Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Christmas is coming...

I honestly feel like we just put the Christmas decorations back into storage  & now, they are back out & up & ready for another year.

I can always remember my grandmother telling me the older you get, the faster time goes by.  As a child, I used to laugh at her & think she was a little off her rocker... because as a child, Christmas took FOR-EV-ER to get back around!!! It felt like the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day was like a whole eon in of itself.

Now, its New Years & BLINK, Back to Christmas....

As a child though, that waiting was the worst. 

I'm horrible with waiting anyways...

Are you done?
waiting... waiting...waiting... waiting....... waiting.

Waiting in traffic?  Give me a puke bucket & something to pull my hair out with.
Waiting in the lines for Black Friday shopping?  Give me some boxing gloves to get people out of my way.
Waiting for food in restaurants when I'm hungry?  Let me be dramatic & act like I'm fainting.

I actually say this multiple times during a day

I'm really not good with waiting....

Even when we're walking out the door & Ricky has forgotten the keys & has to run back in... I can be a drama queen, I'll admit it.... But what's wrong with throwing yourself to the ground & lifting your hands in the air & screaming "WHY?" when he has to take an extra 10 seconds...

Yes... I can get THIS dramatic over waiting 3.7 seconds

I may have a problem with waiting actually...


But can you imagine the people that waited for the FIRST Christmas?  They had no idea when it was coming... they just knew that God had promised them a Savior - a Messiah...

They didn't know when he was coming.. didn't know how... where...
Just that they were promised that he was coming...

Can you imagine that waiting?


It had to get frustrating.  Wondering if God was really going to delivery his promise.  I mean, it took a LONG time before Jesus was born. 

I would have been REALLYYYYY dramatic, I'm sure on that long of a wait...

But we know that God did deliver on his promise...

The Savior was born...

No more wondering if the promise was true.. no more waiting...

& now we wait for Christmas to come every 365 days, but we can celebrate Jesus every day...

no waiting on that...

Now, does that mean I can leave my Christmas tree up all year long?


  1. Sure you can leave it up, if you want to. However, I can't stand mine to be up beyond January 1st. haha

    Oh and be careful about praying for patience. You know the Bible says something like...the trying of your faith works patience. I really don't like having my faith tried. :) Just a thought.

  2. Would you believe that our tree comes down on the evening of Christmas? Crazy, I know, but we go out of town the day after and that's the last thing I want facing me when we get home. I so love how you always find a way to put everything into the proper perspective.

  3. I agree, time does seem to go faster the older I get. Now we are waiting for Jesus to return--again, not having any idea when that might be.

  4. love this post! it does seem like every year goes by faster than the previous one. and i'm wondering how fast my years will go at 80 if they're going this fast already at 25!

    i am so impatient & the older i get the more impatient i get it seems. i love thinking about those who had to wait for the first Christmas & it helps me put things in perspective.

  5. Patience is definitely something that I need to work on in my daily life. I've always been horribly impatient. Daily struggle!


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