe we're at the last book.  I remember waiting anxiously for each book to come out... & now, we're at the last movie!  I guess its all good timing though because we wouldnt want to see Daniel Radcliffe looking 40 years old, playing a teenager...


Anyone else think Bristol Palin may actually win Dancing with the Stars?

Yesterday, I was at my job for 18 years... 18 years people!  That is a LONG time...When I started, I was 20 years old - a child, a baby!  I think of all the things that have happened since I've been here... I planned my wedding, I lost my grandmother, I've seen coworkers loose their parents, I've lost my best friend, I lost my own babies... I sat with my coworkers & watched the World Trade Center fall, we talked about Princess Di & John F Kennedy Jr. dying, we watched Michael Jacksons funeral ... Bill Clinton was the president when I started work....I became a Nanny with the cutest grandbabies ever! ... I became an aunt to the most adorable twins ever! ... I've moved to another state... I've gotten old....but I'm still getting paid! YIPEE!!


SPAT OF THE WEEK:  ROYAL WEDDINGS!!!! ... when I heard about Prince William getting engaged, I got so giddy excited!  I mean, I ran down the hall & was like "Did you hear, did you hear?"   Ricky was convinced nothing was that exciting, THAT early in the morning, unless we won the lottery.  He didnt get my excitement... which sparks the "spat of the week"... he doesnt get that my mom woke me up very early, years ago to watch Diana get married... I can remember sitting in the bed thinking it was a fairy tale come true... & I remember William being born...  & now to see him getting married in another Royal Wedding... ahhh, its once again like Fairy Tales come into the real world... Ricky just thinks its all stupid... its JUST a wedding... His advice?  William & Kate should go to Vegas.... I'm totally waking him up to watch the wedding with me when it happens... (Be prepared for THAT spat of the week!)

Thanksgiving is next week... & know what I'm more excited about it over anything?  "TANGLED" comes out... doesnt that look like the best new Disney movie? Besides Beauty & The Beast... come on now, that's a given! ... Definitely need to see about a Niece-Date for that one!


Photoshop Elements 9 is going to be the death of me...

I think I have a 13 yr old, teenage girl inside of me... I am so addicted to Vampire Diaries lately... & especially the new soundtrack!  Have you heard it?  Its so good!  You can check out samples of all the songs on Amazon..... Anyone else watch that show?  When Damon told Elena that he loved her, then wiped out her memory & that tear dropped down his face, I think I actually swooned... Swooning is better then a teenage, high pitch scream - right? 


Didnt you all love Gwyneth Paltrow on Glee?  She was A-MAZ-ING!!! And now, I have "Forget you" stuck in my head... dont know if that's good or bad... But the show was full of great music & great Sue Sylvester lines... GLEE WAS BACK to the greatness it was this week!  GO GLEE!!!

Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC FRIDAY!!!!!


  1. I took today off work as I'm headed "up north" (That's Minnesota speak for "anything north of the Twin Ciies" ha!) and because I'm not leaving until later this afternoon, I'm tempted to go the the 12:30 showing of Harry Potter! Love those movies!

    And I, too, will be up at the crack of dawn when the Royal Wedding happens. I love all the excitement! :)

  2. Yes, it seems the weeks are flying by. I am not sure if Bristol will win. I like her but want Jennifer to win. Glee was amazing. Have a great weekend. Congrats on the 18 years.

  3. I haven't had time to watch Glee some catching up to do!

    I have been at my hospital for 18 years, too! 1992 was a good year for careers! It is amazing how much happens in that amount of time.

    I'm so with you on the Royal Wedding. I remember clearly the wedding of Charles and Diane, and remember sobbing when she died. I love seeing her boys looking so well; I'm sure she is smiling down on them right now, praying for a better life than she had at the end.

    Have fun seeing HP!

  4. i love all the little pics you put in your blog!! i really like that look.

    men don't get our happy giddy anything. my hubby is too 'logical and rational' at times.

    i also can't believe that we are at the last book of the harry potter series!!! we love the movies and we are going to start reading the books together as a family (some of the movies are a bit dark for our young children). i am looking forward to it!

  5. I remember all the Princess Di excitement. I just can't into it. I do remember the night she was killed. I was glued to the TV.

    I hope you enjoy Harry Potter!
    We're waiting until my college boys are home to see it as a family.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. 18 years is amazing! I can't imagine. Hoping I can stay with my job that long!

  7. How great to work at the same place for so long!

    I am totally with you on the wedding! I will be up watching it too. We should get all the bloggers like us to post about the wedding that day!

    Hugs & love,

  8. Okay so there is SO much in this frag. First of all, so thinking BPalin might just win the whole darn thing. How crazy is that? Of course I also think her mama is so running for President in 2012 and might just actually win. Hmmmm..........just sayin' they are extremely popular people!!!

    How much do I love the whole royal wedding thing!!!!! I was almost 15when Di married Charles and I remember my mama let me get up and watch it. Yes I had fairy tale wedding dreams for a VERY long time. In fact, I still LOVE a good wedding and planning a wedding. I should have been a wedding planner. Always thought that would be the coolest job ever!!

    You will get Photoshop 9 figured out. I just know you will, because that is how you are my dear friend. Hang in there.

    Okay, so Tangled looks like the most fun since Nemo. Ready for a good movie. And am SO ready to see "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader". I just get giddy when I see the commercial come on tv.


    Have a Blessed weekend,

  9. 18 years! That is so impressive Rebecca : ) Hey, I don't know if I am your fan on facebook yet but you know I would LOVE to be! I will also send an invite to all my friends so they will like you to : ) Some of my friends might think it is mine since I am named Rebeckah Jo!

  10. Not sure about Harry Potter yet, but I want to see Tangled!

  11. I think we're all going to see the new Harry Potter flick next week when Britt comes home! Yes...Gwyneth Paltrow rocked GLEE! She did so great and the music was outstanding!

  12. Wow! What a crazy twenty years, eh?

    I, too, remember watching Diana and Charles's wedding year and years ago. It truly was a fairy tale! I have kept up with all of the sordid royal happenings over the years. I can't help it. I fully plan on watching William's wedding. Diana would be so proud of him! He's turned out well!

    Tell Ricky to go suck a lemon. This is one of the things he loves about you.


    Ok...the vampire thing and HP thing...I don't get the hoopla. Now, if it was a movie about grammar nerds, then I'd be ALL over that!

  13. Congratulations on 18 years at your job! Not easy some days I'm sure! I love the little cartoon too! Definately how I feel some days!

    Thanks for the hugs on my down day and the compliments on my pictures! I say I push the button and pray!

    Hope you had a great day and enjoy the weekend!

  14. Loved the Singin' in the Rain mashup on Glee, so good!

    I get to go see HP tomorrow night and I can't wait!


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