Thursday, April 05, 2012

My Marathon Man...

I've heard of people doing extreme races all the time to race money or awareness...

Here's an example:

A man who ran 100 marathons in 140 days for awareness of mental illness.

There are even documentaries on some people who do this..

(I watch them all too... love that stuff)

Well, for me to get through 13.1 miles every few months, I train... it takes a lot of time, effort & then on race day, its STILL tough.

But guess what we discovered my husband does?

Well, let me back up & tell you a bit about him.

He is on his feet ALL DAY LONG at his job.  He works at a heating/air conditioning part company & you all know if your heat/air goes out, you  want it fixed NOW... so that business is booming.

And who gets those parts to the repairmen coming in?  My Hubby

And who stocks up the parts that come into their warehouse?  My Hubby

And who comes home with sore feet & sore legs & cant move... but gets up again the next morning? My Hubby

So the people at work put a pedometer on him because they see him running - literally, RUNNING - around there all day long.

I've asked him to do that myself, but he just shook his head at me.

He did it for the 'big wigs' at his job though ... I see where I rate..

Guess what he did... around 14 miles... in one day

14 MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he said that was a little bit slower of an ordinary day!!!!!!

So my husband is virtually doing at LEAST a half marathon


He has the hardest time keeping weight on him... after that, I told him, "you wonder why now?"

Now, I'm thinking we get him some kind of sponsorship to raise awareness of workers who are on their feet too long in a day....


  1. Oh wow! The same goes with my dad, too. I should put one on him. He'd freak, lol. But I'd be interested in how many miles a day he puts at work (he's a mail carrier).

    And a 100 marathons in 140 days! W.O.W!

  2. Wow that's a lot of running around! I need a job like that :)

  3. Dang.

    14 miles. While working. Hauling, lifting, pushing parts! Dang, brother. That would put any gym membership to shame! :)

  4. That is a lot of MILES! Whoa. I'd like my husband to try this too. He is on the go from dawn til dusk and when he finally does sit down, he is asleep. Thank God for hard working men!

  5. I'll tell you what, when I started working in the ER, I started shedding weight. Why? Because you're running around and don't have time to eat! I called the ER diet, ha ha :-) It sounds like your hubs has me beat, though!


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