Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Its Friday... Thank GOD!  It has been a LONG week with this time change I'm dealing with.  And we were told yesterday that it could take up to 4 months if they can repair the bridge & up to 4 YEARS if they have to replace it.  By the time 4 years passes, I think I'll age 28 years... its like dog year calculations getting up at 4:30 am & what it does to a body.  To get my mind off this nightmare, I'm just going to frag.

To try & find the positive in life, going into work early also means I get off work early - so I get off at 3 & its taking me 45 minutes to get home so that's nice to be home before 4.  Its going to better because the time change for the Fall is nearing & that means it gets dark by 6.... I can now get my running in before it gets dark!  Look at me finding a silver lining!!!!!!


Yes - I know my blog is messed up again ... sigh... the designer had accidentally deleted my file from Photobucket so it has to be redone.  But she lives in a time zone that is like 8 hours ahead of me so we're having a hard time with her getting access to my blog to make the changes.  ... again, sigh....


Yesterday was GORGEOUS around her.  A real fall day!  Temps in the 60's - blue skies - cool breezes!  So I take my dogs out in the back yard & play with them.  I ended up going to get my camera to take some pictures of my babies, when I was walking & not looking what I was doing.  BAM!  I kicked my bare toe in the corner of a concrete block.  It looked like someone chopped my toe off!  Blood EVERYWHERE!  I actually ripped my toenail off.  It was just hanging by one little piece.  I had no idea a toe could produce so much blood!  And my dogs are so nervous when they know something is wrong with me or Ricky so they were running around me trying to lick my toe.  It was quite a sight me jumping around screaming, trying to keep my foot high where dogs couldnt lick it, blood dripping on their heads & me trying not to drop my camera in the midst of it all.... ahh, the moments of life....

I'm totally in LOVE with this idea that I found on Pinterest... you take a picture on your anniversary & then hold the picture for the next year's anniversary, then the next year - so on.  Can you imagine how cool it would be on like your 10th anniversary - 20th?  50th?!?!?!?!  Pass this idea on to every newlywed to start immediately!

Source: None via Rebecca on Pinterest


I took my first spinning class last night... (with my bleeding, toenail-less pinky toe)... it was pretty cool!  Except for my "seat area"!  OH MY GOSH!  How do you train THAT area?  My post on DailyMile was, someline like, "the pain in my lady parts was too distracting from the other pain." ... if you've ever taken a class, you'll underestand that comment fully!!!!  I had jokingly told someone I was going to put kitchen towels in my pants, around my butt... now, it doesnt seem so funny & sounds like a brillant idea!

Can you tell I like pinterest?  You can embed the pictures so it doesnt take up room in my space saving picture area... SCORE 1 for me!

SPAT OF THE WEEK:  Painful Revenge!!! .... So Ricky is constantly on me at home about my tendonitis!  "Dont get on the computer" - "Dont knit" - "Dont do that workout"... it gets on my nerves.  So what happens to Ricky this week?  He had heel spurs & they are flared up.  He can barely walk & when he does, its like on his tippy toes (he's a pretty ballerina) to get the weight off his heels.  So I've been yelling at him everytime he's on his feet now... ahh - sweet revenge.  But the weekend is coming & we were glad for Ricky to get off his feet & let the heels relax some... & then, what does he do?  Someone at his work asked if he would trade with him to work this weekend... Ricky said OK!  Really?  He can barely stand as is & now he's going to only have one day off his feet.  I told him not to ever say anything to me again when I do something to aggravate my arm.  ... (really, that's why I love Ricky - he changed days with this guy to help him out... thats my generous man I love... but dont tell him I said that)

And wanted to show you that we dont spat all the time - we can actually look happy :) ... I just have to post this mainly because I've been with Ricky for 19 years & I think we have 3 pictures together.  And 1 of those is our wedding picture!  He just refuses to take pictures... so for him to actually take a picture - & one he APPROVES of?  The world must be coming near an end....

(This picture is worth taking up space on my file)

Hope you all have a FABULOUS FRIDAY!!!!


  1. This week has flown by. Perhaps I'll actually get a post done this weekend. The break has been good.

    Glad you're looking at the positive about your commute!

  2. pictures can be hard to get!! thanks for sharing!

    i took the kids on a bike ride recently and didn't know how to recover my bum :-( when did that become so painful!!??

  3. I saw that idea on pinterest too!! So fun!

    I have a friend who does competative mountain bike stuff--down mountains, through rivers, etc. There are padded shorts for men and women who bike! Just sayin'... :)

  4. How much do I love you and your sweet Ricky?!! I love the SOTW because it keeps ya'll real, but that picture ~~ OH.MY.STARS. ~~ SO STINKIN' SWEET I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!!

    I noticed your photobucket situation again yesterday, but it was on my Pad, so I thought maybe it was the whole mobileappdoyouwantitinthisview situation. (Yes I'm still learning =) so I didn't want to freak you out =)

    So girl, tell me the low down on pinterest. I have seen lots of stuff on it, even tried to get it on it because Betsy Maddox invited me, but alas, me and my computer skills failed me =) Can ya help a sista' out? =)

    Love you sweet friend and I hope that pinky toe gets better ~~ Dawn

  5. Okay, please write to me and let me know what the big deal is with Pinterest. Seriously, I don't get it. It's like when they convinced me to Tweet and as you can see, I'm not very good at that either.
    Now about your post. I really didn't need the toenail/blood and gore visual. Although I must admit that by the time I got to your "lady parts" section, I had something else stuck in my brain that I'm trying to wash out of right now.
    Have a good weekend! m.

  6. i'm so with you on the spinning class...great workout, but it brings tears to my eyes sitting like that.

    love that picture idea...thank goodness for pinterest!

  7. I always love your frags. Sorry your having problems with the blog again. Hope it's fixed soon. I hate getting up early, but the days that I do, I get to come home earlier too. I really should do that more often.

    I rode my daughter's bike once this summer and yeah...can't do that pain anymore. haha

    You spats are always fun to read. Hope you're both feeling better soon.

    Great picture!

  8. I took a spin class once. Only once. It took me days before I could walk again! And that was when I was in halfway shape from playing tennis!
    Someone should go around and video your life...might make a great reality show! :D

  9. I love the anniversary photo idea and I'm sad we've been married so long it wouldn't be complete.

    I am sorry to hear about your toe it sounds HORRIBLE!


  10. Hey I just wanted you to know that I just awarded you with 'The Versatile Blogger Award' over at my blog ( Congrats!

  11. What a great picture of you two!!!


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