Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekend Roundup


* Friday evening was "The Backyard" ... its our program for kiddos but I tell you what, I probably laugh louder then anyone there.  Its just the funniest thing.  I help out in the singing & we had major FAIL on the mics that night.  Doesnt phase the kids though - they just keep dancing.  Exactly what they should be doing :)

* I fall asleep earlier on Fridays then I do any other night of the week... Party Girl, I am not


* Had a photo session scheduled early for the day & when I went to bed, the rain forecast was only 20% ... woke up & it was cloudy, thundering & the rain chances were 80%... so much for overnight changes.  We ended up pushing back the session till later in the day

* With a free morning now, I did NOTHING :) I cant tell you how long its been on a Saturday where I just laid in bed for HOURS.... it was heavenly

* Met up with this beautiful Senior & we ventured to do some pictures.  The rain was still lingering a bit so we just did some pictures & agreed to meet the next day for more.  ... here's one of the pictures we got in the midst of running from rain... still turned out cute, huh?

* I met up with Ricky after the pictures to go look at some running shoes.  Say hello to my new lovers

My Saucony Triumph 9's ... with all the weird colors of the 80's

Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest

& also meet my new Fila Skele-Toes!!!

Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest

A friend told me how much he loves them & I see so many other running friends who just cant speak enough about them.  I figured I would try them.. especially because I hate running shoes on the treadmill - they just feel 'clunky' on them so that's going to be a starting point for me.  I'm definitely sticking with my Saucony's for the race in 2 weeks.

* The sun came out in the evening... BEAUTIFUL evening... yeah, my luck


* AMAZING youth class today... we dont offer an 'alter call' often in youth service, but every now & then it happens... the Youth Pastor delivered the message & with Easter just passing, he offered the invitation.... to see so many kids raise their hands & ask Jesus into their hearts, we were all teary eyed & had chills.  THAT's why we give so much of our times... for Jesus to have new friends :)

* Met up with my Senior again & this time, my wonderful friend, Chasity got to come with me & assist.  We got some great pictures & just had a fantastic time.  I just love getting to talk to new people, hear their stories, get to capture a time of their life for them.

* I left immediately from the pictures to go to a SURPRISE party for my brother in law.  His birthday is today actually, but he's done so well the past few months.  Today, he's 138 days sober & he turns 38 years old... YAAAHOOO!!!!.... but the family wanted to let him know how proud we all are that he's doing so well with his sobriety... so a great excuse to get together.

* Home late but had to start editing pictures while watching 'Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion' ... the screaming even got on MY nerves & Ricky came in & said, 'you HAVE to shut that up'... it was irritating

Now onto a new week!! Hope your weekends were wonderful... mine was so busy & productive & full of good stuff... a great weekend all in all


  1. I'm exhausted by Friday night, too.

    You watch the housewives? How did I not know that? I'm not a big Atlanta fan, and last night I read until I fell asleep instead of watching any TV. Now THAT was a good idea!

    Great pictures, and I like her colorful dresses. :)

  2. Those are great looking photos and I'm sure it helps that she's probably a fun and happy girl too, huh?
    I'm sure I couldn't handle even 5 minutes of any Real Housewives show. I mean, I was watching Fox News and there were four women discussing International news and I could barely handle that!
    Yes,I am a male chauvinist pig. But I'm too old to change now.
    Congrats on your BIL's success!

  3. I'm sure your leadership and great personality helps lead a lot of those kids to are an inspiration, for sure!

    LOVE the senior awesome that you even have an assistant now. Someday I'm going to be able to say "I knew her when..." :)

    Have a great week!

  4. Love the pics! Senior pics have come a LONG way since you and I were seniors! :)

    And congrats to your Brother-in-law on his sobriety! He's blessed to have a great family surrounding him and I agree--just a bit more "icing" on the cake to celebrate! :)

  5. What a beautiful senior! She is cute as a button. Congrats to your bil-not an easy thing!

  6. Love the pictures :) And your new shoes look awesome!! Congrats to your bil :). Have a wonderful week! =D

  7. Do you ever slow down? Nah...didn't think so! You did such a great job with the picture surprises there! How great that your BIL has been sober 138 days...good for him! I am lovin' those snazzy new running shoes of yours...super coolio!:)


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