Thursday, January 10, 2013

Flu is freaking me out!!!

So, for a germaphobe, this time of the year is freaking me out!!!!


& not just any flu season,
but the worst flu season in 15 years...

are you kidding me?

So far, I've survived
...& I'm knocking on every piece of wood around me....

But they're on the news even saying how the hospitals are turning people away

& even Boston has declared a state of emergency! 
I thought they only did that in natural disaster events....

& this is the year I dont get a flu shot?

Its making me want to get in a hole in my basement & stay until Spring.

Anyone in your household suffered with the flu yet this year?

Do you feel like this is the making of a movie... like Contagion?

Did you get a flu shot this year?

Who wants to escape to a warm climate with me until Spring?

Source: via Luciana on Pinterest


  1. I'm allergic to the flu shot so I can't get it. I would if I could though. My husband has had it twice and it was awful. I rely on everyone around me getting the shot. And I insist that my daughter get one as much as she protests. Yesterday she said she was glad we made her do it.

  2. I am a little freaked out as could be because I just re-watched the episode of Downton Abbey with the Spanish flu outbreak ;) My brother is a pharmacist and he was saying that the flu everyone is getting is not the type that the flu shot protects you against, so even if you got the shot, you could still get this flu...I've never gotten a flu shot and (knock on wood!) I can not remember ever having the flu. Those are great tips to follow to keep healthy! The one about not touching your face - I've become a fanatic about that! And I think I will smile more today ;)

  3. It's freaking me out too! I was telling my husband this morning that he better wash his hands often. We are flying next week and I worried about that. Planes are not a good place to be during flu season.

  4. No, I did not take a flu shot this year either. I truly just try not to think about it too much.

  5. If that's the case there will be a permanent smile on my face, haha!!! :)

  6. We haven't had the flu in our home (thank God) but we are sick. I have been suffering with a sinus infection and B has had a viral infection in his lungs. Bluck!
    Keep knocking on wood your family stays healthy!!

  7. For only the second time in my life, I got a flu shot this year! I've been so thankful because a BIL who came for Christmas had the flu and it spread like wildfire through our family! Thankfully, my mama didn't get it, she refused the shot for the first time ever!

  8. I never get a flu shot, and (knock on wood) haven't had the flu since I was in jr. high. It's already been rampant in the schools, so hopefully I've escaped it.

  9. Nope, no flu shot for me.

    I just got a text from my in laws (who live across from us--and who come over to let out the dog) that they have the flu and came over to "let out the dog and take a few bottles of gatoraide".

    Great. Guess who is spraying the place down with lysol when I get home? ISH!

  10. Flu hit my house the week before Christmas, and honestly, it was the most mild case of it I've ever seen... Fever never got above 100.3, no coughing, and it was gone in 5 days.

    I think the media just enjoys creating panic.


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