Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Wednesday!!!!  Hodgepodge Time

1. Lake Superior University has once again published a list of words/phrases they think should be banished from the Queen's's the list for 2013-

fiscal cliff, kick the can down the road, double down, job creators/creation, passion/passionate, yolo (acronym for you only live once), spoiler alert, bucket list, trending, superfood, boneless wings, and guru

Which of these words would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Go here to read more about how the words were chosen.

I have a feeling most people are going to pick "Fiscal cliff"... but I don't even know what that means!
Yes - My awesomeness in all things political is showing! :)

My answer is "Boneless wings"... that just makes me want to barf
I choose barfing over politics

2.  When was the last time you rode a train? Where did you go?
Does the one in DollyWood count?
They even stop the train & you have a cowboy robbery... scary stuff... (Sarcasm inserted)

But even then, that was about 16 years ago

I need to get out more

Though I did see our Zoo just got 2 new trains
.... it hasnt had trains in over 4 years because the last one tumped over & hurt a bunch of kids & parents
Nice - huh?

3.  Bagels-yay or nay? Favorite 'flavor'? Favorite topping?

Panera Bread's Cinnamon Crunch Bagel is straight from Heaven.... I'm convinced of it

& I dont know - nor do I want to know - how many calories are in it.

4.  'Tis the season of awards shows....if you could star in a movie already made, which one would you choose?

Well.... DUH!!!!  You already know I'm going to pick Les Miserables!
To be able to sing & dance with Hugh Jackman?  Sign me up...

I know you'd thought I'd pick Beauty & the Beast... but hello!  I'm already in that ;)

5.  The move towards single gender classrooms has been making the news in recent months...what say you? Do you think kids perform better if separated by gender and are taught differently or is that discrimination? If you're a parent is this something you'd support in regard to your own children?

I didnt even know this was an issue that was being talked about....
It kind of makes sense though...
Working with Middle School kids in youth, I see the difference when we seperate the girls & guys.  The girls are much more 'themselves' - no one to impress.
But then, I guess there's a thing called "Social interaction" that is already being taken away from this generation with everything being behind a screen or phone or gadget....

So as everything in life - I can see both sides

6. What's your favorite thing about staying in a hotel?

Not having to clean the room!  YES!!!

I will say, being a germaphobe, it freaks me out being in a hotel room though.  I wear socks 99.9% of the time - that .1% being the quick shower I take, & I like to have my own blanket & my own pillow.  

I had a friend who worked as a hotel room cleaner in Vegas & I heard HORROR stories of how some people would clean the room. GASP!  So now, I walk in a hotel room with Lysol & go straight for the phone, remote, door knobs & I turn down the bedspread.  Did you know they never NEVER get washed? You're welcome

7.  Do you have a 'word' for 2013? What's the story behind your choice?

This 'one word' thing has gotten popular, hasnt it?

My word is "FOCUS" - you can see it right in the sidebar.

The story came from a scripture that has hit me in the heart (Phil 3:14) - Just the idea of focusing on the important things - not the petty, stupid things that can bring you down, cause you worry.  
Focusing on things that make you stronger & better... 

I've already said to myself 100 times in situations where I want to scream or throw something, or give up, "Just FOCUS"... its already calming me down & bringing me peace.

I like my word

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

So how did I not know about Ruzzle?

But my word-loving friend Auburnchick  sent me a heads up... & now, I'm ready to not do any work at all today :)

Anyone else addicted to Ruzzle?
My name on there is becjovincent ... if you play, send me a game.
Make my Wednesday at work fly by! :)


  1. Never heard of Ruzzle. I'll have to check that one out tonight.

    Focus is a good one - glad it's already making a difference for you.

    Loved your movie answer - made me smile.

  2. I've never heard of Ruzzle, not that I need any new games to play anyway : )

    I like your word.

    I have a friend who travels with cleaning supplies. I try not to think too hard about the room, so long as it LOOKS clean, I'm going to assume it is.

  3. Haven't heard of Ruzzle until I saw your fb post this morning, lol. Cinnamon Crunch bagel. I HAVE to try it after seeing it on so many blogs today!

  4. I hadn't even heard of yolo - can I use it for a while before we banish it?

    And I think we must have been on the Dollywood train AT THE SAME TIME! Squee! We used to have season tickets back when we lived in western NC.

    I was having trouble getting words with friends to load on my computer & Mike asked me if I needed an i-phone. I said, "a WORLD of no! I do NOT need instant access to all these games - I already don't get anything done." Heh.

  5. Same bagel pick as me. My problem is only the top is tasty. So when they slice it you have to put it back together to get the good stuff all the time.

  6. I've never heard of Ruzzle before, which is probably a good thing! I'm semi-addicted to Song Pop...I rock the 80's music and Classic Rock! Wait...Hugh Jackman is MY man! I'll have you know that I have every song from that movie/production seared in my memory, word for word. So, hand's off my Hugh-man! ;)

  7. Oh, and from one germaphobe to another...I'm in total agreement with you about hotels. All I can think about is who was in that bed before me and what happened in it! BLECH! The only time my feet are bare is when I take a shower...a very FAST one at that! I'm sure you've seen those shows where they take Luminol and shine a blacklight to show where all the 'stuff' is located on the bedding, walls, furniture, etc. I can't get those images out of my mind!

  8. Of course you would be in Les Miserables.
    Yes, I knew that :)

    I LoVE your word!

    Whatis Ruzzle? No idea.

    Love you friend ~~ dawn

  9. I haven't seen Les Miserables yet but hope to very soon. Focus is a great word!

  10. Oooooo, now I need to go to Panera Bread. Thanks for the heads up. :) I too have heard horror stories about hotel rooms, and they certainly horrify me! (should I add another "H" word to that sentence do you think?) Focus is a great word for the year. Putting my focus off of myself and onto Jesus is a reminder I need daily. Sometimes hourly!

  11. I am so glad I could enable you to be a sloth at work!!! Love playing against you, my friend!!


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