Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why do you trust?


Have you ever done a trust fall?

I actually saw this one LIVE on tv...
she hit hard..

I never have...

probably never will...

that just shows the extent of my trust.

I'm one of those people that think too much... I think...

I mean, if I were to do a trust fall, I have to think a few things.  How big is this person?  Are they able to support me?  Do they realize my size?  Are they strong?  Are they going to be distracted by the fly on the wall & totally let me hit the ground?  Are their arms sweaty?  Will I slide off?   Is the weather going to be a factor?  What is the meaning of life?

... see?  I have a sense to over think things A LOT...

Oh great - now I'll think of THIS possibility of happening!!!

& then we talk in church Sunday about trusting God....

I always seem to think I trust Him.  I mean, God has always been my buddy - always with me since the time I can have memories of my life...

why shouldn't I trust Him?

I do... but I don't...

That's scary to say, but its honest.

I just think of all the times I make stupid choices on my own & think "I've got this"
... & then I just go on making my own decisions & carving my own path, that usually ends up with me falling right on my butt...

a trust fall with no one to catch me...

I mean, how do I catch myself?

Our pastor talked Sunday about Sarai & Abram & how they took matters in their own hands with having a child... bring in another woman.  Makes sense... in some bizzaro world.  But we do the same thing.  Make stupid decisions that don't make a bit of sense - all because we don't trust God & His promises.

So at the end of the message Sunday, we were told to ask people
"Why do you Trust God?"...

Find out why people do it. 

I know people who do it without thinking... its their only way of functioning in life... in the hard times.  Especially in the hard times.

I know why I trust God... I also know where I need to work on to trust God more.

How about you?  Do you trust God?... Why?

I'm anxious to hear your thoughts...

Just one more because I thought it was super cute...


  1. Oh my, you hit my nail on the head with this one! The overthinking, the trusting yet not fully trusting ... everything! I do trust God ... but too often I really don't. I feel like the man who told Jesus "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief" ... I would say "I do trust; help me overcome my lack of trust".

  2. I love this post and needed something like this today. I think my theme so far for this new year is learning to trust. I keep facing these things and saying, "okay I am giving this to God" but then try to take control a minute later. TRUST!

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

  3. I trust God (or at least I try). It's myself I don't trust. Will I hear Him when He speaks and if I do hear, will I listen. These are some of the issues I have. I'm learning though.

    I've finally started realizing since my girls are both adults, I can't make the decisions for them. I have to just trust God to talk to them and trust them to listen. Just like me, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.

  4. This is a biggie for me. I get a point where life seems to be going good and think "oh yea I totally got this" and then WHAM! Nope, not so much. It's like God is saying "Slow down Hoss you're getting ahead of yourself." I think too, that part of it comes from our human interactions. People will/do let us down regularly, and I think we have a tendency to carry some of that over to our relationship with God.

  5. This is funny because my husband and I were just talking about trust falls last week and we did them to each other, haha! Not sure if I would trust an actual stranger though! This is definitely something I struggle with and it's usually in the form of worrying. I trust God and I trust in his plan for my life, but I still worry about things that are out of my control. I know worrying has no purpose and it's basically saying I don't trust that God will take care of everything but it's hard to stop. It's a daily struggle for me!

  6. Yep, not gonna do these EVER! Why didn't that guy catch her?! hahaa

  7. He is faithful, trustworthy because he created me, loves me, knows me inside and out, and also knows what is best for me, and knows the future and wants me to ask Him for wisdom and help. Plus, God is mighty, powerful and wonderful! Totally amazing!

  8. These are great videos! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I loved them!
    Ruth James | http://www.themullettfamily.com/


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