8:01 - "For the first time, lets bring out all our new stars...." -Tom
8:03 - who dressed Brooke? She has one huge flower on her hip that is bigger then her whole body...
8:04 - "I'm Chelsea Kane... people know me from the Disney Channel"
8:05 - "As soon as I saw Mark, we had a connection" ... I would too... I love Mark!!!! I see a potential love connection between these two... how cute would that be? Mark with a Disney girl? Ahhh - I see blue birds flying around & deer walking through the studio ala Sleeping Beauty...
8:06 - Fox Trotting...Yep... Disney girl looks like a Disney Princess... we may have a winner here folks...
8:08 - "you're a young fresh couple & that was a young fresh routine..." - Len
8:15 - "How yoouuu dooinnnggg?..." - Wendy Williams "All of my life, I've been told - too much, too loud, too fast - so I think Dancing with the Stars is perfect for me"
8:16 - did she just really ask Tony Dovoloni what his name is? Has she never seen the show? Who doesnt know Tony?
8:17 - FIRST TEARS OF THE SEASON.... "Crying to me isnt weakness... its a relief of stress... its who I am"
8:18 - Cha Cha to "I'm every woman" ... oh wow... that really wasnt good
8:20 - "I saw fear in your eyes... you need to release the beast" - Carrie Ann
8:27 - "I dont do touch down dances because I cant really dance" - Hines Ward ... umm... does he know what this show is about?
8:28 - "I've got the hips, I've got the swivel, I've got the swag" - learning the Cha cha with long-legged Kym. Love her (sorry Auburnchick - I know how you feel about her)... I want her body though...
8:30... I ...see.... potential... (said in my best "Sixth Sense Voice")
8:31 - "Who knew under the helmet was all THAT... that was the most sparkly cha-cha ... your smile just lights up the whole stage" -Carrie Ann
"You carry on the tradition of football dancers who can dance" -Len
8:32 - FIRST BRUNO HIP SHAKING DANCE ... "stop it- you're scaring Len" -Tom
8:36 - "You just experienced your first Super Bowl Loss...." -Brooke ... nice job - let's pour some salt in a wound, or twist a knife in a heart for someone else.
8:37 - "I'm Petra Nemcov... I am a super model" ...
8:38 - "The first thing that went through my mind when I saw Petra was, "WOW, She's hot"" -Dmitry ... really? She's a super model... You expected her to look something OTHER then HOT? GO button up your shirt dude...
8:39 "... I've had my pelvis broken in 4 places... I was in a tsunami..."
8:40 - getting the news of the tsunami in Japan.... "Its so hard to dance knowing people are suffering... I want to dedicate this dance to everyone suffering in Japan & to everyone who has been impacted by this tragedy"
8:42 - on their Foxtrot... "The whole dance had a grace & elegance... I would like you to work on your posture." -Len
8:48 "... son of one of the most infamous ballroom dancers since Kenny Main... Master P" -Tom ... oh my - Master P made Kate Gosslin look like she could host her own ballroom dancing classes...
8:49 - "Hey - wad'up?" -Romeo ... "I'm here for redemption" - talking about his dad getting a 2 when he was in the competition (wowwwwww)
8:50 - "He's embarassed right now because he doesnt want to show his feminine side..he cant get past the part of not looking cool." -Chelsea
8:52 - "You did more dancing in 90 seconds then your dad did in 4 weeks" -Tom
8:53 - "you have sex appeal for days..." -Carrie Ann "You had missteps- but I see tons of potential here"
8:54 - Welcome back lady singer with the rhinestones in her hair & on her forehead...
9:00 - Jennifer Grey in the audience... Baby aint in the corner
9:01 - "I'm Sugar Ray Leonard... I'm a boxing legend" .... "Sugar Ray, I will "breeeakkkk" you into a dancer" - Anna said in the best Rocky's Draco Russian voice... it was kinda scary actually
9:04 - "You're obviously going to be a fan favorite.. you lit up the dance floor! You had moments where you reminded me of Ben Vereen... But POSTURE, POSTURE, POSTURE" -Carrie Ann ...
9:05 - "Can I call you Sugar ... its like "Some like it Hot"" - Bruno
9:07 - "I'm a reality star" - Kendra "I describe myself as a tomboy... but a sexy tomboy. I'm ready to take all my years of club dancing & turn it into elegant, ballroom dancing"
9:08 - "I'm glad I got partnered up with Louis... we both want to go balls to the walls" ... there's a comment you havent heard on the show before.
9:09 - "...maybe you should be a stripper" - Louis... "I was" -Kendra
9:10 - "This first cha cha is going to be HOT... not club hot... but CLASSY HOT" -Kendra ... maybe "classy hot" just involves keeping clothes on?
9:14 - there's Hef! And Kendra's grandma! I know this from "The Girls Next Door" :)
9:15 - "I love your spunk - that's hard choreography & you didnt miss a step.... but you have to work on your stops a little" - Carrie Ann
9:21 - "Wax on... wax off... remember that?" - Ralph Macchio
9:22 - "Ralph thought he had it bad with Mr. Miaggi... he hasnt seen nothing yet" - Karina ...
9:23 - ... wait - he's 49 years old? where did he found the fountain of youth at?
9:24 - dancing a fox trot to "Aint that a kick in the head"... how clever are these Dancing with the Star people?
9:25 - "I've got the feeling that you're a GREAT STONKING HIT" - Bruno (it really was pretty awesome)
"That was an amazing surprise" - Carrie Ann
"Best fox trot tonight" - Len
9:32 - "I'm Chris Jericho - I've held 29 championships in the WWE.. & now I'm ready to DOMINATE Dancing with the Stars" ... I have no clue who he is... I know nothing about wrestling...
9:33 - you cant even hear the promo package because women are screaming in the audience... wow...
9:35 - "It was like a Chippendale Cha cha" - Carrie Ann
Question: when did Kristie Alley get the title of "TV's most outrageous actress"? What has she done that so crazy? Seriously... I dont get this title they are giving her...Now say "outrageous" about Charlie Sheen or Lindsay Lohan, & I'm not even questioning it...
9:42 - "I'm Mike Catherwood & for those who know my voice, they know me as Psycho Mike"
9:43 - "Dancing is like walking... except not at all" - Mike "Before I came in here, I was wondering if there was a talented dancer inside of me... the answer is no"
9:44 - bad dancing aside - all I can see is Lacy's hair. Couldnt they have done something with those roots? That's not a good look for her...
9:45 - "Dancing is movement to music... you did move... there was music ... but there was little dance quality to it." - Len......"You looked like you were constipated" - Bruno
9:52 - Getting only score of 13... "13 isnt high, but its higher then my father Master P" - Mark
(OK - I want this guy to stay just because he's funny... I love funny)
9:53 - "I'm Kristie Alley & I'm best known for doing comedy.. like Look who's Talking, or Cheers" - (read undertone of "worked in the 1980's")
9:54 - "You watch the show, right?" -Maks... "Of course I watch the show! I'm like a Dancing with the Stars ho!" -Kristie
9:54 - I'm in total agreement with Maks - Kristie does NOT look like she's 60 yrs old!
9:55 - Dancing to "F You" ...funny...
9:56 - "Look who's dancing! I think we're just scratching the surface of what you can do. You're foot placement was the best of the night" - Bruno
"Are you "over 40"? You are WORKING it!" - Carrie Ann
9:59: "At the top are Ralph & Karina... Mike & Lacy are at the bottom"
We're off to a new season... lots of good dancers this year! I am excited about Kristie. I do love a gal who is funny & says what she thinks. I'm also excited to see Ralph do so well - but wonder what the Latin round is going to do for him. And the unknowns? Some good dancing going on!!!
What did you think? Did you feel funny seeing Hef in the audience ALONG with Kendra's husband? Did you love Carrie Ann's darker hair? Who was your favorite? Who are you rooting for?
Want to make an early call on who's going to win? .... I cant even make that call... that's how good this year is going to be... Bring it on!!!
Thanks for the shout-out, my friend. You know...it's four weeks until I start watching TV again. Kym will get kicked off before then. I'll start an anti-Kym fan club on Facebook. heehee
ReplyDeleteBTW, I did not stay up until 3am just to read this post. I actually could not sleep.
Thanks for the smile you put on my face at o'dark'thirty in the morning.
I missed it last night: watched the Lady Vols doin' their "thang", then The Event & Harry's Law. I'm going to have to go back and catch it on the 'net. But, I knew I could count on you to give me a synopsis!
ReplyDeleteYour DWTS wrap-up is downright AMAZING! Girl, I'm tellin' ya...you need your own show! Now, I am thinking that Chelsea Kane is going to be one who makes it to the end. I, also, love Hines Ward...what a cutie pie! That man can dance, too! I think he'll make it to the finals, as well. I was very surprised by how much rhythm Kirstie had...not too bad, at all.
ReplyDeleteYou're going to fall over....I actually watched it last night. Why? Because of Ralph Macchio. I love that guy, and feel really old because he's 49 and doesn't look a day over 40.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record, I thought that Kym looked like a horse with her fringe outfit. Just sayin'...
I’m strictly commenting as a supporter of the “Knit by God’s Hand” blog….. :) :)
ReplyDeletelooking forward to this season...i cannot belive my boyfriend Ralph Machio is SO old when i haven't aged a bit.
I'm glad you touched on Heff being in the audience with her husband - that was creepy :-O
ReplyDeleteTEAM MACCHIO!!!! ;)