Oh - get ready, because this is a photo heavy post... that's what weekends with the grandbabies do to me... & this isnt even my CAMERA photos - just off the phone! More photos are to come. Especially one of the cutest pictures I've ever taken of the boys together :) (how's that for a tease?)
* In my co-op basket - I've been LOVING the yellow squash. Been getting that, sweet onions & potatoes... & am addicted to making them all together. Olive oil & this little goodie right there... homemade bourbon red pepper flakes. Its made by a family in Kentucky that comes to the farmer's market. It makes ANYTHING taste good.
* We got 2 more dogs added to our house... my sister in law brought over her dogs for the week while my brother's family went on vacation... so there is a total of 6 dogs in my house right now. As you can imagine - its hard to get 6 dogs together for a picture.
* What do we do when we have 6 dogs at our house? GET OUT OF TOWN! :) ... joking.. not really... but kinda. We headed to Nashville. We were supposed to go last weekend but it didnt work out, so we HAD to go this time. There was a little boy waiting for his Pappy
* Thank GOD for my parents, who came & stayed at my house to take care of the 6 dogs. I'd be afraid of what my house woulda looked like otherwise.
* We're in the door & Ricky had some Ironman goodies for our boys... he knows what they like... it was a toy-fest of boy proportions...
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(Can you please open these boxes faster Pappy?) |
* The heat was miserable... I ended up taking a nap on the couch, while Luke took a nap in his room (with his Ironman) & Ricky & Isaac sat on the couch watching "The Avengers" cartoons on his phone.
* Isaac tried to tell me some things about Ironman that I thought for sure he had wrong & he was talking about Spiderman... I was wrong.. I just got comic-schooled by a 4 yr old
* Yep - it was MISERABLE in Nashville... that says 108.8 degrees... (the next day, it said 110)
* We went out for dinner at the neatest little place called "The Pharmacy". Bad thing? It was CROWDED.. but we ended up sitting outside on the patio. & yes, it was 107 at that time. We were under fans. It was warm, but the food made up for it. I had a "Falafael Burger"... I just like saying it... it was chickpeas, with goat cheese. DELISH!!!! Julie had a black bean burger... & they also make old-fashioned drinks & malts. We shared a Cream Soda & a Dreamscicle drink... Heaven in a glass.
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(Isaac was OUT.. until Julie put the Creme Soda straw to his lips... INSTANT WAKE UP) |
* With all the talk of superheroes - we discovered that Nanny's super power is SUPER KISSES!!!!!! ... the boys would try to knock me out with Ironman's lasers, but my SUPER KISSES CONQUER ALL!!!! :) (I want my own action figure... & a killer costume)
* Got to pick out more toys... the choices? Luke went with Spiderman this time around... Isaac? Yet another Ironman.
* I was trying to convince Isaac I looked like Belle... he wasnt buying it. But he did ask, in the SWEETEST voice ever, he wanted to watch Beauty & the Beast. He knows how to get to his Nanny's heart.
* Julie made us some amazing pumpkin pancakes... girl can COOK! I could wake up to that every morning.
* While we're getting ready, Luke was playing with his own iPhone. Its an old one but they charge it & let him play games on it. This kid is 2 yrs old... & maneveurs around on that thing like nothing... I couldnt even get the games he was playing... kids today
* Had to give attention to our first "grandson" ...
* We headed to the Opry Mall... right next to the Grand Ole Opry.. my new favorite place to shop.
* Time to go to the movies... BRAVE!!!!! (so good.. .I cried) ... I tried to convince Isaac that all that red hair, surely THIS girl looks like Nanny? He said, "No... it looks like Pappy" .... haha!!!!
* We thought Luke would konk out... nope - both the boys loved the movie. Isaac got a little freaked out by the 'bad bear' but even I had my hands on my face, anxious at times.
* Time to head home... one little boy was not too happy. Isaac doesnt really realize that we're only 3 hrs away now - instead of 15... he was tired too from a long day, so we got a pouty face when we left.
* On the road again...& saw a sign at a farm that said, "For sale: Used Cows" ... what does that even mean?
* Open the doors to 6 happy dogs... now THATS a welcome home
* IT RAINED!!!!!!!! ... not much - more grey skies & lightning then anything... but it rained for a few minutes... it still exists!!!!
So it was a busy hectic weekend - lots of miles on the road - lots of cute faces to kiss... now onto a new week! Let's hope its a good one!!!
I saw Brave with the 2 oldest Ts and DD on Monday ... it was a little scary when the bad bear was fighting Mama bear. It was such a cute movie!
ReplyDeleteTruth, I thought of you yesterday wondering what you were up to for this weekend (you always pack them so full), and I looked forward to this post.
What a great weekend you had!
Wow, that is pretty sad to be "comic-schooled" by a four year old. Although watching the two year old play on that Ipod would have really made me feel bad.
p.s. You're too young to be a "Nanny". Nannies have to be in their 60s like my Mom.
I am so excited for you that the boys are so close! And Nashville? What a great city to visit!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see your pics...of the boys and the wedding! Just curious, how many pics did you take at the wedding?
We finally got some rain last night!
ReplyDeleteThose boys are just all kind of cute! :)
Cute boys! And apparently extra smart too :)
ReplyDeleteI want to go see Brave. *I* think she looks like you :)
Used Cows.. lol..
ReplyDeleteLooks like you had a great family fun weekend.
Awwww they're so adorable! :) Glad your weekend went so well and that it rained!
ReplyDeleteYou do not even begin to look old enough to be a grandma!! Your weekends are always so packed, I don't know how you do it all! Thanks for joining in again this week!
ReplyDeleteThis fun, entertaining recap made me smile repeatedly. Loved it! Glad you had a great trip. Imagine how calm your house is going to feel when those dogs return to their own home :)