Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A LONGGGGG time together...

Look at that young couple... arent they cute?

Can you see that picture & think that they'd be together 48 years later...

& that's my brother... & no, he didnt come until a year after they were married

Dont be starting any rumors from my blog...

I just dont have a picture handy to upload of my parents on their wedding day

I really should too - my mom's dress is classic & BEE-U-TIFUL...

I actually tried on her dress when I was getting married & thought about incorporating it somehow... but the years had colored it yellow.  And you never want to see a bride & think of the color of pee... it ruins a wedding day...

but today is my parents wedding anniversary!!!!

I was trying to figure it out... my brother was born in 1965, so they had to get married in 1964... right mom & dad?  If that's not right, you got some 'xplaining to do...

Nearing that Golden Anniversary of 50 years... wow...

(I love always showing this picture because its one of the rare pictures where she doesnt have on blue... & it drives her nuts... she only wore that shirt because I bought it for her... & she gripped about it NOT being blue every time she wore it)

So today, let's give a hip-hip-horray to my parents...

48 years together & havent killed one another... yet...


  1. 48 years! Who does that with one person anymore? Those two are so old-fashioned. Or maybe one is blackmailing the other. That must be it! But really, whatever works, I'm all for it.
    Congratulations to your Mom and Dad! I'm sure it's been an interesting trip.
    RJ's Friend, m.

  2. Congrats to your mom and dad! 48 years is awesome.

    My mom and dad made 62 years last month!

  3. Well, the photo makes it look kind of blue...

  4. Congratulations to your mom and dad.

    My mom was the same way about her tops ... only she insisted that they be white ... because they would go with anything, even though the vast majority of her pants/skirts were darker blue/navy. ha!

  5. Happy anniversary to your parents!

  6. 48 years!! That is amazing!! =D Congrats to them :D

  7. Wowza 48 years - that's admirable!
    So I just gotta ask....why is every photo you post of your adorable Mom a photo of her not smiling. You can't for one second tell me that your Mom is the stoic type what with you being so giddy out-going & such! You had to have inherited that trait from someone!

  8. Happy Anniversary! What a great accomplishment, and one you def don't see enough of these days!

  9. Love that early picture! it's wonderful to see people married a long time...what a witness to commitment. My folks have been married 61 years!


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