Thursday, January 16, 2014

You Are Invited!!!! Made to Crave

P31 OBS Blog Hop

See that fancy button?  you can click it to see all the other ladies that have signed up for a new Bible Study that starts next week...

& one I am sooooo excited for.

Not that I've not been this excited for the others, but this one?  I'm uber-excited... like Jessie Spano excited... minus the drugs she took...


We're doing the book, "Made to Crave"....

The perfect book to start out a new year, when all these resolutions are fresh in our mind.

I actually have seen it in stores before, read other people's reviews on it, but I never picked it up.  Then I got a new tablet for Christmas - thank you Santa, & by Santa, I mean Ricky....& the first app I had to have on there - the Bible App...

Who doesn't love that Bible app?

I looked through the Devotionals they had & Made to Crave was there... Yes, let's try that one.

Just in the first few days I started reading it, I had a note book that I wrote down so many thoughts & scripture that was used... & then I saw Proverbs 31 was doing that book...

I stopped the devotional - I want to go through the whole book with all the other ladies going through this book... going through the same struggles of the hold food can have on you.

I always say, if you never had weight issues, you just don't get it...
I'm just glad to see other's talk about this issue from a "Jesus" point of view... learning to see how God speaks to me about it.

Who needs Jillian Michaels when we have God as our personal trainer?

I see God saying this to me all the time too

Anyone want to join in?  Just click the button above & head to the site...

& know I downloaded my book on my Kindle in like 0.3 seconds so its not too late to get the book to join in!


  1. Love your icons! "as excited as Jessi Spano" LOL love it. I was about to start this study again, and then saw they were doing it online. SWEET!

    God Bless!

  2. I look forward to going on this journey with you!

  3. Thanks for your addition to the blogs. I enjoyed reading it and loved the animated pictures too! Let's rock the OBS!

  4. Hi, I'm dropping in from the BlogHop. First of all, I have to say, your graphics made me chuckle outloud. I too am VERY excited for this study and looking forward to it. On a side note, I like your one word for 2014! Look forward to reading your future BlogHops!

  5. Hi Rebecca! I'm excited that you're excited because I'm excited, too!! :) So glad you're a part of the OBS Community. We are getting healthier together - spiritually, physically, and emotionally! Thanks for linking up today! Hugs ~ Shelly

  6. I just might be checking that out...I love a good Bible Study!


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