Thursday, June 30, 2011

..where I left him...

I was going to post some engagement pictures, but didnt get home last night until late... & still waiting for Google Reader to update my account for more space... so I just wanted to share this little excerpt that I read... thought it was pretty good stuff... Happy Thursday everyone!!

I set out to look for God, figuring if he was out there, I would find him.  I would climb as high & for as long as it might take, having no idea how long & how grueling that journey would become.

What I found was a trail that waded through disappointment & lonliness.  I made wrong turns & met a few people who tried to discourage me.  But I was driven on by the memory of His being there - back before things broke - & encourage by those who helped me climb higher.  I learned many things about myself, some good, some not so good.  But I did find God, in the end....

....right where I had left him.

-Excerpt from Dont Let me Go by David Pierce

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The magic of editing...

I didnt really care for my Photoshop Elements when I first got it.  It was hard to learn... tricky... lots to take in.

But thanks to the power of books & videos & the internet, I am finally learning...

I was so blessed to take some engagement pictures of my friends this weekend... I'm going to post more pictures tomorrow - but I wanted to show you the power of editing...

Here is a picture before...

I was trying different angles of the cross behind them - did get a good one that I'll show you later - but didnt care for this because it looked like the cross was coming out of the top of her head...

But her face is just so cute... I love the way her hands are on his back too... so here is my after product

I turned it in cropping... played with the tones... making it look more "charming"... took out the cross - even took out the telephone pole in the background & cleaned up some of the landscape...

Isnt it amazing what edit tools can do?  .... I'm now a fan of Elements...

Stay tuned for more pictures of this beautiful pair....

Monday, June 27, 2011

Do we have super powers like the Green Lantern?

First it was Thor, then Xmen: First Class... now, its the Green Lantern...

Ricky is in his own little personal happy-super-hero world right now.

He has been more excited over Green Lantern then any of the movies.

So yesterday, he's ready to go - we met up with Lindsay & Ricky just kept telling me the whole time, "you're not going to get it"... how hard is it to get?  Its a guy who wears a ring?  Plus, its Ryan Reynolds... that right there is all I need to know.

Not to mention that Ricky "quizes" me on all things "super hero" all the time.  A cartoon on TV?  "Rebecca - who is that?  What is their super power?" ... its really kinda sad how much I DO know about super heroes since I met Ricky...

... but Ricky also now knows more about Steven Curtis Chapman then he thought he'd ever want to know as well... marriage is a trade off...

I will say though - I was pleasantly surprised with Green Lantern.  (Besides it just being Ryan Reynolds - as mentioned - & which didnt hurt)

I don't want to give anything away from the movie - but even in the trailer, you see where Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynold's character) says. "The one thing a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless."

& that's the basis of the whole movie... a creature that is growing & feeding on fear...

What an idea... what a scary monster!

Fear can do that.. become a scary monster.... in big forms & little forms. 

The monster even say, "I smell your fear growing...." Fear can do that... grow out of control.

As Christians - we are called not to fear.  Which is so hard to do... in HUGE things, & even the small things.  Fear of illness, fear for our family, fear of making finances, fear of being alone... big & small... fear can creep in.

But God calls us to be like these "Green Lanterns" - to have no fear... to beat back those monsters that want to take over...

When I left the theater - I felt like God was calling me & everyone else to have our own super powers... to tap into Him to get the power to battle fear... I wanted to lift up my hand like the Green Lanterns did ... well, I actually did lift my arm up like the in the theater... to which Ricky was like "Um... people are looking at you"... to which my response was "I SHALL FEAR NO EVIL..."

Ricky just shook his head at me & walked away with Lindsay like they didnt know me...

He better be lucky I didnt have something to make me a cape... I woulda ran down the aisle like a 10 yr old... that'll show him what embarassment REALLY is ....

If you get a chance, (& you wanna see Ryan Reynolds) & you wanna fun little super hero movie, check it out.  Raise your arm like me at the end...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 26

Sunday - June 19 - Snow Ball Fight in June? ... this was the most tiring game EVER... you take wads of paper & "ball" them up & its a snow ball fight.  Gotta see who has the most paper on which side at the end... Its like doing a triathalon at the end of this game... I think that game is actually where I pulled my thigh muscle.  Ricky reminded me I'm too old to play all the youth games... you dont want to know my respones to him on that...

Monday - June 20 - My Carpet Cleaner has seen better days.... with 4 dogs, I'm constantly cleaning my carpets.  Love how easy it is... but today, I dropped my bucket in it & it chipped a piece out. :( Ricky ended up duct taping it together... & it WORKED!  My momma always said duct tape would save the world.  At least it got my carpet clean.

Tuesday - June 22 - Look at me being healthy!!! .... Stopped & got some food at the grocery & as I pulled it out, I realized how much healtier I'm buying products.  Dr. Oz would be so proud of me.

Wednesday - June 22 - Youth hurts.... OK - maybe Ricky's right about Sunday... We played another game & this is what my hand looked like at the end... someone squeezed it so hard, I had a blood blister.  I felt like my hand got CRUNCHED... but I didnt give up... I'm in a game to win it :)

Thursday - June 23 - mmmmm Taco Salad  - Yes - this is the salad that made Ricky turn into a 3 yr old pouting because the lettuce was too green.  But it was the best salad I've ever made in my life... I'm not craving one again.

Friday - June 24 - Homemade goodness in the mail.... Julie sent Ricky this for Father's Day... homemade blackberry jam... that she even handpicked the blackberries... are you jealous?  You should be - its amazing!

Saturday - June 24 - Engagement Photo Shoot... I've been dying to take pictures of these two since they got engaged.  We finally met up - just in time for it to rain... but the sky cleared up - & God even gave us a full rainbow for a backdrop!  NO joke!!!!  I got the most amazing pictures of these two... & loved every minute of it... (if you want to see more, you can "like" my Facebook Page on the right)

Hope you've had some picture perfect moments this week...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea
Its Friday... man, this week has kinda flown for me.  I guess that's what a busy schedule does - makes the day fly right on past.  Well, we're gonna stop for a sec & enjoy Friday the best way we know how - which is taking time to Frag Away...

I've done gone & injured myself again running.  Not my knee this time - but my left inner thigh.  I was having problems the first few months I ever ran with my right inner thigh... I thought it was my quad - & it actually may be.  It's in the 45 degree angle of my quad into my inner thigh.  Hurts like a snicker!  But I'm not stopping - I'm still getting miles in my walking... & do you know what - last night, my pace walking was actually faster then some of my running days... what the heck?  One of my marathon training plans even has plans for running/walking alternating ... & it says that the time for a half marathon doing that is STILL shorter then what I do a normally do.  I think that may be the plan I go with for my next "half" that is coming up in the fall... easier on the body - still gets me going - & I actually may be FASTER!! Who knew?


Anyone watching "The Glee Project"?  ... lovin' it!!!!  I like seeing the behind the scenes stuff on how they do the vocals & produce the videos... fun stuff!  Check it out if you like Glee & are missing it during the summer.

We had 5 tornado touch down in Louisville Wednesday!  FIVE!  One actually hit Churchill Downs - the home of the Kentucky Derby - & tore up a barn.  I have to laugh because you can tell we're in Kentucky because everyone always says, "no horses or people were hurt"... the "horses" are always first... we are afterall Horse Country!

I've also noticed a lot of people say "tornado" like "Tor-nat-a"

My eyes are still killing me.  When I got done going for my walk yesterday outside, I thought I was going to loose my plum-pickin-mind because they burned & itched so bad.  I think I'm going to be heading to an opthamologist soon... or I'm going to scratch my own eye balls out of my head... whichever one comes first.


I am officially addicted to Pinterest.  I think I could sit & look at things on there for DAYYYYSSSS...  I love actually using it to store picture that inspire me for future photo shoots... what's the internet for if its not to steal others ideas? ... you can find me here:

Y'all know I'm a big fan of Words with Friends... so I just downloaded Hanging with Friends... I have no idea what it is or how to play but someone suggested it to me... so my name is rebeccajo777 if you want to show me how this game works.


Notice no pictures in this post?  Because now, I'm all leery about posting too many pictures.  My Blogger picture file in Picasa is full... Yep - I've taken up all the room I can.  So I actually know I have to purchase some space for the future because I'm not going to do the rest of my blogs without pictures... hello? I love my camera too much... Not to mention Project 365.  The fee for one year memory isnt bad - like $5.00 or something - but now I'm worried about when I have to step it up - some of those packages are like $249.99 a year... that's when this blog will be moving to another site... until then - I'm good... but more aware.

I HAVE CHICKEN ARMS!!!....(wait.. do Chickens have arms?)....Yesterday at work, I had to go up in our attic & mark boxes that were ok to shred.  That meant moving LOTS of boxes.  I woke up this morning with my biceps screaming at me.  Note to self:  on "cross training" days of the marathon training, work the arms... that's pitiful... I've just never had any upper body strength.  Remember that day in gym where we had to do the National Physical Test & it involved some sorta chin-up contraption & how long you could hold yourself up for?  I never made it past 0.02 seconds... seriously... I have a new physical goal now... build up to 100 push ups.  I'm gonna show that chin up bar... 30 years later maybe, but I'm gonna show it!!!

Spat of the week:  Lettuce... I made the MOST AMAZING Taco salad last night - wait, you'll see pictures of it in my Project 365 in a few days.  But I went & got some beautiful green lettuces.  Romaine, leafy green stuff, with spinach... some good nutrition stuff!  They say the "greener" - the more healthy.  Well, I was washing it all up & chopping it up when I see the face of a 3 yr old boy pouting... oh, excuse me, I meant my husband.  "What is that?" he asked... ummm... lettuce?  To which he told me that isnt lettuce... its TOO green.  He likes the plain iceberg lettuce.  I had to give him grief about how better this way for him - & its not like it tastes like green snot!  Come on!  So during the whole dinner, I saw him pushing it out to the corners of his plate & then he said, "See?  look at this empty center - I've ate it"... really?  because I've never used that trick when I was little with peas? He did end up eating more of it - very dramatically to show me he was indeed eating it... this is what I deal with for trying to make our food more nutritious.  I bet Paula Dean doesnt have to deal with problems like that...

Hope you all have a FABULOUS FRIDAY!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Father's Day 2011.... Onion Pickin'

proSo while we were waiting to eat dinner, I had to take a picture of this toothless face... How cute is this?  Especially because Madi is the "shy twin" - she doesnt want a lot of attention, she's not the one jumping in front of the camera (helllo to her sister Sophia... who I taught well).  So I just cherish this picture of Madi... Look at those blue eyes...

Dad wanted to head out into the garden & pick some onions... Madi is all about getting in the garden with her Papaw.  Madi actually helped plant the onions so she really loves to see how it all grows...

I love this picture because of her hand... look at it on her Papaw's leg keeping her balanced.  Isnt that precious?

Still picking....

And picking means its also time to play in the mud.... Sophia was too "grossed out" to get in the mud so she went back inside... Madi?  She was in her own happy little world....

Finding the perfect ones to hand to her Papaw....

Getting the OK from Papaw if its a good onion or not...

Time to clean 'em all up... & get the mud hosed off those feet...

Sophia came out for the washing off... & here she is, doing what I mentioned earlier - ready to jump in for a camera shot.  Actually, she was telling me a story & I took the picture & she just stopped & sighed & said, "you are ALWAYS snapping pictures... you ALWAYS do that to me"... well, with a face like that, how can I not?

After all that hard work, the twins wanted to give their Papaw some pampered attention.  Madi likes to do the hair.  She had him wet it & she figured up different styles that she wanted to give him.  Sophia gave him a massage... she actually does a really good job & you can see her hands here working. 

It was funny because Madi said she needed to let the roller "set" for awhile & she went off to play... can I tell you, we were having a conversation with dad when all mom said, "Tom, I cant hardly look at you & have a conversation with that roller in your hair"... Madi told him it was time to take it out & he had this huge curl in the front of his hair... it was the best... Madi has a calling in the Hair Styling.

It was a great day spending it together for Father's Day...

Love you dad!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have no pipe dreams... I have a realistic view of most things in this world...

When it comes to running, I also have realistic views, because I know without a shadow of a doubt, I will never win a race.  I just started running at the age of 37.  I am still slow.  I am never going to have that lean, muscular body that runners have. I'm always going to be panting for what seems like my last breath as I cross a finish line... & I'm OK with that.

BUT... (there's always a but)... I do go to the starting line with 2 goals.

1. Make it across the finish line alive.  (not too much to ask, is it?)
2. Dont be last!!!!

The first race I ever ran, a half marathon... (you've heard me say it before - one of the dumbest things I've ever done)...I was in the last group of people to cross the finish line.  I went into that race so unprepared for what 13.1 miles looks like... or FEELS like!  When I got home, after limping, crying & moaning into the house, I pulled up the results & there was my name... on the LAST page.  And out of 15,000 runners, I was like the 14,789th person to come across!  Seriously! 

I was proud that my first rule of staying alive worked... even though I wasnt sure I felt like I wanted to live in that pain.  But wow.. this is where rule #2 comes in play because I never want to see my name at the bottom of the list again.

We just dont like to lose... its not in us...we like to win those metals - those trophies - we just like to be known as "winners"... even if its in something as simple as "rock, paper, scissors"... believe me, Ricky & I will battle for HOURS on who the winner is...

But Jesus tells his disciples:

"So you want first place?  Then take the last place
 Be the servant of all"
-Mark 9:35

Wait - WHAT?  Jesus wants us to take last place?  Yep... sure enough...

Not that he wants everyone to stop running in a race & let everyone pass.  Can you even imagine if 15,000 people waited until everyone was together & then was like "you go"... "no, you go first"... "no really - you go" - that would be a nightmare.

But Jesus does remind us to look at others & remember that we arent the BEST... others are just as important as us - if not MORE so! 

We live in such a world where others look down on people for so many petty reason.  Jesus reminds us that we need to look at others in such a higher esteem... they are children of God.  Let's look at them as being better then us... let's get some humility in our lives.

Afterall, Jesus put us above himself... even to the point of dying for us...

So next race I run in, I need to put that verse on my shirt & remind everyone to let me pass...think it'll work?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This could save my life...

So I like to run...

& I know it bothers Ricky & my parents the idea of me being out on the road sometimes.

What if something happens?  What if I get hit by a car?  What if I clonk over with a a heart attack?  Well - I'll probably be dead... but on the off chance I dont die, this little thing could save my life...

My Road ID bracelet!

Shut up... I know I'm turning 40 this year..

I'm in love with this idea.

They have all kinds of options to buy - material bands, the kind I have which is like the LiveStrong bracelets, that also come in different colors, & even little metal pieces you can just put on your shoes if you want. 

I'm not being compensated in any way to talk about this - I just think its a fabulous idea.  If you're an athlete or even if you're not!

You just put what info you want on it - which mine has my name & they recommend you put the year you were born so the hospital can tell how old you are.  An emergency contact number - which I put two... & any allergies.  I finished mine off with a little bit of Jesus :)  Who doesnt love a little bit of Jesus.  I put a scripture verse that I love that reminds me to PRESS ON!!!

This bracelet was $15.95 - so affordable for something that could seriously potentially save your life.  If you are out on the road doing anything - biking, running, walking... even swimming - please think about getting one. 

... & for anyone that may find me laying in the middle of a road?  Please call 911 FIRST - & then the other numbers :) 

Monday, June 20, 2011

The NON Father's Day post...

My plan for the day?  To come home & pull up the pictures I took at my parent's house for Father's Day, edit them up & show you some major cuteness in a Father's Day post...

So you're asking why this is called the "NON Father's Day Post?... Bwwaaahhhhhh.... (that's my Lucielle Ball cry... I am after all a red head)

I went to put my SD Card in my computer & nothing... put the card back in my camera & there's nothing...

NOTHING everyone...

Dont let this fool ya - its from Mother's Day... At least its something - right?

I literally sat with my jaw dropped....

Then it hits me.  My dad wanted to see if the pictures would download on his computer because his tower has a card reader.  I put it in, the pictures downloaded & ta-da... he got to see the pictures before I edited them up.  There were some great ones too... I had so many of Madi - which is so amazingly rare as she's the shy one of the family.  But I had great pictures of her & dad in the garden picking onions & playing in the mud...

...& before you ask - no - dad cant find them on his computer now either... he did have a few, but all the garden, outside shots are just POOF! gone...

But I guarantee, his computer is set that once the pictures are downloaded, it will automatically clear out the card.  I had to change the settings on my own computer so it wouldn't do that even on my end. I never like to clear out a card until I have edited everything & saved it in like 3 places.  I never even thought about it when I was putting the card in his computer.

Dang it....

There were moments that were just real... can't re-do moments like that...

Even great pictures of my dad with a roller in his hair while the twins played "hair dresser"... now THAT's a good grandfather...

I've heard of photo tragedies that happen... I guess this is a live & learn experience...

... I hate learning new lessons in life...

At least dad's birthday is in a month...

NOTE!!! .... I post this & then 15 minutes later, my dad calls & FOUND THE PICTURES!!! WHOO HOOOO - he's emailing them to me to edit.  See?  I just needed to post this. It solved all my problems. Tomorrow, I'll be posting about not finding a million dollars & see if that works again! :) 


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 25

Sunday - June 12 - Happy Birthday Emily ... My friend Joe & Erica's little girl, Emily just celebrated her 2nd birthday.  You've seen this little Princess' face on my blog before.  And stop over & visit Erica's site to learn more about Emily.  But I got to tote my camera along & take some pictures of this birthday girl.  She's really doing well with her Infantile Spasm (IS) lately after the last round of steroid treatment.  So we're praying the good keeps continuing... keep it up Emily!  Such a litle fighter.

Monday - June 13 - Dud Doctor Appt ... if you seen my post from Monday... what a waste of time... but I'll always take pictures of my wastes of times :)

Tuesday - June 14- OUCH!!! ... a coworker will bring his dog up to work usually once a week.  We call him our work mascot.  He's a cocker spaniel & is adorable.  Loves the attention.  He ran into my office when he got there & I noticed something was wrong with his leg.  Looked down & saw the word OUCH!  Poor baby got his leg caught in the door when someone came home one day & his "daddy" bandaged it up & took care of it - even adding the word "ouch" - how funny is that!

Wednesday - June 15- Getting the plan laid... Got some big races coming up in the fall & I am taking the training schedule in my book Marathoning for Mortals & going to use it.  To do that, I have to find when the weeks before is - August 8th is the day of the offical start of training.  I'm excited seeing it all laid out - a plan.  Planning on having my best half marathon YET!

Thursday - June 14 - Running in Humidity is HARD!!! .... Yeah - I think I prefer the cold winter air to run in.  I've got my new running gear shorts & wicking sweat shirts - so I look all fresh before I head out.  Then I get on that road... & come home looking a sweaty mess.  You cant really see - but my head is dripping sweat.  My knees sweat the most (how weird is that)... its some rough going.

Friday - June 17 - Jimmy Johns ... for the 4th time!!!! ... I was a little addicted this week for lunch.  It was nice out during lunch time so I like to get out & enjoy fresh air when I can.  And I didnt want any real "fast food" places, so I heade to Jimmy Johns each & every time.  Between the bread and the chips, I'm in love with that place.  Can I get a whole bag to buy of those Thinny Chips?

Saturday - June 15 - Can drink on it forever... I met up with some of the youth team to hang out.  We met at a coffee shop & then headed to the movies.  I got to see X-Men for the 2nd time... I love it that much so I didnt mind at all.  Magneto? Professor X ...purr.... I love the clothes of the time period.  Very cool.  But I got a Diet Coke to take in. & while I have to cough every time I pay $5.00 for a medium - yes MEDIUM - drink - I took it home & drank on it for the whole evening.  You should get your money's worth out of a $5.00 Diet Coke.

Hope you've all had photo memory moments in your life this past week...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

ALRIGHT!! My blog is back!!!  All pretty in pink!!!  No more UBS (Ugly Blog Syndrome) as my friend Mark said.  Let the pretty blogging commence.... Let's FRAG to celebrate!!!!!


This weekend, with our air finally fixed, I'm going to tackle cleaning my closet.  Officially put up the winter wear... I hadnt really did the "closet switch" yet because when I do, I like to go through all the clothes, try them on, see how they fit, & then decide if they go in the donate or keep pile.  If you know anything about trying on clothes for 3 hours, you know its very much the same energy that you put into running a full marathon.  It involves sweat, high heart rate & sore muscles at the end.  Something I wouldnt dare do without air conditioning.  But Ricky has to work tomorrow so it's perfect timing to tear up the bedroom full of a clothes... like a fashion bomb has gone off in my room.  Wish me luck.

I actually felt bad for Anthony Weiner yesterday during his resignation.  To have people "whoop & hollar" while you talk about leaving.. that's gotta be hard - no matter who you are. 

I am obsessed with running shorts lately.  Never really thought there was a difference in just plain shorts & running shorts.  Except there is a HUGE difference.  Running shorts are made to keep sweat away from  you - & they are designed, when done RIGHT, not to do that funny "ride up between the thigh" thing.  How miserable is that?  I've gotten a pair of Nike running shorts & a few pairs from Target that I actually like... & now, I just keep looking for more running shorts.  I love they even come with small pockets inside for a key - or even an ipod holder!  DO WHAT?... the thing I'm not sure about though - why they have those little "underwear" things built into them.  Maybe that's what keeps them from riding up?  Maybe because some of them are so short that they want to make sure there are no Brittany Spear moments of anything showing?

Anyone watching "The Voice"?  Its funny because I have one favorite from each team so I'm anxious to see how this will play out.  I am loving all the "coaches" but have to laugh at Adam Lavine & his comments.  And who knew Cee Lo was just the coolest thing ever?  When his team did "Everyday People" & he was in that afro... I loved it! 

Speaking of Afros... There is a 10k that is coming up that is called "Disco at the Downs" & at the finish line is a disco band.  The runneres are encouraged to dress in "disco garb" ... any ideas?  I had some funny & great ideas from people on twitter.  But what is good to run in but still SCREAM disco?  Its going to be in July so cant wear an afro wig.  Holding the heat in while running?  I'd rather not die for disco... not worth it...
Is every superhero fan in heaven right now?  Thor - Xmen - The Green Lantern!! All in theaters right now!  I know Ricky is drooling over it... he even wore a Marvel T-shirt to work today in honor of this 'perfect storm' of Super Hero craze! ... Just give me Wolverine all day, every day! 

Speaking of Wolverine... can Hugh Jackman & Neil Patrick Harris please host every event that happens?

SPAT OF THE WEEK:  Closet organizers .... I read up on my organizing blogs - get the ideas & try to implement them the best I can.  I ended up buying little baskets for Ricky's bathroom closet.  One for his tooth pastes & tooth brushes (which he will buy & OPEN a new tube of tooth paste, oh... just because) - one for his deodarants (which he will buy & open a new stick, oh... just because) - one for his razors (which he will buy & open a new package, oh... just because) - one for his colognes (which he will buy... you get the point!!)  So I have to go in every week & put everything in its basket because when he pulls things out, he'll just stick them all on the the top shelf where the towels are.  Seriously!  Everything is balanced in front of the towels while these baskets are just sitting there.  How hard can it be to use your product & put it back?  I told him I'm not going to keep it organized anymore.  Which he tells me that's fine because he doesnt like the baskets anyways.... these are the issues that can try a marriage.

Laugh of the Day!! ... I love it involves my favorites:  Jesus - Diet Coke - & a witty Scripture "in your face" comeback! :)

Hope you all have a FABULOUS FRIDAY!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My blog is ugly :(

So I get on my blog yesterday morning ... only to see all this Photobucket stuff...

what the heck?

I went to my blog designer's site & she also is having the same problem.

I clicked on some other blogs that she has done & seeing the same issue...

... sigh...

She told me she's working on it... but I hate ugly... & this is ugly

It looks like I'm a walking advertisement for Photobucket right now.  Hello Photobucket!  Want to give me some free prints?

If its not fixed by today, I think I'm going to try & find a different background/design.  Anyone know anyone that can design something quick for me?  Any thoughts on good sites for some backgrounds or designs?

Sorry for the look everyone... believe me - its bumming me out...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deeper Still...

So I tried to think of a way to even put Saturday into words with Priscilla & Beth Moore. (I cant ever just call her Beth... I gotta say "Beth Moore"... anyone else?)

It was so overwhelming - they way they delivered their messages...  so relatable - so encouraging - so full of hope.

I couldnt even do it justice.  I have pages & pages of notes but to write them down on here wouldnt give the speakers or the message the respect they deserve.  Its what makes weekends, or retreats, so special.  They have to be almost "experienced" to really feel the message that God delivers to each & every heart.  Because I guarantee you, what I took away from the weekend isn't what the person sitting next to me took away.  Isnt God so cool how He works like that?  Hello Holy Spirit!!! :)

I will say - Beth Moore's (see? Not just Beth) message was on how the God is walking through every generation & how we need to stick together, learning from each generation ourself.  She used the example of Timothy & his mother & grandmother, Eunice & Lois as examples.  The first generation was the "Timothy" generation that she ranged from 19-39... can I tell you, I was so happy to stand up with that crowd.  All those youngesters!  I am still 39... will be for 7 more months... so I was a little giddy about that.  It's the small things that makes someone happy, right?

But for each generation, she would have everyone stand & the other generations would reach out & repeat a blessing over them.  It was just so powerful.

... for the oldest generation (the Lois') - a blessing of respect & the wisdom that we see in them.  That they are still desired because of what they offer to everyone.
... for the middle generation (Eunice... that I'm nearing) - a blessing of knowing you are making it.  There is coming a time where you have victory in your life, surviving some of the hard times of "growing up"
... for the youngest generation (Timothy.. .did I tell you I'M in that generation still?) - a blessing of hope for the future - of knowing there are people ahead of you who are willing to help you along the path with wisdom that has been experienced.

And every generation was ended with 3 words... YOU GO GIRL!!!!!  ...

Then Beth Moore had everyone stand up & stand shoulder to shoulder... showing how the generations will stand together for God - because God is IN every generation until the end of time.  It was just the coolest way to unite sisters in Christ...

I know this was the last stop for the "Deeper Still" conference but I know it wont be the last stop for these women - so if you get a chance to experience a weekend with them - DO IT!!!!

Here is a video of a recap of our weekend in Louisville.  I'm disappointed the camera man didnt get a picture of me knitting... afterall, who else brought knitting with them in there?  I'm an original!

Notice in the video, Liz Curtis Higgs in the pictures too... she was there, as well as many of the women I so admire:  Kelly Minter, Angie Smith, Angela Thomas, Tammie Head... how cool is that?... & enjoy this song that is playing.  Travis Cotrell taught it to us & it was the theme of the weekend.  I'm in love with it...

One thing Kay Arthur said that I wrote down & I did love, she said, "I will continue to learn about my God - going Deeper Still, until the day He calls me home"

... may that be all of our prayers...

Deeper Still Louisville KY from David Lowe on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oprah's fault I had to go to the doctor...

Y'all know I hate the doctor.  I mean, I really really REALLY dont like the doctor.  Everyone yells at me to go to the doctor when I have my normal ear infections, or sinus infections & fevers of 110 degrees... but I wont go... because I just dont care for doctors. 

I'd go if it were Doctor Oz just so I can put on some purple gloves while I'm waiting... or if it were Dr. Drew, just because I think he's cute...I'm not addicted to anything though.  Except maybe my Diet Coke. 

...but I had to go to the doctor yesterday...

for 2 reasons... first, my eye has been bothering me for awhile.  Its gritty feeling - hurts in the corner of my eye like a sty is coming up, but its not - my eye lid swells & gets a little droopy - it waters like a faucet... just finally getting on my nerves after weeks of irriating me.

second - & this is just a small thing - I feel like I cant breath... who needs to breath, right?  I just feel like in my upper chest, there is so much pressure that I can't inhale.  I can... I even force myself too... it just feels like I cant.  I even have kept running feeling this way & am perfectly fine - but its just bothersome, to say the least.  So I wanted to make sure that was OK since I have all these races ahead of me & my running training is only going to get more serious starting in July.

So I sit in the doctor's office - he enters.  He asks me what is wrong & while I'm telling him about my eye, he is literally listening to me breath on the back of my lungs.  Hello?  My eye is up in the front - not back there.... The doctor (who I've gone to since I was 16 yrs old) just says, I'm going to send you for an EKG on your heart.  So I saw him for literally - no joke - less then a minute before being moved to the lab area.

...EKG... blood drawn... back to the waiting room...

Back to the office & the doctor comes in.  He hands me allergy drops for my eyes (which remember, he hasnt even LOOKED in my eyes the whole time) & tells me to try this & if they dont help, call & he'll send me to an opthamologist.... & then he hands me my file to leave...

I just look at him & said, 'what about my breathing".... He seriously goes, "OHHHHHH, yeah"....

People - can you see why I'd rather take my chance with an arm hanging off then go to the doctor?

So he says he doesn't hear any wheezing in my lungs (which I told him I dont have) - & he said my EKG came back looking great.  The only thing is my anemia has gotten more severe.  He said when it gets that low that its hard for the oxygen in the blood to get around & it can actually cause shortness of breath & he thinks that's causing it.  Told me to just keep an eye on it - if it stays bad, he'll send me to a hemotologist & talk about infusions.  (INFUSIONS?!?!... no thank you)  And then he sends me on my way.

So I really left knowing nothing more then I did before... except he wants to send me to two more doctors... which only makes me want to jump off a bridge. 

Driving home though, I thought about my anemia getting worse.  Then I thought of something ... I havent had any red meat at all since Janaury.  And I can thank Oprah for that one.  I've never been a big red-meat fan anyways... & I gave up pork sometime last year after I loved on a momma pig at the State Fair.  (ohhh, her beautiful eyes!!!). 

But Oprah did her show on being vegan & they showed Lisa Ling going to a meat factory & how they process beef.  

(That was Lisa's reaction watching the slaughter... you shoulda seen MINE at home watching this show!)

OH HECK NO... I seriously sat there with my jaw dropped & tears in my eyes... & then got a little sick.  I just never really THOUGHT about the process.  But I'll never forget that sound of the machine that goes through their head to kill them... since that day, I have not had one bit of red meat.  I have only since ate chicken & am even weaning down from that.  If I ever saw how they process chickens, I'd probably instantly give that up as well.  If I have any meat at all during a week, it may be like once a week.... but protein is a big part of anemia... & now I'm probably not getting much of it at all.

So I headed to the grocery last night to get more spinach for some smoothies... going to try & add more greens which is good for the bloodAlso going to try & drink more of my protein powder... going to get more nuts in my diet as well.  See if all that helps me breath...

My doctor's bill that is going to come in the mail?  I'm going to send it to Oprah... see if she'll pay it for me... or at least send Dr. Oz my way....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 24

Sunday - June 5 - Socks are VICIOUS in youth group!!! ... we played a new game in the youth group that the kiddos LOVED!  And left everyone with carpet burned knees, some bruises & some battle scars.  That's how the youth roll!  The goal?  Get the socks off everyone & be the last one with a sock on.  You cant stand & you cant leave the boundaries.  It is hilarious to watch, & fun to play... this game is going to be a youth classic - I can tell.

Monday - June 6 - Ahhh - sweet relief!!! ... Our Air conditioning got fixed yesterday.  Coming home from work, for the first time, felt like heaven.  No more 97 degree kitchens.  And the dogs were finally relaxed & not panting like they had ran 20 miles.  Doesnt Buffy's face just scream "ahhh"?

Tuesday - June 7 - Red Day... I didnt even plan on this, but I looked down & noticed my red nails matched my shirt for the day... add in my red hair & I felt like I was a big bunch of RED for the day...

Wednesday - June 8 - Sweet Treats ... I was up to lead the youth for the night & decided to stop & pick up some sweet treats for the kiddos.  I'll admit, I'm not a "nerds" fan, but know the kids like them... but the Tootsie Pops are all for me... I can keep one of those in my mouth at all times.  Orange?  Yes please.

Thursday - June 9 - My latest obsession.... I love almonds anyways.  Especially the ones with Sea Salt.  But now, they are selling them in individual packages with fun flavors.  This one?  Smokehouse?  Its a little on the side of INCREDIBLE!!!  They have one flavor that is Jalepeno & Lime that I'm afraid to try... but I think I gotta give it a go...

Friday - June 10 - Beth Moore Weekend... if you see my previous posts, the first night didnt hit me quite right (the next day was AWESOME!)... but it was all still wonderful because it had me flipping in my Bible for two days.  Finding new things in the Bible after all the years of reading it always makes me so excited... so much to learn... so much to see in different ways.... The Word is alive...

Saturday - June 11 - Where does the time go? ... after I left the Beth Moore conference, I headed over to one of the youth kiddo's high school graduation party.  This young lady was in my youth class as a middle school student & here she is graduating... You just make some really good connections with some kids - you pray for them - you watch them grow & you care for them & their life... I'm excited to see where God leads this life, because its a pretty special one!  Love ya Britt!  You are going to do amazing things!!!!

Hope your weeks have had some picture perfect moments...