Friday, June 01, 2012

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Friday... it got here quick...
which tends to happen when its a 4 day work week
& which I could get use to VERY easily!!!
Let's Frag

So I dont live in New York so it doesnt effect me
but I want to give props to Mayor Bloomberg
(& is it sad I know New York's mayor's name
but now my own state's Mayor?)

I keep telling everyone I bet there is going to be a change in the way
our country works with nutrition

Afterall, I think holding the title of
"The Most Obese Country in the WORLD"
isnt all the flattering or cool

I like that he said that he's not saying you cant HAVE a soft drink
but if you have to order 2 16oz drinks,
you'll probably find that you didnt drink the 2nd one afterall

Now just dont touch chocolate!!!
(kidding!  I need a law prohibiting it actually)


Anyone else watch "The Hatfields & McCoy's" on The History Channel?

I saw the previews at the movie theater
& while I'm not a big 'cowboy' fan,
this looked really good.


Speaking of movies ....
excited about the new few weeks

This weekend - Snow White & the Huntsman!!!!!

Then we have 'ROCK OF AGES' - which I'm giddy excited over
& then Spiderman
& Batman

good stuff coming!!!!
what are you anxious to see?


Speaking of Snow White...
Look at this Pin that my buddy Carly tagged me in...

It TOTALLY made my day...


& in honor of this amazing man who looks good running, horrible running picture

I've mentioned before I've only bought one set of racing pictures
...this is why...

(Rodes City Run - March 17, 2012)

I got an email notice that it was my final shot to buy this picture
so with the advances of technology,
I just snapped a picture of it with my phone for memory sake
...but look at those chubby cheeks flapping in the wind...

This is usually what REAL racing pictures look like
&  now you can appreciate my love for
"Ridicously Photogenic Guy"


So I've asked before for you to pray for my brother in law
... well, first of all - he's still doing FANTASTIC!
He's got  MONTHS behind him now sober
& now, some exciting news

He's gonna be a daddy!!!!

Here's my future niece/nephew

So if you can, continue to pray for him...
Life is looking up for this guy!


My Co-Op goodies this week

Doesnt it make you want to eat more veggies
when it just looks so beautiful


We had Bok-Choy for the first time yesterday
... wonderful...
another thumbs up

That's why I love this co-op
it makes me use foods I would NEVER buy & try

& like I told my mom,
to hear Ricky come in & say excitedly,
"Did we get any Swiss Chard?"
& be disappointed when we dont...
that's HUGE!


SPAT OF THE WEEK: Some orange flowering plant

That's how general this spat is,
but it was a spat nonetheless

We have some plant that blooms some orange flower
...can you tell I have no green thumb at all?...
But they are everywhere this time of year

I think they are beautiful!!!!
Anything that shoots orange out?  I love it.

But we have some in our front yard & Ricky wanted to dig them up
He's thinking is, "They grow in the wild, so they look trashy in a yard"
I tried to tell him I think its cool that God makes these things
that make nature & 'the wild" look so beautiful...

we got in a WAY too big debate on whether they are:
1. Pretty plants
2. If they should be in yards
3. To why God created them
4. To why God created us to argue over these plants

Circle of life people... circle of life
(of a spat)


Hope you all have a Fantasticly Fabulous Friday!!!!


  1. I can always count on you to brighten my day! :)
    Have a good weekend!

  2. I'm taking your side on the spat. I love the wildflower look. ;)

    Happy Friday!

  3. I have heard that a "weed" is anything that grows where you don't want it. My lawn guy weed whacks my anemones which spread---and are the reason I loved them. Oh, well!

  4. I love your veggies!

    As for your running pictures, if they're as expensive as the graduation pictures or wedding pictures I've ordered, I can see you being selective. HOWEVER, I think that's a cute photo. You're working hard! If you had seen the camera like "running guy," You may have struck a pose.

    And for what it's worth, the photo of you and Ricky is priceless!

  5. Ok so now I need a picture of said orange plant. =)

    I also think I need you to grow a garden next year. If you love co-op you will LOVE your own garden and you can grow all the Swiss Chard Ricky can eat. It's easy to grow and beautiful!!!

    I love you girl. You make me SMILE!!!!!

  6. It's an orange day lily, or "ditch lily". I love them, too! Tell him they are not weeds!

    LOVE that latest pic of the photogenic guy. I'm sure he hates all of this fame :)

    Oh, you should see some of my running photos...seriously, who buys those things? Awful!

  7. We call them tiger lilies .... and a weed is only a flower nobody loves!!!!

  8. We call them tiger lilies .... and a weed is only a flower nobody loves!!!!

  9. Ditto on all of the above!! I really did laugh out loud!! = > Thank you Rebecca. They are beautiful flowers. Tell Ricky he can ONLY dig them up if he brings them to my house and replants them!! Love you both. Have a positive and blessed day in the Lord Love You Rebecca and so does Jesus!!

  10. Sorry,I am behind in my picture posts. The above is from Tonia Harris. Ding dong,ding dong!

  11. I really want to see SWATH! Congrats on being an aunt!

    Here's my post:


  12. Loved The Hatfields and the McCoys!!! I'm actually considering using some of it to teach some lessons next year...maybe do some research about how accurate the series was.

    LOVED that pin...too funny with your running guy's photo!!!

    BTW, Ricky isn't starting to get jealous, is he? I mean, you have put more pictures of this dude than I've seen of Ricky.


    Congrats to your bro-in-law on his up-and-coming fatherhood!! So great to hear that he's doing well!!!!

  13. I thought at first of the orange Day Lilies, but wild poppies are also a bright orange color, and lately I've been liking them even MORE than the Day Lilies.

  14. Hahha! :) Orange flowers can be...nice =P lol

    You look good in your racing pic, lol.

    Congrats on your niece! :)


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