Monday, December 26, 2011

First part of Christmas....

Christmas Morning....

We woke up early... around 5:00 am... that's actually sleeping in for us (how sad is that?)

But it was nice to sit & turn on the tree & while it was still dark outside, the glow of the tree was just beautiful.
...& no joke, Ricky would randomly sing "Happy Birthday Jesus" all morning long...

it was actually getting on my nerves a bit... but it had a cuteness to it, so I didnt say anything.

Here's our Santa in our living room that is even giving a big "holla" to Jesus...

Our friends, Ryan & Chasity came over for breakfast.  I am about making breakfast food.  Fast & easy.  We had turkey bacon, eggs, biscuits with Julie's homemade Blueberry Jams, & some chocolate chip pancakes... we were stuffed at the end....

Its also the one time of year I get to pull out my Christmas glasses & get to use them...

I cant believe I didnt get a picture of Ryan & Chasity over here... But I think it was because I didnt have on ANY make up... not a lick... so I dont dare think about pulling out a camera in case someone turns it on me.

But I have to show you one of the presents they got me... because it left me speechless... completely & utterly speechless.

Chasity had the idea of making me a "portfolio book" for my first year of my Photography Business....

She broke it out in different categories...

I was simply amazed at the thought & time she put into this book....have you ever seen anything so thoughful?  I literally have looked through this book probably 159 times on Christmas Day alone.....

Thank you again Ryan & Chasity... we just love you two so much & was so thankful to spend a part of Christmas day with you....

Then Ricky & I had our Christmas together.  Its always fun to try & surprise each other & take a bit of time to enjoy Christmas Day together...

He knows me so well ... got me loaded up on some running goodies...a new running jacket that he picked out himself.  It fit & I LIKED it... I'm impressed.  He also got me running gloves that I can use with my iPod & a new running headband... pink was the theme of my running gear... LOVE IT!

But I also loved, he got me a book by Ryan Hall... He's an amazing outspoken Christian that is one of the top marathon runners in the USA.  This has his running plans, tips & also just more about his life & faith... cant wait to devour it!

Next up, Ricky really surprised me with some camera gear... things I wasnt even expecting... this being one of them.  A tripod!!!! Not just any tripod... the Mac-Daddy of ALL Tripods!!! Who knew they made tripods like this.  I think this baby cost more then my first camera cost... which blows my mind!!!!  I love how Ricky is one of my biggest encouragers in my photography...

let's just take a moment & ohhh & ahhh this tripod.... even if you dont want to, do it for me... do it for Ricky :)

We also were surprised by some presents from our Texas gang.... & Julie gets me so well... when she was up here, she heard me say how badly I wanted a wood cutting board.  So I was giddy when I opened up the box & found one, with a chopper/scraper she loves herself.  Julie being "Mrs. Gourmet" herself, I know its a winner!!! .... I cant wait to chop my first veggies on it... (I'll have to take pictures)

It was a busy, hectic morning & then we're heading to my mom's house for Christmas...

That will be in tomorrow's post... you'll want to check out the pictures.  They involve a lot of 2 twin little girls that are the CUTEST little faces EVER... why wouldnt you want to come back for that?

And in the meantime, here's another cute little face of a little girl who was waiting patiently for her bone that she KNOWS Santa brings her every year....

You can ohhh & ahh over this picture too... I know you want too

Until tomorrow....


  1. That last photo is fantastic! (That's a face I know, as well.)

    What a thoughtful gift. My sister made a photo book for each of us. It's all photos taken inside and out of Mom's house, which of course is distinctive (knicknacks EVERYwhere).Pretty cool keepsake, especially for the saps in the family.haha Seriously, though, my kids will appreciate it, too.

    Glad to hear Santa was very good to you; you deserve it! :)

  2. Your pictures are amazing. I am oohing over them!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. so sweet!! so glad y'all had a wonderful christmas!!

  4. I'm definitely oohing and ahhing over that last shot. Perfection. And those two Beauty and the Beast ornaments at top *swoon*

    I love the portfolio book. What a precious gift.

  5. Awww...I'm a sucker for a good puppy photo!!

    I love that Ricky surprised you with such fun and thoughtful gifts. And I LOVE the photobook. I love those books. The best part is, it's easy to pack in a bag and it won't weigh you down lugging it around to meet clients! :)

  6. Oh friend ~~ I love that you had Ryan and Chasity over for breakfast!!! What a special and beautiful way to get to spend some quality time together.

    And that book..... Oh.My.Stars.
    What a beautiful and thoughtful gift.


    I love that Ricky supports you in your beautiful endeavors. LOVE.

    And those puppy eyes.....
    So precious.

    I love you like crazy girl ~~ Have a Blessed day,

  7. sounds like you had an amazing christmas love! i love that book idea. what a great gift to give you. love you and merry christmas! xoxo

  8. Your fur baby is just about the cutest!
    What a stash you got! Great stuff!

  9. oohhh and ahhhh. What a beautiful dog and after I went back and read all of the post, that is turkey bacon on the table. We will be good friends!


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