Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend in Review

Its Monday & I'm exhausted... no, really... exhausted.

I'm sitting at my desk at 6:30 am barely able to hold my head up... thinking about sleep, which is doing nothing but making me more tired.

My weekend was so amazingly hectic... here's just a small look at how it went

* Friday evening was our Christmas Program at church.  I got to sing with our Christmas Ensemble... love doing that every year.  Its odd though because I have a deeper voice so I sing tenor... but we're short in the tenor department anyways so it works out.  I love when a program all comes together.  We practice for months ahead of time so when it's the actual performance night, there's an energy in the air.

*Our church also put on a Christmas drama... fantastic!  Great to see so many people get to use their talents while giving a great message... so many ways to "preach" the message of Jesus.

*We were out shopping early on Saturday.... trying to knock off the list... & was doing pretty decent until...

*Got a phone call my dad was in a car accident... he was in the ER so Ricky & I took off to see what was going on.  He's OK... just a tad banged up.... I drove him home when he was released & Ricky went to go see his brother whose also in the hospital.  Also just thankful that dad was just "banged up" when I heard a 17 yr old boy in our area of town was also in a car accident that same day & didnt survive... life can change at the blink of an eye.

*I had to be back at church at 6:00 pm for our Junior High Christmas party... I am so thankful for my friends... I was running late since we were coming from Louisville & had to go through the bridge chaos... so I didnt have time to stop at home & put on a Christmas costume or even bring a white elephant gift... I walk in & my friends had me something to put on & an extra gift for me to use.... friends make things better, dont they?

*Sunday was Jr High service & it was an amazing time to hear their view on "Peace" in the world... & in their lives... they said things that literally left me speechless... such amazing minds.

*Off to try & pick up a few more gifts... sshhh... I found Ricky's gift while he was out with his friend

*Had to go to the funeral home... my uncle passed away on Friday.  I got to see so many of my family members I havent seen in YEARS which is always nice, but just wish it was under different conditions.  I told everyone we used to see everyone at weddings, then baby showers & now, I hope its not only funerals we see each other. 

*Back to my neck of the woods for our Senior High Christmas Party... It was a party kinda weekend

*I ended up getting home last night around 9:30 & now, my house is a disaster area... bags thrown all over the kitchen... I have no idea what is where, or where is what... I didnt even care.  I put on my PJ's, got a book  & read for 30 minutes before I crashed with my book in my hands...

....I'm looking forward to Christmas to just sleep in....

Hope you all had a great weekend

(FYI - I do have pictures of my Christmas tree... & the youth party...  & some other things... I just had ZERO time to get on the computer this weekend... but pictures are coming...)


  1. No wonder you're exhausted...I am, too, just from reading all about your weekend! Sorry to hear about your dad, but am so thankful that he's OK. My condolences on losing your uncle...that's never easy this time of year. You and your family are in my prayers.

  2. I feel like that all the time, now adding in our Christmas activities (which are "lite" compared to yours), and I'm bushed.

    Fell asleep at nine last night.

    I'm so thankful your dad is okay.

  3. Oh my goodness! So glad to hear that your Dad is ok! Definitely makes you stop and think about what's truly important and the many blessings that we take for granted every day!

    Such wonderful friends to have you "covered" for that party too!

    Hope the rest of your Christmas season is a bit calmer!!

  4. Geez, your weekend is making me tired too. That's just not right.
    As you know, my Sister recently passed. And her service was last week. Some of the old Family came together for that so I know what you mean when you say that funerals bring Families back together. Under the saddest circumstances. I am sorry for your loss.

  5. So glad your dad is okay.

    All that partying sounds fun but exhausting!

    You were mentioned frequently this weekend by my sister and me...I am determined that we will meet in real life someday...hoping 2012 is the year!

    Now, go take a nap and recharge! (ps. Did you get my Christmas card yet?)

  6. I'm exhausted just reading about your weekend! Glad your dad is okay. What a frightening phone call to get!

  7. Sweet friend, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle and the accidents.

    I hope your dad recovers quickly.

    Like Mary, I too am exhausted just reading about your weekend. How many hours do you get in your day because I'm not sure how you managed to squeeze all of that in!

  8. I had a crazy busy weekend too. You read about my Saturday - on Sunday I had church & then went on my first Lay Eucharistic visit to one of our hospitalized members! It was such a blessing - I just mostly watched since I'm learning the ropes. Maybe I'll do the communion part next time. After a quick lunch at home I went to a different hospital to visit our neighbor, & then off to get groceries. I had my evening (from 5:00 on) free, so not quite as bad as you. But still - toothpick time here too!

    P.S. Glad your dad is ok :)

  9. I am now exhausted too!!! I thought my weekend was busy =)

    I'm so thankful your dad is alright. That is scary!!

    What are you asking for for CHRISTmas this year? A new shoulder? =) heehee

    I love you girl ~~ Dawn

  10. Oh my goodness! What an emotional weekend!!! So glad your dad is okay, so sorry about the loss of your uncle and the local teenager. :(


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