Sunday, June 05, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 23

If you've seen yesterday's post, you know this wasnt the best week of the year for our family...

Sunday - May 29 - ...Waiting... we got a phone call saying that Papaw wasnt going to hold on much longer, so we went up & surrounded his bed.  Needless to say, that little fighter just kept on hanging in there - through the evening & through the night... I've always said it about him - He is one of the strongest men I've ever known.... this picture is what we saw everytime we got off the elevator at the hospital. 

Monday - May 30 - Memorial Day seemed appropriate .... got the phone call right before 2:00 pm ... Papaw left this world.  And in "strong" fashion, they said his heart kept beating even after he passed away.  That's how strong his heart was - that the muscle kept contracting... stupid fall down the steps!  UGH!!!!  So messed up.... I couldnt even take a picture of anything else but the date on the calendar. 

Tuesday - May 31 - Think I'm joking? ... Yep - air conditioning is still out & it was like close to "HELL" in my kitchen.  This isnt even playing around. This is some awful, miserable, sweating mess in my home.

Wednesday - June 1 - Needed this surprise... I was getting things caught up in my office knowing I was going to be out the next 2 days & in the back of my drawer, look what I found!!!!!  It was a gift from an angel... had to be!  Sure hope this was from this PAST Easter & not a few years past.  Either way, it was yummy.

Thursday - June 2 - Got your night goggles for the funeral?.... Today was the visitation for Paps... & my uncle caught this little boo-boo in the "Memory Card" with the info about Papaw... see it?  It has down that the funeral is at 1:00 AM!!! My uncle went & asked them if they'd hand out flash lights to wear on the head at that time? :)

Friday - June 3 - Funeral.... Enough said... Ricky didnt even know I snapped this picture at the funeral service at the cemetery.  I think his expression says it all...

Saturday - June 4 - My house smells like the funeral home .... these beautiful flowers are what was sent from my friends & they have brightened my home & made it smell so "floral-y" ... with this heat & no AC, I'm giving then 24 hours before they wilt.  I'm trying to keep fresh water in the vases to make them last longer...

...Keep Clickin'...


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry about your Papaw. It's so hard.
    That photo of Ricky is sweet, sad, tragic, and beautiful all at the same time. :(

    I'm hoping (along with you) that the Cadbury egg was purchased more recently than a few years back. LOL!

    And, girl, I can't imagine what you are going through in your home!!! I'm hoping that by now your AC is fixed. Because THAT is messed up!

  2. I'm so sorry this has been such a tough week for you my friend.

    Your pictures are just beautiful!! Those flowers are gorgeous!!!

    97 degrees?!! EEK..... tell me your NOT turning your oven on. It would be salad only around here =)

    Love you sweet friend ~~ Dawn

  3. I can't believe it's 97 degrees there...even more that you don't have air! Ours is acting up...again. We just had it fixed last month; or we thought it did, anyway!
    Sweet pictures this week. Praying for your family.

  4. Sorry about your papaw. Your post in rememberance of him was beautiful.

    97 degrees? Weren't you in that section of the country that couldn't get rid of the snow and now you have the blazin' hot? How is that? We've been bombarded with rain again and it's like in the 50's and 60's.

  5. Egg--yay!

    One a.m.--duh!

    A fall down the stairs? It might, other than dying in his sleep, be the way he would have chosen to die. I just know each time I pictured him during his hospice time, I pictured Jesus right there with him, talking with him, reflecting with him. His soul was ready to go...

    Hugs my far away knitting friend.

  6. praying for you as your grieve the loss of your Papaw. I so loved the tribute you did to him!

    cadbury eggs.....yuck! I don't like them even if they are fresh!!!

    oh my word, our a/c went out last year so I can relate. One word..hotel. I hope it is fixed by now!!!!

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a rough week this must have been for you. I'll keep your family in my prayers.

    Hugs & love,

  8. So sorry about your grandpa - but I LOVE that picture of Ricky.

    Of course you know I would focus on the Cadbury egg :) Why didn't I have an egg angel? LOL

  9. So very sorry for your loss! I know that the time you spent with him at the end will be a sweet memory for you in the days to come!


  10. Sweetheart why don't you have AC yet! It's torture right now without it!

    It's been a hard week for you, I know. I hope you're hanging in there.

  11. This was a very special post. Thank you for sharing your journey through a milestone week.

  12. sorry for such a hard week.. My thoughts and prayers go to your Family..

  13. Can I say that I "like" the funeral shot? I know, that sounds weird but I do like to capture moments. And you captured that one well.
    Take care. Mark


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