Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea
Friday... thank God its Friday.. Friday
(there's actually a song that has those exact words... I sing it every Friday morning)
My lower back is still miserable...
But I did start running again this week
Figure if its going to hurt, I'll give it a reason to hurt
I know - my logic is unique
We're having a Youth Hayride & Bonfire tonight...
& now, they're calling for cold, rainy weather
I'm sure it'll work out though
even if we're huddled in a room playing games
Kids dont let weather bother them
I want to learn to groom dogs
Like, learn the right way...
but you have no idea how hard it is to find a class or school
Guess I'm just gonna start sheering away & see what happens
Now, which dog gets to be my first experiment?
I wish NO ONE would buy Arnold Swartenloser's book
My heart rate monitor finally bombed on me...
now, when I work out, I feel so lost
I'm addicted to knowing how fast my heart is beating & how many calories I burn
I really need it because if I have to judge myself,
I'll say I burned 1250 calories for one low impact aerobic session
OK - so what's the trick???
Look at what my hair looks like when the hair dresser straightens it & when I do
I mean, I buy the exact same products she uses
even the same straightening iron
I honestly believe Hair Dressers are magical creatures
So another Bachlorette break up
Emily & Jef
Can I admit?
I'm honestly sad about this one
It was just yesterday they were both taking little Rikki to school on Instagram
I love following reality stars on Instagram
... its like the reality show continues forever...
Yeah... really...
makes you wonder who really did think of the 'snooze button'
that thing I have a love/hate relationship with

 For a good laugh
.. if you're weird like me..

I know these make NO SENSE at all,
I know this!!!
but I honestly laugh till I have tears EVERY.STINKING.TIME!

Scooby Doo! 



  1. Hairdressers are miracle workers. Recently I had my hair colored and cut. It looked gorgeous when I walked out of the salon. The next day I attempted the same style, with no luck at all. Sigh!
    Hay rides are not fun when it rains. My allergies flair when I am around wet hay or leaves.
    Happy Friday!

  2. Oh my goodness. That Bad Lipreading is hysterical. I've never seen one before. Guess what I'll be looking up this weekend. hahaha

  3. I believe hairdressers are magicians in disguise! Plus they know if we ever learn to do our hair like they do, they'll be out of a job! :)

    I didn't know Emily and Jef broke up! Are you sure???? I don't know why it's always a surprise when they break up.

    I love, love, love the bad lip syncing!

  4. My back has been sore since our trip to London. That and my crappy posture. Go figure. :)

    I'm with you--no to Arnold's book!

    And to answer your question--the look on my face when they brought out that pancake? WIDE EYED and a BIG FREAKIN' GRIN on my face because I was eating something that WASN'T fried, awful pub-food!! ha!


  5. I never use a snooze button myself, but I had children who used them over, and over, and over, and over and that was just ONE morning.

  6. Hairdressers! I love mine---usually, but I made the mistake of telling her that I got lots of compliments on my short haircut, and I now look like I've been snatched bald. Oy!

  7. Any youtube videos about how to groom dogs?

    And I think it's funny that you expressed that wish, but then showed your "after" photo for doing your own hair!


    With my iPhone, I set a number of alarms, and then I choose a few...usually I turn off the first one and get up, but not always...

    Happy weekend!

    (Your back and running logic made sense as long as you're not making it worse!)

  8. I love that cartoon about the snooze button. Hope your back improves SOON.

  9. The trick, I've been told, is to completely dry your hair...especially at the roots. This is almost impossible to do for ourselves. Of course, you could always get your hair "did" every day...



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