Friday, June 07, 2013

Friday Fragments

Half-Past Kissin' Time

Friday!  Yes... I've survived the Buggy Week!
 I'm going to be COLORFUL tomorrow morning

Its time for the COLOR RUN again

Now that I've done it before - I'm kinda dreading the 'yuck' of it... the having to scrub the skin - the having to bring blankets & towels to keep the car clean
(Do I sound like a fuddy-duddy or what?)

BUT... I'm glad to be doing a run since my back kept me out of the big show a few months ago.

I think it'll be good for my running psyche
Being in that environment
Not having to really worry about time
just enjoying a run
....full of colored powder...
Did you see this video going around?
I love it...

This video shows the details from a news station...
What you don't see in this - but you can see in the original video, most of the teachers have their heads hanging down... almost ashamed.... almost not sure what to do
... but there is one lady, who looks at him the whole time & is smiling
... I LOVE that teacher!  :)

I'm doing a Bible Study right now & just this week, a big part of it was about prayer & how NO ONE can take away your power to pray... not even the enemy himself...
Nope.. NO ONE can stop you!
 CURRENTLY READING:  Silver Linings Playbook

I'm totally watching the movie as soon as I get done reading this

But so far, I'm loving the book

& now, when I think of the characters in my head, I only see Bradley Cooper & Jennifer Lawrence in my head

... that's alright with me...


I thought about a fun reading summer challenge

Get all of Judy Blume's books & re-read them as an adult

I printed a list of all her books...
there are 28 books!

Now, my question... should I just get them on my Kindle
or actually buy the books so I can have a collection of them?

If I have the books, I'm thinking I can pass them down to my nieces

Every girl needs Judy Blume in her life


I just watched "Must Love Dogs" this week
...yes, I know that movie is so 5 years ago...

But it was just so darn cute

I forgot how much I love John Cusack

He needs more credit for the Rom-Com King
I think Tom Hanks has the crown
(in my own ceremony anyways)

But I just really love John ... we're on first name basis...

Say Anything
One Crazy Summer
Better Off Dead

All Classics

Did you also know he was the voice of Dimitri in "Anastasia"

He does it all

(NOTE:  He's still no Hugh Jackman... c'mon... get real)


TV Time:  Its summer & on the slow side...for now...

The Bachlorette:  Desiree is adorable... & some of these guys?  I'm not too sure about.  I know she really likes that Ben

I'm not sure of my thoughts on him yet... he seems sketchy to me

I'm still mad she got rid of the magician on the first night
That right there was many episodes of entertainment!

Real Housewives of Orange County:  When Tamra was bored at her Bachlorette party on the first night & said, "What's next?  A yeast infection?" ... I literally spit my water across the room from laughing

The things that lady says is ridiculous... & hilarious... all in one

America's Got Talent:  I'll be the first to say, I thought it was a horrible idea to have Heidi Klum as a judge... but I didn't mind her.  Love Mel B anyways... & Howie & Howard break my ribs from laughing every show anyways... so I think its going to be a good year.

But did you see the guy levitating?

I seriously laughed & screamed all at once that I woke Ricky up...
he jumped up thinking something horrible was wrong
.... that's always good for his heart...

Can't wait for Big Brother to start... & Drop Dead Diva...


OK everyone - hope you all have a Fantastic Friday Full of Fun! :)


  1. I was not aware of the valedictorian prayer thing. But thank you for showing it. It almost made me cry when I heard everyone clapping. See, we still want that, but the government has us believing that most Americans don't want prayer. This just proves to me, that there are still a lot of us who believe in prayer.

  2. I agree...every girl needs to experience Judy Bloom. Buy them. Pass them down.

    And I watched America's Got Talent and that first contestant with the rattle snake? Had me hiding behind my laptop. EEEKKKK!

  3. 1. SO wish we could do a color run together!!!! We WILL run together some day :)

    2. LOVE LOVE LOVE "Must love dogs"... cutest movie EVER!!!

    3. I totally think I need to go and watch Silver Lingings Playbook again. My Mom and I went it saw it really late at night in the movie theater and we just did not care for it at all. I was tired and maybe that had something to do with it, ha! But everyone else I know has loved it and it won all those awards. So I'm thinking I should.

    4. That video of the speech is just the best.

    5. Can you believe I'm not watching really anything on TV right now. I kind of love summer and the TV break :)

    5. Love you. Have a good weekend!!!

  4. And apparently I can't count... Obviously that was supposed to be a "6" :)

  5. Oh what a gutsy and cool thing for the val to do!! Well played!! Such a blinded society to wonder what is up with school violence after decades of banning prayer and God from schools :-(

    I have got to look up that levitating guy thing. What on earth, how does he do that???

  6. If I were a runner, doing a Color Run would be something I'd totally want to do. I hope you take tons of pictures! :)

    That video is awesome! I got all goosebumpy when the cheering started. Very cool.

    Ooooh! What a great idea on re-reading all the Judy Blume books as an adult! I might have to do that - I love Judy Blume! I'd say get the actual books so you can pass them down to your nieces...every girl needs Judy Blume! :)

    Desiree is such a cutie! I'm with you, I'm a little leery about Ben - curious to find out which one of the guys has a girlfriend, they keep teasing with that, hopefully Monday's episode we'll find out!

    I forgot to record AGT - but Princess Nagger and I thought we were watching the whole thing On Demand but they only had an hour of the 2 hour episode, so we missed the levitating guy - luckily they're reairing it this weekend, so I'll be sure to watch out for that (and let you know if we wake anybody up). ;)

    Looking forward to Drop Dead Diva!! :)

    Farewell to Friday for a Temporary Hiatus

  7. Fisherhubby and I LIVED in Liberty, SC for a couple of years while in college.


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