Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tis the Season...

The most wonderful time of the year...

no, not the Holidays...

I'm actually one of those people who dont look forward to the Holidays... too much stress...

My favorite time of the year - FALL!!!!!

The cooler air
The leaves changing
Pumpkins & apples everywhere
Sweaters & jean weather everyday

But with every good, a little bad must come...

Let me give you a hint what my bad is...

All of these are just in my purse...

This isnt including the extra I have in my desk at work, the ones I have on my bed side table & the ones on my bathroom counter.

My lips are DYING!!!!!

Nothing seems to really work.

I really think this makes my lips worse sometimes - but what do you do?

I really try to stick with the 'all natural' ones too the most, but they still dont seem to help.

I know my problem is I forget to put it on in the most important times...
... I forgot to put it on when we did the outdoor wedding - with winds of 25 mph
... & I forgot to put it on the next day when we were running the race
... I actually forget to put it on everytime I run... I usually remember about the first mile when my lips are throbbing


Does the Fall weather make anyone elses lips hurt?

What is your favorite Lip Balm?

Am I the only Scrooge that doesnt care for the Holidays?


  1. So far no problems with the lips. Winters is when my lips fall apart. I always look forward to the holidays, but I get what you're saying. Actually, its rather depressing when its over.

  2. Coconut oil. Just a dab on your lips before bed & before going out. Smelss great. Pretty shiny. Then super soft lips.

  3. My lips are "falling apart" already ... I can only imagine what they'll be like come winter. I'll be interested in recommendations for something to help lips ... hope you follow up on this. ;-)

    I love the holidays even though they do have a certain amount of stress.

  4. I'm a chapstick junky. I think if I could only have one thing on a deserted island it would be chapstick. My dentist has free tubes when you check out so I just grab a bunch. I'm not particular about them.

  5. Mine are starting to get bad but not horrible. They'll get worse when the heat starts coming on in the building. I love basic cherry chapstick and I love burts bees.

  6. Yes.

    No favorite, though I suddenly become allergic to certain ones with no warning.

    You can be a Scrooge if you want, they can get a little crazy. We have dialed it all back, and it's quite calm and lovely around here.

  7. I use Burt's Bees, but it's mainly instead of lipstick! I guess I'm one of the lucky ones...my lips don't get very chapped during the winter.

  8. Rebecca try www,naturesownmilkbasedsoap.com or naturesownmbs.com 812-923-7243 a Christian lady Tish Neville (Rufing) who raises cows and goats and makes her own products out of the milk and uses other natural ingredients.I love her bar soaps and her lotions,hand and body. They are supper!!! Now you do have to remember to use the product before exposure to the elements,that goes without saying.If you have tried all those other brands then I don't know if anything will help.But there is no medicine taste on your lips.Her soaps are fabulous.They rinse off and leave you feeling clean. It also does not dry my skin out so bad. And it doesn't leave a ton of soap suds on the shower floor to rinse away,but still lathers nicely. Try it.Fall is my favorite season of the four too.If it is not too wet or too dry!!


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