Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anyone want to come to my party?

You may not want to....

because its a pity party...

& I've got a big ole party hat on... & a carton of cool whip to go with it.

This came in the mail & I was excited to try it....

See?  Even fingers crossed...

I've been taking it for one week today....

& nothing... nada... no change...

if anything - its worse.

I've been dealing with this tendonitis now for about 3 months.  3 MONTHS!  I get so frustrated when I hear it can last up to 6 months - even a YEAR!  And because its my RIGHT ARM - its not like I can let it rest - so I'm expecting it to be on the long side of healing... if it heals at all...

That's where my mind is at right now - not sure its going to heal at all....

It hurts when I work on a computer - it hurts when I knit - it especially hurts when I workout... what the heck am I supposed to do?  Sit in a room & not move?  Ice on it doesnt even really help anymore. 

The Hubs ordered me a compression sleeve to see if that would help when I run - & even if it'll help when I work on a computer.. I'm willing to try anything at this point...

stand on my head?  wear ballet shoes?  Dye my hair blue?  If it works, I'll do it....

I'm trying to find the blessings in this... to see God doing something wonderous behind the pain... to see His hand working in this.  Trying to figure out why its taking so long to heal - to find any kind of relief...

I'm thankful for the example of my friend Dawn who has shown how to keep faith & a God driven heart in the midst of pain.  She has gone through knee surgeries & her words & strength inspires me... check her out.

I also know that physical pain is just as bad as emotional pain & I know that many of you are going through that with loss in your lives, waiting on God's timing in many ways, just pain in different ways.

So let's cancel that pity party... I just need to see how God is working in this...

& I know that so many people are posting this song right now, but I'm clinging to it myself.

...when darkness seems to win we know, that pain reminds us, this is not, THIS IS NOT OUR HOME...



    Here is to God blessing you with dew in this desert of your life. I pray you will be healed soon.

  2. Awesome song.

    I'm so sorry you're going through such pain and frustration. I have to say I had my doubts about that supplement, so I'm not too surprised that it didn't work; however, I know how desperate you must be for ANYTHING to relieve the pain. Sending lots of healing prayers your way.

  3. I'm sending you 10% of my good health via the Internet airwaves right about...Now!
    Hopefully tht will take the edge off a bit.

  4. LOVE that song!!!!!!!! :) Praying for you, friend!

  5. Rebecca, what kinds of medical tests have you had done? I have a friend who has a benign tumor at the base of her brain, and it wound up being the culprit for her wrist pain, which had been misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel. I'm not trying to worry you, but I want to make sure you've explored all diagnostic avenues. I'll be praying that this pain eases soon.

  6. Oh my dear friend, pain is hard, but when you can find the Blessing in the thorn, then you have found a new perspective and you just see things a little differently. Pain is part of this life, but Hallelujah we are going to a city where there will be ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN OR TEARS THERE EVER!!!!! I'm praying for you friend and knowing that Jesus will meet you at your need my dear friend. Hang in there and you contact me ANYTIME!!!

    I love you friend ~~ Dawn


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