Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Friday... the last of the year! 

We're kicking in winter as it should be I guess
Snow this week
Snow tonight into tomorrow - another 2-4 inches
Snow Tuesday - another 1-3 inches
Why hello Mr. Snow Mizer


Guess where I'm going this weekend?
Yep - you already know

I told my family they better be thankful that I love them
or on Christmas day, I woulda been in a theater.

I kept seeing posts of everyone's movie tickets going to see it
.... I have been jealous...
But Sunday - my butt will be in a seat, singing along


Speaking of Sunday
Guess what it is?
Me celebrating another year of life

My birthday
41 years old
I cant believe it
Well, actually I can
My body took a turn on me in literally the day after I turned 40
so praying 41 turns it back around


So when do you take your tree down?
I take mine down on New Years Day.
...I'm dreading it...
my living room will look so empty & cold

& I dont want to take down my Santa picture :(


Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest son is getting married today
...I thought everyone should know that...

& I'm sure my invitation got lost in the mail


Laugh of the Day
My mom will appreciate this...
she keeps saying, "your phone takes better pictures then your camera" :)


Still battling everyone around me being sick

I honestly am thinking its my green tea.
I read yesterday a article about how its so good for your immune system.
I'm going to keep drinking away


I heard this on Christmas Eve on the radio blew me away...
hope you can listen to it & be as blessed as I was
(Paul Harvey - The Man & The Birds)



  1. Ok, so I'm not much of a movie girl. I know, first no cheesecake and now not much of a movie girl, how can you even be my friend? I'm just glad you are.


    Arielle (the young lady I mentor) and I went to see Le Mis on Wednesday. It was weird. I don't watch many musicals, so maybe that was the problem. There were parts of it that was amazing, but there were parts that were disturbing and parts that were just weird. Hmmm.....

    I do think Ann Hathaway was amazing. The things that happened to her were hard to watch, oh wait, I didn't watch, I closed my eyes. Yep one of those girls. But I think her acting was amazing! I think she'll win an Oscar, or at least she should. And the young lady that plays the grown up Corsette has a terrific voice. WOW!!!

    Was this Friday Frag or Friday Movie Review..... haha

    I love you and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR GIRL ~~ dawn

  2. We were supposed to get snow last night but woke up to just a dusting this morning :( We just got to the theater to see the Hobbit last weekend and Les Mis is next on the list - I've seen it done live several times, so hopefully the movie version is even better! Happy (almost) Birthday!

  3. We are getting snow right now too. Take the tree down usually before New Year's but the hubs wants to leave it up till New Year's this year.

  4. I'm surprised to hear that you didn't go see the movie already.

  5. It's snowing as I type this. I think we're supposed to get 1/2". We take our tree and decorations down after New Year's.

  6. Hope you enjoy Les Miserables on your Birthday! Happy Birthday to you!

    Loved the bird story...what wonderful truth.

  7. What brand green tea do you like? I like the type they sell at Panera, except it's too sweet.

    Trying to bring some warm tea into my chilly (yet snowless) winter...


  8. NO WAY Rebecca Jo!!! MY Birthday is Sunday too!!! We are birthday twins - - - except I'm the much OLDER twin!


  9. While you Re at the movie, stop in and see Parental Guidance! It's so great and every one can enjoy it, from young to old!

    Happy New Yer!

  10. Oh, and Happy Birthday! You have no idea how young you are! For me that was so 19 years ago!

  11. As a little girl, every day at lunchtime, the house fell silent as my dad napped and listened to Paul Harvey. This was a nice little flashback; thanks :)

    Kendall has been a tea fanatic for the last couple of months. I will have to try her green tea :)

    I'd like to take my tree down before New Years Eve so that my vacation would feel longer, but of course, I don't. I just feel so rushed at the end!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thanks for linking up :)

  12. saw Les Mis on Christmas day - it's so awesome!!! Jackman is so powerful and Hathaway brought me to tears. I'm SO buying the DVD as soon as it's available!

  13. Happy belated birthday! Praying that 41 will be good to you and your body.

    I'm going to have to give green tea a try ... anything to keep my immune system strong.


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