Sunday, July 17, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 28

July 10 - Sunday - Preview of a bride .... I got to go with a friend who went for a bridal dress fitting.  Of course, I went with my camera so I could capture the moment for her & her family.  And of course, I cant show anything since the wedding is still 2 months away.  So I got this picture for a sneak peek... rest assure, she's a beautiful bride!

Monday - July 11 - Duty or Delight ... the new Bible Study starts.. I've been looking forward to it since I saw Tammie at the Beth Moore conference.  In the first day, I'm already in love with it... looking forward to the 6 weeks that lay ahead.

Tueday - July 12 -Hot & Cold... this is the window at 6:30 am... its already so hot outside & the cold inside (which we keep our house at 80 degrees actually) - makes condensation on the windows EARLY!  There was even condensation on the door handle going into my office at work.  Crazy Heat!!!!

Wednesday - July 13 - Evil Car ... the number on my odometer grabbed my attention on my drive into work... I'm not a fan of the number 6 ... I'm weird I know... but remember, accounting is my profession, so numbers are my life :)

Thursday - July 14 - Chronic Eyes.... I had to go to an opthamologist because my eyes were still bothering me.  He told me I have Chronic Dry Eyes, which he said "Its irritating, it will get on your nerves, its frustrating... & you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life".... great..... but my eyes hurt & feel like there are pebbles constantly in my eyes.  They hurt & ache & the lower lids feel like they are raw.  I'm supposed to put drops in them every 4 hours, sleep with an eye gel in my eyes & learn to adapt with it.  I was also supposed to get an antibiotic eye drop, but I got to the pharmacy & they said it would be $85 AFTER my insurance (my horrible insurance only saved me $30) - but I just told them to put it back - I wasnt paying  $85 for 5 days worth of drops... the fun side of life...

Friday - July 15 - Green Monster ... doesnt that look yummy?  I know it doesnt - but it really is good.  And I've gotten used to making them for breakfast every day.  Cram that blender full of spinach leaves - but when you add fruit, that's all it tastes like - & its quite yummy!  My body is probably freaking out with all the "greens"...

Saturday - July 16 - I have a Web Site!!! .... I worked all day on a new web site for my photography.  I had ordered business cards the day before too which I am in LOVE with... I couldnt get the domain name I wanted, but got the 2nd best thing...  Go check it out.  Its just a start, & I want to do more with it in the future - but its a good start for someone who knows nothing about web sites.

Hope you've all had picture perfect moments this week!!!


  1. Wow, you've been busy. I love making green drinks. You're right, once you add fruit to the spinach you can't taste the spinach at all. It's awesome!

  2. Oh you're just too healthy. I should be making smoothies to drink on the way to work. Of course, I'd have to get up an extra 15 minutes early. Wonder if I'd actually do that?

    I have somewhat dry eyes because of my lasik surgery 7 years ago. I never remember to use the daytime drops like a should (which means my eyes aren't NEARLY as bad as yours), but I always use the nighttime liquigel drop. They are a cool balm to dry eyes, that's for sure.

  3. I will be curious to know what you think of that study in the end. I am always looking for new ones for our ladies!

    ummm....ya, that drink looks gross. sorry!

    heading over to check out your new blog!!!

  4. By any chance, you didn't nickname your car, Christine, did you?
    Your Friend, m.

  5. Please tell me you called your doctor and asked for something much cheaper...

  6. All brides are so beautiful! So sorry about your eyes, how sucky. Congrats on your new website. You photography is awesome.

    Hugs & love,

  7. WHAT!!! $85 for 5 days of drops?! That is beyond ridiculous.

  8. Oops, hit enter too soon....I wanted to comment on the green smoothie. I've been making them with frozen banana slices, strawberries, almond milk, kale and spirulina powder. Pretty tasty, so good for you, and filling!


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