Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Its week to Christmas Eve... Hold on while I have to stop & take deep breaths on that one... while I'm inhaling, exhaling, let's Frag...

So if you didnt get to read yesterday's blog post, go ahead - read it... & know when I went home last night, my car slid off the drive & got stuck... & guess what I had to do?  CRAWL UP THE YARD!!! The grass is so icy & our house is up, so you try to walk on a hill of ice & what do you do?  All you smart people?  You slide right back down.  So I literally had to try & dig my hands into the ice to make like a rock wall sorta path to get to the house... I was going to attempt Ricky's rolling action, but I really like my winter coat... I think we need to install a ski-lift to our house...

We have new neighbors that just moved in a few days ago... while I was trying to chip off some ice on our sidewalk, the man came out to try & break some ice on his drive.  He introduced himself & then, I swear, it was like a movie - he started sliding.... I'm talking, his feet didnt move - it was like he had blades on his feet & he was skating... He said, "I'm Bobby... its me & my wife & we have two kids....& ....I guess I'll talk to you later" - because at this point, he's about half way down the drive from sliding... I was cracking up!  I hope I didnt offend him when he finally fell on his butt that I busted out laughing... Welcome Neighbor!!

I'm getting all kinds of email for "last minute shoppers"... I take offense to that... I prefer to be known as someone who puts so much thought into a gift that it takes me awhile to figure it out...

Pillow Pets are not easy to wrap...


I love Conan O'Brien... I DVR it every night.  Did you all see the night he wore "Jeggings" .... I dont think I've seen anything funnier in my LIFE...I now know what I'm getting Ricky for Christmas

I hate "The Sing Off" is already over with on Monday.  I know its a "Holiday - seasonal" kinda show, but they really need to see that its the best singing show there is & have a real competition, ala "American Idol"... I still really love "Committed" but I have to say, the Nashville Boys of  "Street Corner Symphony" have really swayed me.  That leader singer is a-maz-ing!!!  They make me smile, especially when they attempt to dance, because you see the Southern Country Boys come out... no dancing rhythm at all!!! But who cares when they have voices like that!!!

Which leads me to the SPAT OF THE WEEK:  So Ricky was hearing me talk about the show & started watching it about the 3rd week in.  I was trying to tell him how good "Committed" was... so when they come on, Ricky was like "uh....blah" ... I was like "are you crazy?" - & then we got into an argument on how if I didnt tell him how amazing I thought they were, he would probably have liked them - but because I told him they were good, then he already decided he wouldnt like them as much.  I'm telling you - we had a blow out argument for about 30 minutes over the groups on Sing Off... its the arguments that matter in a marriage that makes it stronger.... By the way, Ricky's favorite group is "Jerry Lawson & the Talk of the Town"

I just realized I havent seen anything but bits & parts of "Elf" this year ... I gotta sit down & watch the whole movie.  I still laugh till I have tears in my eyes at parts of that movie... the burping scene where he says "DID YOU HEAR THAT?" still gets me each & every time...I'm not a mature person...

Proof I'm not a mature person...our pastor Sunday kept talking about our "duties" to God & God's "duties" to us... everytime he said "duty" - I giggled... I cant help it... its all the years of working in the youth that when I hear that word, I have to respond by saying "He just said "Duty""... so our pastor said it for the 327th time & I just giggled - to myself - when I look across the room & see one of the youth kiddos laughing at me, laughing at "duty"... that's was all it took... we were both in hysterics.  Do you know how hard it is not to snort in laughter when you want to?  It's actually quite painful...It didnt help that we were in the front row....I told our Worship Minister that that is exactly why I work in the youth - his response was, "No, its why the youth put up with YOU" ... ahh - perspective...

Hope you all have great moments of snorting laughter this week!!!  Happy Friday!!!


  1. I love the ice story....Im sure your new neighbor understood while you were laughing. I would be laughing too....and ELF is my favorite Christmas movie. Sometimes I watch it in the spring and summer, just because it always makes me laugh.

  2. 1. That's what you get for laughing at Ricky, haha!!

    2. Your poor neighbor.

    3. You SO have got to get Ricky those Jeggings. He could totally pull it off, haha!!!!

    4. And if you get them for him, don't tell him I told you to get them.

    5. Seriously, don't tell him, he'll come hunt me down.

    6. I mean it. Don't!


  3. Dr. M & I have that same "discussion" - about how it's not until one of his friends recommends something that he'll check it out. A recommendation from his wife is just not good enough :)

    That Conan in the jeggings - I'm pretty sure I might have nightmares about it now :)

  4. LOL Rebecca - the kids and I do that at church, too.... look at each other and try not to giggle, and then first thing on the way to the car one of us will say.. "Hee hee, Pastor Mike said dooty!" Yep, mature :)

  5. OH my word! I can't imagine having to crawl up the lawn to your house!

    We bought this stuff called "ice melt" which looks like bean-bag stuffing (you know...those white little beads?). It does work pretty well and you can get it at most hardware stores.

    That or I like the idea of a ski lift! :)

  6. Oh you make me laugh! Love it all!

    I'm just picturing you clawing your way up your yard and then your neighbor sliding on down. hahahahaha! Hysterical!

    I've only watched The Sing Off once and I really liked it (it was the most recent one, there was nothing else on tv). I like Committed too.

    Kyle makes stupid remarks about I watch. It's really infuriating! I feel your pain!

    LOL at Duty. I bet the kids just adore you! How could they not?! =)

  7. oops I missed yesterdays post.. Sorry to hear about all of the sliding and the car... Plus you also.. Loved the neighbor story it was great.. I love the Sing off also and sad it will be over.. I love the back beats.. I think that is there name.. Have a great weekend..

  8. Okay, so you have to explain to me the "duty" thing. Because Dak and his BFF Brandon will say, "she (or he) said duty" in this really laid back voice every time they hear that word and then they BUST OUT laughing, and I've NEVER understood it. Please explain. Is it from a movie or something? And yes, I realize I'm old =)

    Meeting the new neighbor has its own perils apparently =) Oh man I hear ya sis, SAVE THE COAT!!! Because it is SO hard to find a good one!!

    Have a Blessed, Beautiful, and hopefully warm weekend,

  9. hee hee, he said "duty"... i did Jr. High group when we lived in chicago and that post made me chuckle!

    why do men do that? good grief... seriously?

    i had to take the wole family up the yard one year when our crazy steep driveway froze while we were at walmart. it was crazy!!! i really like this FF you posted!

  10. Oh I needed these laughs today. I totally would have laughed at duty.


  11. I can just picture your neighbor sliding on down, lol!

  12. I love elf too...and the cotton balls scene is probably my favorite.

    that conan picture made me laugh. we dont get it over here I dont think.

  13. Oh my. You HAVE to watch Elf. Who cares that it's a Christmas movie, I could watch that movie year round.

    And your duty story is so funny. I did something like that in Sunday School one week. Only, I was the only one trying to hold in the giggles. I feel for you! :)


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