Monday, January 07, 2013

Weekend Wrapup

(First of all - Blogger is BITING right now... why cant you upload pictures?... so I've uploaded everything to Pinterest to bring it here... geez Blogger - you're really making me hate you lately... ok - rant over... continue to the weekend wrapup)

A fun weekend celebrating a cute little 3 yr old...

Well, not actually until Tuesday - but when work weeks mess up everything.  All birthdays should be designated to weekends only.  Which is what we did with Luke.

I'm not even going to break down the days... its all sort of a blur.
That happens when you ride in a car for awhile.

* I'm now getting good at marking things on the road to Nashville & our location.  This is now our 4th or 5th trip down... I cant even remember...

* We couldnt find the cute little gas station/grocery store we found last time.  & of course, a 'discussion' (code for argument ready to happen) occured on where we both thought it was.  For the record, I know I'm right.

* Yes, the trip is under 3 hours, but we still load up the car with snacks like we're going to travel around the world.  You never know what can happen in 3 hours.

* Get to Nashville & 2 little boys have since forgotten their "favorite toys" (remember that at Christmas - they werent super impressed at the time because they had other toys to play with... that's been moved over).... they have finally loved their 4 wheeler  that we got them for Christmas. 

* Boys have no sense of COLD when playing... they were outside like it was summer time & it was in the low 40's

* We went to the coolest place in Nashville for lunch.  Its right around the corner from Julie too - I'd be there EVERY.DAY!  They have so many vegetarian options - I was in heaven.    But the whole place is decked out in roll & roll stuff.  Even the menu comes in like an old album cover & the menu is on a record cut out.  Of course, you know its cool when KISS is on the wall.

I personally like the Liberace life size stand... I'd wear his socks...

* Cutest moment of lunch - Isaac sees that poster & gets excited & says, "PAPPY - LOOK!" ... he already knows who KISS is... can you say, "one proud Pappy"?

* Pappy kept the boys from napping by running in circles around the house for a good hour.  Nanny sat & drank tea while watching... I'm not dumb

*  Luke said he wanted "CHOC-O-ATE" for his cake.. that's what he got.  He was so cute watching Julie make it - helped out... & waited anxiously for the licking of the mixing spoon

* The cake was so moist, it just crumbled... it was the most awesome cake EVER!  We laughed while it was falling apart.  But let me tell you - it was AMAZINGLY YUMMY!  Seriously - the best cake I've ever had.  The icing was like a chocolate cheesecake icing.  Enough said.

* Luke ended up nodding for a late nap & we woke him up so he wouldnt sleep long... & to sing happy birthday. 

Not feeling the Candle blowing...

* Poor Baby had pains in his legs... Julie had JUST said about an hour earlier that she thinks he's having a growth spurt because all he wants to do is eat.  He kept crying "OWWWWW" & grabbing his legs.  They were so tense like they were cramping.  It was so pitiful.

* With a sleepy little boy, Isaac was getting so grumpy by the end of the night.  I just wish I could throw fits & throw things when I get tired.  Believe me, I want to.

* I got to watch the boys for a little bit Sunday morning while Ricky & Julie went to get batteries for some walkie talkies & some breakfast... its so fun to sit & talk with Isaac now.  5 yr old conversations are the BEST

* Headed home... we left a sunny, warmer temp to a grey, gloomy, COLD home

* We got home & literally laid in the bed the rest of the evening with the dogs... there's no place like home

* Shows are BACK!  Once Upon a time... Revenge... Biggest Loser... I was happy to be snuggled up...

Now back to the routine - right?  5 full days of work... sigh...


  1. Sweet pictures and videos. Didn't get to see those shows. Maybe I'll catch some of them later this week.

    Your grandsons are adorable!!

  2. Sounds like a good weekend!
    I'm definitely going to have to take a nap when I get home this afternoon: Downton Abbey was 2 hours last night (9-11) so I missed Revenge...and the National Championship Game is tonight. Why do they have those games on a Monday night???
    When does Scandal start back up?

  3. Wow, you were so busy. Sounds like a great time. Love Liberace! That 4wheeler looks like fun. Love the mixing of the cake pictures, so cute! I hope blogger gets fixed soon.

  4. Do you use Internet Explorer? I've heard that others are having a lot of problems posting pictures to Blogger using Internet Explorer ... and have't had any troubles using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Just a thought.

    Sounds like you all had a wonderful weekend! I'm with you - I love conversations with 5 y.o. - I love that age!


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