Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Weekend Wrapup + 1


* Had to stop on the way home to get my reserve of Sparkling Water up for the long weekend.

* Highlight of the evening:  Watched "Shark Tank" & cut up 3 weeks worth of coupons.  I'm not sure why I take all the time to cut them up because I always forget them at home & never use them... but I may save a quarter one day & then it will all be worth it.


* The Hubs had to work... since he was up getting ready, it got the dogs all excited... which meant barking ... which meant I didnt get to sleep in... which meant I woke up in a bad mood

* Isaac was supposed to come in with rain so I headed out early for my run so I didnt have to do my 5 miles on the treadmill...it was SOOOOO humid - I dont think I've ever seen more sweat DRIPPING from my body before in my life

* Got home & sat on the porch to stretch, when this one was like "its my turn to work out... just THROW IT"

* Met up with another Bride that I'm shooting at the end of September... her apartment was adorable.  She is so crafty & had little things she made all over the place.  Pinterest would love her place.

* Veggie sandwich from Penn Station... mmm... but gotta get home quick because their bread gets soggy on the drive home.  Soggy bread is the worst.


* Church.... great lesson from my buddy Ryan to the youth on 'self image' - I'm totally going to share a part of his lesson later this week on my blog...

* Got to go out with some friends after church for lunch.  Friends, laughing, & onion rings - doesnt get better

* Target run...& just as I predicted - school supplies on clearance... I loaded up.  I get so happy with red stickers.  & yes, there are Cinderella folders.  I told Ricky to find anything that was Disney Princess :)

* Back to church... Thrive...We had so much fun hanging out with the kids... in our girls small group, I think I laughed until I was ready to throw up... seriously... & then afterwards, we played some games & just had a great time together.  I learned I can pick up routines nicely for a cup/tapping game.  I kept telling them its because I'm a dancer.  I can pick up counted routines quickly.... no one believed me though...

* Big Brother... I now officially hate Dan... when they vote Frank out on Thursday, I'll root for no one.  Hope they have a rule where everyone is a loser.

Monday... Labor Day... YIPEE!!!

* One extra day to get it right... I got to sleep in... FINALLY!!!!  I slept until 8:30... that's what you do with a day off work

* I started going through old boxes my parents found while moving of all my childhood stuff...I found all my old glasses... Ricky couldnt believe how much I looked just like my high school pictures with these glasses

(My hair... I know... its a lazy holiday weekend... no comments needed)

& found more pictures

(I see my braids & laugh how I still wear them when I run...
but now you see why I wear a hate when I braid my hair... big head!)

& found all my old books... man, I can still remember them.  & yes, you'll see right on top, Judy Blume & Beverly Cleary... & Amelia Bedelia (loved her) & Caps for Sale & Pippi Longstocking & Hardy Boys Mysteries... good stuff

(That "BECKY" sticker?  I had those things ALL OVER my bedroom when I was little
...By the way, the only people who call me Becky are my family members)

* We were planning on going out for dinner, but just too lazy to take the energy to get on 'real' clothes.  We just ordered pizza instead.  REALLY took advantage of a holiday weekend & was EXTRA lazy!

* Caught up on Housewives of New York... I have to say, I still love Heather.  I love how she can keep her cool when Ramona is crazy-craz with her.  I'd punch her in her eye-rolling-bobbing-head-face... but I'd do it with class just for LuAnn.

* Michael Clark Duncan... just watched him Saturday in Armaggedeon... so sad...


  1. We have no water in our kitchen so we've been eating out for dinner ... but we were too lazy on Sunday to put on our "real" clothes ... and ordered pizza, too. ;-)

  2. Oh, how I love the Housewives! Do you watch the NJ ones? They are, by far, my favorite! Whew...talk about DRAMA! That Ramona is a trip, isn't she? I never miss an episode of BB. Do you think Ian is going to make it to the end? At this point, I wouldn't be surprised! Yeah...Dan isn't on the top of my favorites list, anymore. I will hate it if Frank goes, especially since he's from Arkansas, but he is the strongest player in the house. Should be interesting!

  3. I'm with you....soggy bread is the WORST.

    I bet it was a blast to go through all the old boxes and see stuff from your childhood! I recognized many of the books in your box--what fun!!

  4. I didn't like Heather at first, but now I do. Aviva arrived unhinged, and I did think her demanding her husband be thanked was uncool. BUT--Sonja and Ramona were obnoxious the entire episode.

    I hope you'll be sharing those books with your nieces. (If you said that and I missed it, I apologize. Just getting in from work...skimmed it!)


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