Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Friday...& its cold... & its supposed to snow today.  I guess its winter & even though we've been used to 50 degrees most of the days, we're due some actual winter weather.

(Which just reminded myself that I need to go home & cover my tulips... I'm a sucker for trying to make sure my flower survive!!!)

While I sit & worry about all the Spring flowers, lets frag...

If you saw yesterday's post - I'm still Flu-Free
.... maybe snorting sanitizer actually works...


Are you watching "New Girl"?  Oh my goodness... its probably one of the funniest new shows out there... Zooey Deschanel is adorable... & the guys are hilarious! 

Its still not "Modern Family" funny to me, but its close.

Its been "College Week" on Jeopardy... the only time I'll watch the show because it makes me feel smart.  And the only time that the show has categories like "Current Movie" or "Pop Culture" ...

makes me miss the days of "Rock & Roll Jeopardy" on VH1 ... I would KILL on that show!


This dry air with the heat running in all the buildings is killing my nose... I'm averaging at least one nose bleed a day. 
(Maybe snorting sanitizer isnt that smart?)


My dad sent me this picture of him in this stroller... isnt it the cutest? 

Ahh - metal must be comfortable to take a nap on....

But he saw on some antique road show thing that a similar stroller sold for around $1,500 ... see?  All those Hoarders out there?  They may be onto something.


There will be no SPAT OF THE WEEK this week... in honor of my husband who ALMOST DIED yesterday!!!  No joke!  He stopped at the gas station for his daily root beer & candy bar.  He got a Twix & he said he was driving home & took a bite.  Well it got stuck in his throat.... like REALLY stuck.  He couldnt breath.  He said he started to panic so bad because he was starting to black out.  So he ended up stopping the car - IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY - & got out & started RUNNING up & down the road trying to get someone to help. 

NO ONE HELPED!!! Everyone drove around him!!!! Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?

He said he saw the place where I get my hair done.  The owner is from our church & 9 out of 10 times, the place is full of people from our church - so Ricky said he started to run that direction... but he started passing out... he fell to the ground, & when he did, it must have moved the candy bar & he said he could breath. 

Is your heart beating as fast as mine?  I was stunned when he told me the story... I think he was more stunned then anything. 

No more Twix Bars for him... unless he counts to 100 with every bite...

The thought of the whole story trumps any spats of the week... for sure... but as long as he chews well through next week, we'll return.  Probably a spat on chewing itself.

Are these the most AMAZING socks EVER?????  They even knitted them around actual heels...

My question... how short of a skirt do you have to wear with these? 
& how thin do the top of your thighs have to be to pull these off?

Hope you all have a fantastic friday!!!!!


  1. Oh my word! The Twix bar story scared the crap out of me! Thank God he's okay!

  2. I loved that old photo. It just screams Americana.

  3. OK....what happened to Ricky is SCARY! I'm so glad he's OK!! (and that he didn't get hit by a car!)

  4. How scary what happened to Ricky! What is wrong with people when they won't even stop to help someone who's in distress? I simply don't get it! Brittany choked on a Lifesaver when she was about 2 and it was the scariest thing I've ever been through!

  5. That's a horrible Ricky story! Yikes! Glad he's okay. But I'm worried, what happened to the Twix?
    And I love that photo of your Dad. Baby sleeping on a hunk of tin. They built those kids tougher back then.

  6. So glad your husband is okay. That had to be terrifying.

    The stroller picture of your dad is so cute!

    I haven't seen New Girl, but thanks for reminding me. I'll have to try to watch it. I love Zooey Deschanel after seeing her on YouTube playing the ukelele and singing. Now I want to learn to play one.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Oh my gosh!!!! How scary! I am sure it was one of those life flashing before your eyes sort of thing :\

    Your dad is adorable! haha

  8. Oh my word! I'm so glad that Ricky is alright! Good gracious!

  9. Apply a little polysporin to a Q-tip and dab it in your nose to moisturize it.

  10. Oh my. I can picture the whole scene with your husband choking in traffic. Glad he's okay.

  11. If we only wish we knew what old junk to save that would be worth lots of money one day!

    That is such a scary story about your husband and that Twix bar! Whoa, I can't imagine what that must have felt like being in that situation. Sure glad he's okay!

  12. Wow; choking is SO scary. I am glad he is okay.
    I LOVE those socks!!
    Have a fabulous weekend:)

  13. Oh my, I'm SO glad Ricky is ok!!! That is scary!!

    I'm so glad you haven't gotten sick.

    Love you friend ~~ Dawn


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