Thursday, February 13, 2014

I need the #Truth Fairy....

P31 OBS Blog Hop

Another week of awesome study with those ladies at Proverbs 31 Ministries
Click the button above & see all the other tons of awesome bloggers joining in today


Seems easy enough.

I mean we are taught from a young age not to lie, though kids are pretty good at lying.  Just ask them if they ate that cookie, or if they brushed their teeth...

Have you ever seen where Jimmy Kimmel does the 'lie detector'  - the "Truth Fairy" - where they put on the kids a spaghetti strainer with lights?  Its always so funny...

The kids are always so cute because they just answer without really thinking - or in their minds, it is the truth... I guarantee you that this little boy actually thinks with his imagination, he did go to space...

As adults, we learn that lying is just nothing but wrong.  It gets you in trouble & leads to nothing good.  Honesty becomes a trait we take on & hope to find in others.

I've always hated lying.  I knew a guy one time that was a pathological liar.  Seriously.  It was just bizarre.  He would make up the craziest stories you could ever imagine & he totally believed the things he made up.  You'd look at him & just say, "Are you serious?" & he would look at you like you were the crazy one & have the attitude of, "of course-you don't believe that the President of the United States is my cousin?"... I think every famous person in the world was his cousin... it was bizarre.

And this week in our Made to Crave Study, we've been looking at facing the truth.


I'm all about it.  I will always give my honest thoughts.  I am not a good liar. I'm always the one who was scared to death to lie because I knew I would get caught.  I never even wanted to call in sick to work as a lie because I knew somehow, some way, my boss would see me dancing around my house enjoying the day off work...

Lying.  I'm just not good at that.

Except when it comes to myself.

The weird thing, I can take lies & make them seem like truths to myself.  Especially when it comes to the way I feel about myself or the way I see myself.

I can look in the mirror & see 'ugly & old' ...
I can tell myself I'm disgusting because my pants are tighter then they were this time last year
I can tell myself that one more piece of chocolate isn't going to make a difference
I can tell myself that I can skip a work out because is it really working anyways?

Lies that become truths....

I've been reminded this week in the study to look more at God's truths then my own when it comes to my weight & my struggles with food.

God's truth tells me I'm beautiful - no matter what
God's truth tells me that its not about how my clothes fit, but the traits of personality I wear that matters
God's truth tells me that he creates wonderful foods that make a difference in my health
God's truth tells me he created the body to move & function when we take care of it

I'm really trying to focus on God's truths so much more then my own...

I think I need to wear a spaghetti strainer on my own head & have God push those buttons to light up every time I get down on myself...

After all, what good do these 'fake truths' do but make it worse?  Create a catch 22.

And God's truths set you on the road of being free of ever having to question these things of self esteem & struggles with food ever again.

yep... where's my spaghetti strainer...


  1. There's a section in the Beth Moore study I'm doing on this very thing. We have to learn to see ourselves as Christ sees his beautiful, holy bride (the church). Moore suggests that Satan sees us that way, too....and that's why he whispers all those lies to us, to separate us from Christ.

  2. Send that Truth Fairy over here, when you're done please!
    Old? Uh-uh!! Ugly? No way dudette! You are beautiful. Period. Inside and outside and in the laughy parts and hurty parts. I'm chasing Truth with you. Right next. To. You!
    ❤️ Missy

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wonderful Blog, I am with you when it comes to lies, and until this study, I don't think I ever truly looked at my "excuses" that way, but you are so on target. I love the way you ended today. "And God's truths set you on the road of being free of ever having to question these things of self esteem & struggles with food ever again." Really left me with a wonderful feeling. God bless you, and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today. (OBS Group leader.)

  5. After I had my baby, I struggled with my physical form. I would also get down on myself for carrying some extra weight. It was hard to realize that I need to buy some new clothes because my widened hips and "love pouch" left my pre-pregnancy pants VERY uncomfortable.

    And that's when the Lord reminded me that it is my PERSONALITY that matters. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. I'd be lying if I said I never cringe a bit when I look in the mirror, but it is getting better.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  6. Thanks for sharing. I can relate to being down on myself. I also think that I need approval from others around me to feel like I matter. In this study I am getting better everyday with that. I am letting God be my strength and trying to remember to see His truths. God Bless
    Jamie Rogers (Group 50)


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