Thursday, November 03, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Day 2

Before we start on Day 2, I wanted to note - I went out to check on the horse from Day 1's "Thanksgiving Post"... you'll be happy to know, there's a brand new fence up covering the whole area where he got out.  No more horses in the street!.... at least not that horse... you never know what else you'll see on our street.  My favorite is when the vultures are sitting there, tearing out the guts of a dead raccoon & daring you to make them move... fun times in the country.

Anyhoo - moving on.

November 2 - Thankful for friends that distract me...

That sounds bad, but its a good thing.

I ran Monday & injured my knee.... the exact same knee, the exact same pain on the exact same hill that I hurt it last year.  I probably shouldnt have pushed myself so hard after my race on Sunday, but having a race on a Sunday messed up my training.  My long runs are on Saturday - not Sunday... who puts a race on a Sunday?  I guess the Big Hit Half Marathon does...

The pain isnt as severe today as when it happened.  When it did happen, I was a mess.  I was limping home for close to 2 miles & crying (more like snot snobbing) & yelling at life.  My race is in 2 weeks, how can this happen?  Why me?  You know - a pretty pity party on the side of the road.

But I am trying to take off the week & keeping it iced up & taking it easy.  But its been so dang hard to lay off of it.  Why?  Because its been BEAUTIFUL... I'm talking FALL BEAUTIFUL... the cool air, no humidity, in the 60's... & this is the last week before the time change so its still light out until 6:30.  One last week to get in some good runs....

not for me though.

So yesterday was even better - HIGH 60's.  I'm chomping at the bit to run... but my knee is aching & its just torture - physically & mentally.

Cue my thankfulness for the day. 

My friend, Chasity stopped by.  She wanted me to look at her wedding pictures... you dont have to ask me twice.  Pictures?  That are of their wedding?  I can look at wedding pictures all day long!  Especially when its the wedding of people I adore...

So she came over around 5:30 & we ended up looking at pictures & talking & laughing & just hanging out until after 9...

I just love these two people....

The perfect distraction from my pain - from my wanting to push myself - from having another pity party. 

Wedding pictures with a friend trumps any sort of frowny face anyday!


  1. Pictures of their pretty party kept you from having a pity party. Gotta love it!

  2. So sorry you are hurt again, but so glad you have friends to distract you.

  3. Hey Lady! Thanks for stopping by my blog! And good luck in the giveaway :) I cannot even imagine running the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon with 18,000 runners!!! My first half was about 2,000 :) I'm off to read the rest of your posts now!

  4. "They look so natural together. Just like two newlyweds should be. Is there a canopy in store for me"?

    Seriously, is there?
    Your Friend, m.

  5. Wish I could come over and hang out with you :( Darn distance!!! They are an adorable couple!

  6. Ugh - so sorry you hurt your knee again. How frustrating. Praying all the ice and rest will pay off. I know you'll do great!

  7. yes, weddings are the best to make things go up...


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