Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thanksgiving Scrooge....

I'm going to say it...

I know some people will totally be like "Are you crazy?"... & I know some of you are secretly agreeing with me.  You don't have to come out of hiding.  You can stay safe in the world of Thanksgiving wonder & let everyone think you are blissfully enjoying the day....

But I'm saying it... I'm not a fan of Thanksgiving...

I know... I KNOW!!!

Hold the riot mobs...

I will go on the record & say the only thing I do remember liking about Thanksgiving was my grandma's dumplin's ... & yes, that's dumplin's with no "g" ... its good, old fashion, country cooking dumplin's ....those made the holiday perfect & I used to actually look forward to eating them like I'm looking forward to this weekend to see "Catching Fire".  The anticipation!

Other then that.... umm... not a fan of the day...

Maybe because when I was young, I had a job at a grocery store.  You ain't worked a job unless you worked in a grocery at Thanksgiving.  People are in a hurry, people are loaded with food, people are grumpy.

I can remember being out to dinner with my mom & dad the day before Thanksgiving.  We had to run in the grocery so my mom could pick up something quick, like cool whip for pie... the store manager saw me walk in & put me to work on a cash register because the store was nuts.  Its chaos. 

Thank your grocery cashier this Thanksgiving season.

People are making a big deal about stores being open on Thanksgiving.  Hello?  I was 16 about 25 years ago & & guess what?  The grocery WAS OPEN on Thanksgiving!  At least till noon.  So I had to work on Thanksgiving most years.  ... again, with crazy people who need last minute things.  Talk about worn out.

I also don't get what the big deal is about a DAY to be thankful.  I don't mean to sound so grumpy about it, but hello?  Aren't we taught in the Bible to be thankful EVERY DAY?  What makes one day so special?  And especially when most people don't get together to discuss why they are thankful... they just get together to eat, watch football, argue as families do.

I'm thankful for ANY time our family gets together for dinner... not sure what makes one dinner in November any more special.

Man, I'm sounding REALLY Thanksgiving-Scroogey, aren't I?

You know with me being a vegetarian, I've gotta add the obvious thing.... all the killings of poor turkeys.  I will say, I'll go with a Chick-fil-A thought & say that the cows get a break for the day, but still, poor turkeys everywhere are shaking in fear....

I didn't mean shaking turkey's like this though....

I just see people already stressing about the holiday... where to go, all the travel, what to cook.  Doesn't sound like a 'thankful' few days building up to it, does it?

To finish up with my depressing Thanksgiving post - is it me or isn't Thanksgiving supposed to be the 3rd Thursday of the month?  What the heck happened to have it on the 4th Thursday?  Who decided that?  Who declares what day Thanksgiving is?

This is how I felt when I saw Thanksgiving weekend actually goes into December!

But to take my own thinking & to be thankful every day, I will say a few good things about the day...

1. I do love watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.  My favorite is when they do Broadway show songs!

2. Its my cue to officially start listening to Christmas music full time.

3. SALES SALES SALES!!! I will be out in the Black Friday chaos trying to find a deal or two... makes me feel accomplished for the year if I get at least one killer deal.

4. No judgment if you go through the grocery line with 4 different kind of pies... Apple, Cherry, Pumpkin & Pecan... get in my belly

5.  Christmas decorating goes in full effect on Thanksgiving

6. The start of fun Christmas shows on TV... Hello "ELF" being on TV every night on some station.  I never get enough of it.

7.  This sums it up... MASHED POTATOES

What It's Like Being A Vegetarian At Thanksgiving

So what about you?

Do you LOVE Thanksgiving?

Are you a secret closet Thanksgiving hater?

Come on, you can admit it - what stresses you out about the holiday?


  1. Great fun post Rebecca Jo.. I cannot say I agree totally......yes, the heticness (is that even a word....lol) Of the day is to much...I do love getting together with family. My kids and Grands are so spread out. It is nice to have a day they feel they must visit if only for a day....lol...we enjoy eating and watching our first Christmas movie for the season together...Black Friday....NEVER!!! I do not do Black Friday! Have a great one! Blessings!

  2. Hello my name is also Rebekah Jo and I secretly hate Thanksgiving as well. First of all why isn't it on a Friday so we could have a long weekend every year? Second can we talk about the amount of food my mother insists on making for 9 people...oh wait I did on my blog yesterday. And don't get me started on the crazies that will be out in droves on Black Friday.

    I do admit though that I will be up and surfing the websites for their online Black Friday deals!! Hello free shipping!!!

  3. I do like Thanksgiving--if for anything just to be with family for the day. :)

  4. My husband loves Thanksgiving because he thinks it is a time for families to come together without the added pressure of Christmas presents.

  5. I have to be honest..this is a first for me! I have never met a thanksgiving hater!!! I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving b/c for me it is all about family, being thankful, great food, Macy's day parade, great food, family games, movies, family snuggle time and great food!!! I will admit that I am not into the football, but that is why we have 2 TVs!! I love cooking the food with my kids and making my great grandmother's rolls with my daughter. I love the whole day! And then we all decorate the tree together on the weekend! It's wonderful.

    Although this year will be a bit sad for me b/c my daughter will not make it...it will be my first thanksgiving without all my kids. :(

    And Black Friday? Going out in that...now that could ruin thanksgiving for you! :)

  6. I love Thanksgiving. I love that the focus is on food and family and tradition and gratitude. I love that there are no gifts to buy. We don't shop on Thanksgiving, and I guess I see your point about the groceries, but at least they close early. I really don't see why we can't have that one day where we can't go buy a television or whatever. I know it's America and all that, and people are out of work, etc. but I just love that our Thanksgiving is low key, lazy, delicious, cozy. I think I'm a grateful person, but in the lead up to the frenzy that has become Christmas I appreciate a day recognized as a day of gratitude.

    I understand not all holidays mean the same thing to everyone, so you don't have to love it if you're not feeling it : )

  7. What I love about Thanksgiving is the opportunity to be together as a family, which doesn't happen nearly enough these days. I like preparing all the fixings for our meal. I just don't understand how all these stores plan to be open for business on Thanksgiving Day. I really feel for the poor folks who have to work. Just makes no sense to me.

  8. I'm with you on the idea that we should be thankful EVERY day. That's the same reason my boyfriend and I don't celebrate Valentine's day... because I believe you should treat the person you love like they're special EVERY day. But I love Thanksgiving. Well, I just love food. Any day with a lot of food. :)

  9. couldn't agree more - but then I am definitely a holiday scrooge.

    Mashed potatoes - could eat them every day - had some yesterday and today as well :-) :-)

  10. I like Thanksgiving fine. I liked it better when I was a kid and we got together with all the aunts and uncles and cousins on my mom's side of the family. Fun times.

  11. Ok so you absolutely KNOW my answer to this.
    I LOVE IT!!!
    And ya know for me that happened as an adult. I didn't love it or even understand it as a kid. We just stayed home all seven of us (mom & dad & us five kids) and ate dinner (lunch), like we always did, only it was different food. And we didn't have school. SCORE. But that was about it.

    But somehow after the losses I experienced as a young adult, it became more important to me.
    Family was more important. Getting together with them took on deeper meaning.

    And now it has just grown into something that I really really appreciate.

    But I do understand the other side to. It can be very stressful as well.

    But I still love it. Stress and all. I'm just cool like that =)

    Love you funny girl!!!

  12. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love being with family, watching the parades, and the FOOD!

  13. Thanksgiving…hmmm…I've never heard someone not liking it, but I get it…I really do! I do like Thanksgiving (I mean I love the food!!)…it's nice to be able to come into town to see our families, but that would be my one complaint too. Our families make it difficult for us! Both sides want us on Thanksgiving day and for many years we would have lunch at one place and dinner at another, but they still weren't happy because at dinner we didn't eat enough! Ugh…what do you do?! I am looking forward to some yummy mashed potatoes though ;) PS…I have a new fabulous (easy!) recipe for mashed potatoes…I will send it to you :)

    Hope you enjoy the holiday as much as possible :) Love to you!

  14. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Thanksgiving! You get to eat, and have no stress to buy gifts!

  15. I don't HATE it, but I don't love it, either. I will admit, it's more about studying the Black Friday ads and eating stuffing than it is about being thankful! I agree that we should be thankful everyday!


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