Thursday, April 07, 2011

Call me Jessie Spano today...

I'm excited....

so excited...

almost feeling like Jessie Spano... minus the drugs & all the overachieving of studying...

(If you dont know what this is about, then you are not a "Saved by the Bell Fan" & you must look up this episode. 
Its out there... believe me... its a cult favorite...)

But within a few hours... guess where I am going...

to the airport!!!!

And you know if I'm excited, then its not because I'm getting on a plane ... (ohhh, I just got dizzy thinking about getting on a plane)

But 3 beautiful, awesome faces will be coming OFF the plane...

Julie & the grandbabies are coming in today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

For 10 whole days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just about ready to bust...

And I have a feeling we're going to have our hands full.  Luke is now crawling like a crazed-baby & taking many steps at once... Isaac is a 3 yr old, so you know that involves running to keep up with him... & I cant wait for every minute of it. 

Here's just an example of what we're in for... (Listen in the background, you can hear Isaac screaming "LUCAS") haha!!!

So in honor of Jessie Spano... I'M SO EXCITED... & I JUST CANT FIGHT IT


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My sister will be here in 5 days!!!
    I'm so excited for you!!!!

  2. This made me smile! I can feel your excitement!!! have an amazing time with your kiddos!!!

  3. I'm just as excited for you, I even have goosebumps! I know how much you love those babies, and I can't wait to see pictures of all that you do this next 10 days!

    Have fun!

  4. Enjoy your time!

    And in a few short hours, I too, am headed to the airport. But I will be getting on a plane and heading to a conference. Not as fun as being with the ones you love, but...

  5. That video was too cute. He was crawling everywhere! lol

    I very well remember that SBTB episode! Won't ever forget it either! LOL

    Can't wait to see some pics of the babies. I know you are bound to take a few :)

  6. So exciting :-) I hope you have so much fun with them!


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