Monday, March 25, 2013

On Flu Alert...

I was going to do my Race Recap today - because the weekend was pretty laid back except for Saturday - Race Day...

But I don't have time today

My manager has called in sick at work with the flu .... the nasty, both ends, never stopping kinda flu....

& I've got double duty to knock out today...(no pun intended there)

& a whole office to Lysol down

How is the stomach flu still going around?!?!?!!?!

Just this weekend, I think I saw at least 5 posts on Facebook talking about how this stupid stomach flu is wiping out entire families.

Oh Lordy - just when I thought it was safe to put my hand sanitizer, green tea & Lysol away?

It's all back on my desk....

Stay healthy everyone!


  1. The digestive bug has been making the rounds in our region ... thankfully we've been able to keep it at bay here at Chez Nana.

    Hope you are able to stay healthy!

  2. Good grief. Your office sure has been hit by that stuff. Hope you stay clear of it.

    I'm dying to know who the Falcon is on Revenge.

  3. It's still winter here and I think the germs will hang around until we can open the windows and let some of these bugs out. Snowing here today so that's not going to happen just yet. Stay well!

  4. YUCK! Hope it stays away from you!

  5. So far so good, I hope that flu stays away from us and you too!!

  6. Sure hope and pray you don't come down with the yucks! Stay well, my friend and keep that Lysol handy!:)

  7. Thankfully, we've missed that bug! Hope you don't get it.....wise use of Lysol!


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