Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beth Moore - Day Two.... now THAT's what I'm talking about!!!!

Two posts on a Saturday?!?!?  Well, I didnt want to leave anyone hanging about my thoughts from Day 2 of the Beth Moore conference...

In just a word - today's conference?  AWESOME!!!!!!

Yes - Beth Moore said it all when she said, "we are obviously all different teachers"... & they were.

Today started off with Priscilla Shirer... who my friend, Dawn had us do a Bible Study on Jonah by Priscilla - so I already knew this lady was full of amazing wisdom.  Well, her stage presence even made me like her even more!  I'm telling you - I want this girl for my best friend!!!!  And guess what - she talked about God's mercy & grace that can move us to walk in FREEDOM!  What a different message... It was incredible!! Her main point in her message was on "resting on the Sabbath" - & it was a message I had never heard on that subject.  It was so well spoken - so Biblically deep & so thoughful. It was honestly the best message I have ever heard on that command from God.
I wrote so much today about the message from both Priscilla & from Beth that I know I'll be talking about throughout the week - so I wont go in much detail here - just know today more, I'm talking MORE, then made up for my frustration last night...

I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the subject as well...

But then, Beth Moore... my goodness... is she just adorable?  And so funny!!  And such an amazing teacher in a relatable way.  She talked about how we, living in different generations, how we have a responsibility to each other... & how God is with us ALL through all the generations.  It was just incredible - all of her words - her teaching... the scriptures - the response - the humor - the way of teaching. 

...& I appreciated her so much because she repeatedly talked of how God rescued her - how Jesus chased her & rescued her with mercy... There's the hope of Jesus right there!!!

We left that place knowing we are Sister in Christ... & so full of the Word of God...

So while yesterday's teaching may not have been for me, & yes, as someone said in my comments earlier, maybe it WAS what someone needed in that building, but today, God was speaking to my heart.  I cant wait to share some fun, interesting, heart felt things I learned today...

I know I will most definitely check out Priscilla & Beth anytime they come around again...

I also know Ricky will want me to talk about it with y'all because I've been ranting 100 words a minute it seems about today to him... & I think he's at the point where he's just ready to tell me to Shut up... :)

Happy Saturday everyone!!! 


  1. Hey girl,
    So glad that you had a better day today. Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer are such amazing women of God. I have heard some really good things about Kay Arthur, but personally do not know a lot about her, since I have never sat under her teaching or did one of her studies.

    I just started a study this week by Tammie Head, "Duty or Delight", and so far it is AMAZING!!

    I look forward to hearing more from you about your weekend.

    Have a Blessed Sabbath friend,

  2. I think you should blog about it and then read the blog post to Ricky ;-)


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