Monday, May 06, 2013

Weekend Wrapup

*  My goal for the weekend was to clean my library... that was unsuccessful... weekend fail...

*  Worked on a Senior Collage for a client.  I always love putting together different designs for a client.  I loved that I gave them several options & they picked one & said, "We're 95% we're going with this one, but we 100% loved all of them" - score!

Any reason to use a New Girl clip.... I'll take it!

* Derby Day!  ... what a wash out.  I was so nervous watching every horse race. (& no, I wasn't there - but living a few miles from where the race is at, its TV coverage all day long on local stations)  I'm always afraid they're going to slide & break something - which doesn't work out well for a horse when they break something.

* Do you know they said that it has actually never rained ON the Derby... the race itself... & everyone thought, not this year.  When lo & behold, the skies cleared up just in time for the race - only to bust back through as soon as it was over.  That's weird, isn't it?!

* My aunt & uncle were up from Texas & went to the Derby... & lookie what happened - she made the local newspaper web site for her hat she wore :)  Her daughter actually made it for her.  Pretty cool, huh!

Luckily, she had tickets where she could stay indoors & didn't need to cover it up with all the plastic wrap everyone else has around their hats.

* Got caught up on "The Following" & watched the Season Finale... SHUT UP!!!  I was sitting on the edge of my couch the whole time & when it went off, those last 30 seconds, I was screaming like someone stabbed me in the back!!!!

* Rainy, cold, lazy days calls for grilled cheese sandwiches

* Taught the youth class on dating relationship... whew!  I felt like a 1,000 lbs was off my shoulder after that was over.

* Why do I know I need mascara & eye shadow but every time I walk into Target, I get a total mental block about it... & don't remember until the next morning I'm putting on makeup?

* Movie Night:  The Factory with John Cusack... I don't know why we even chose to watch it.  It was a scary, torture movie, which Ricky hates.  So we spent 90% of it fast forwarding it.  The 1 hour 44 minute long movie ended up being like 35 minutes long.  & we did watch the ending - which was STUPID.  Not every movie is a good one.

* I'm not comfortable with John Cusack cursing like a sailor ... he's still the goofy teenage guy from "Better off Dead" or  "Say Anything" to me... always will be

* We went out for lunch after church.. worst meal ever.  Tumbleweed needs some work.  They're going downhill. The food was cold, the order was wrong, the service was horrible, & we left hungry because neither of us wanted to eat our food.  That's always so disappointing.

* Did you see the new commercial during Once Upon a Time with the Evil Queen in the new Disney Fantasy Land area?  I about died!  All the Beauty & the Beast stuff.  I GOTTA GET TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!  In my Belle dress!!!!!


  1. Take lots of pictures of you in your Belle dress in Disney World! LOL!!!
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your aunt's hat! :)
    I couldn't bear to watch the derby...I just knew a horse was going to slip & fall.

  2. Cool hat!

    When you go to Disney in your Belle dress, I want to go along. That would be so fun!

  3. I had to laugh about your going to Disney in your Belle dress ... my youngest granddaughter loves all things Disney princess and is going to wear her Belle dress at Disney ... and her Rapunzel dress, too - provided Nana sews up the rip in the bodice. ;-)

  4. I haven't watched The Following yet, but I've heard it's amazing!!

  5. Interesting trivia about the sure was muddy! I need to get to Disney too...I do not have a Belle dress : )

  6. Oh how I've missed reading about your life. You are such a busy and inspiring woman. I hope to do half the things you do some day.

  7. Now HOW LONG have I've been saying you need to get your behind to Disney?!?!?!?!?!? :P LOLOL!!!!!!!


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