Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend Wrapup... not really....

I am so tired, I can't even break it down in probably in the right order...

It was wedding weekend... & it was the most fun wedding I've ever been a part of

It helped I knew the bride & groom
It helped that they are awesome
It helped that the families of the bride & groom are incredible
It helped that the bridal party was just relaxed, fun, helpful

It was just perfect...

It was 92 degrees that day, but honestly, it never really felt THAT hot... it felt hot, but not like you expect for 92 degrees & humid.  When we did the bride's pictures with the bridesmaids, we even had breezes that were actually cool & refreshing.  Not like hot hair slapping you in the face...

& it rained right as the ceremony ended... but we had the most beautiful place to finish up pictures under cover... & then the rains stopped & the weather was perfect...

I'm telling you, Jesus was all over this wedding day...

& I'm exhausted...
& I have a ton of pictures to go through... no joke... TONS...

Highlights of the wedding:

The bride saying, "When I look in the mirror, I see my best friend" ... (I would too if I were her - she's amazing)

When the make up artist said, "You are beautiful"... Bride:  "You made me that way.  Well, you & Jesus"

The bride constantly dancing... the WHOLE day... I love a joyful bride

Cute pregnant bridesmaids with little bellies...

Bridesmaids praying over their friend... priceless

Ricky had a camera in his hands at the reception... & got some fantastic pictures... I may have to put him to work more often!! :)

Chasity & I are on our feet for about 10 hours by the time the reception rolls around, so we're usually walking around barefoot at the reception (Real professional - right?)... by this point in the reception, the bride doesn't even have on shoes... but someone told us we should name our business "Barefoot Photography"... I'm staking claim NOW on that name... I absolutely LOVE it...

Chasity to me: "Our diet on wedding days is horrible.  Do you realize it consisted today of one bottle of water, one cheese cube & one cupcake?"

Realizing at the end of the day HOW dehydrated you are when you realize you went to the bathroom one time during the whole 12 hour day... & that was at 9 am... I told one of the wedding helpers, "I'm a camel on a wedding day"

Anyways - my brain is scattered... & its Monday...
So that's as good as it gets today

Hope you're weekend was as full of laughs as mine was....


  1. The bridesmaids praying over the bride brought tears to my eyes ... that is just SO AWESOME!

    Hope you can get rested up.

  2. So fun and special! Do we get to see any of those pictures?!? :)

  3. Barefoot Photography....great name.

  4. I want to see a picture of the bridesmaids praying over the bride! amazing!
    Love "Barefoot Photography"!! Hey, you're in the south, so I don't think anyone thought anything about you not wearing shoes! :D


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