Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Following in the footsteps...

When you run in a race, if you walk past the start line, you see the REAL RUNNERS...

I mean the ones who run this thing to WIN it...

I'm talking the ones who are running like their lives depend on it...

The ones who are nothing but a thin muscle with zero body fat...

& since that last statement just totally disqualified me (as the other statements did as well, but that last one seals the deal) - I venture behind these people... where the "normal" people are out to just live through the race... where the goal is to just FINISH... those are my peeps right there!

I saw a documentary about running marathons one time that talked about how cool it was though... for the "normal" people to actually still be in the same race as these elite runners.  This man even said,

"How amazing is it that we literally get to follow in these amazing athletes footprints...."

... & I always think of that now when I run in a race.  That even though they are WAAYYYYY ahead of me - the person who just WON the race just went the same path I am going...

I am stepping in the same places they have been...& although later (....much later....), I still cross that same finish line.

Then I was out running on my own last night... in the heat & humidity... & with new shorts that were a nightmare.  Seriously!  I posted on Daily Mile  yesterday that I coulda ripped them off & ran home in my underwear - that's how miserable they were...

Anyhoooo.... as I'm running, I'm thinking, there is no footsteps to follow here... its just me on this road.  No one to follow.  No path that was laid out ahead of me...

& then it was like a voice inside of my head just spoke to my heart...

It reminded me that there is ONE to ALWAYS follow... one who laid out a path we should ALL follow... to that awesome Finish Line where He will be waiting...

What a path to run... what footsteps to follow...

(I found this t-shirt... I may have to get this)

May my feet follow Jesus with every step I take... with every race in my life...

"...and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." -Hebrews 12:1-2


  1. Once upon a time when I ran for a brief period, when I thought I couldn't go any further, I would think of Jesus carrying the cross. That kept me going!

  2. This is SO good.

    You make me want to run.

  3. Amazing post... Love that you run..

  4. I'm literally reading this right now just having finish a run. LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Love this post!!!! I want to run now!:)

  6. Good stuff girl! That shirt is so cute and you need it!

  7. I'm sure you know how much this spoke to me today...you're just the BEST! :)

  8. Glad you liked my belly shots. That made me smile I was called wide and fat yesterday.. It made me feel sad. I think I look fine though..

  9. I don't run, but I can follow Jesus too! Isn't that awesome!!!!


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