Friday, June 13, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Father's Day

Yipee for celebrating dad's.  I asked my dad where he wanted to go out to eat & he said he just wanted to grill out at home.  That's a nice idea.  Let the twins run around & play, let us 'grown ups' sit & enjoy the beautiful view & air... & most importantly, let us all be in comfortable lazy weekend clothes :)  Yahoo!

It was funny because I posted a picture for Throwback Thursday of me & my dad for Father's Day (the picture above) & then I got a tweet from Cheerios asking if they could use the photo for a Father's Day promo they're doing.

OK ... if you know me, you instantly laughed. If you don't know me well, know this one fact (besides the fact that Steven Curtis Chapman is incredible).... I loathe, despise, detest, hate, would murder if I could, that one breakfast food that starts with a "C" - I can't even say the word without gagging.  So the irony that THEY asked to use my picture is pretty funny.  Ricky - so serious - said to me, "You said no, right?  You don't support them" ... haha! 

2. House of Cards

So it took me a little while to even jump on board watching it.  Took me even longer to even get into the show.  The first few are snoozers to me.  But everyone told me to stick with it.  I'm starting to dig it now.  It's much deeper then Scandal.  A lot more 'real' on the political side.  I don't do politics.  I don't understand passing a bill, or Congress, or representatives... my School House Rock understanding has failed me.

I do love Robin Wright Penn though.  I can't look at her though & not think of Santa Barbara - the 80's soap opera.  I watched that soap opera from the first day to the final day. 

Oh wow... the memories...

3.  Accessories

I used to be a jewelry NUT in high school.  I mean, BIG earrings, BIG necklaces, rings on every finger. I mean, EVERY finger.  My dad had made me a jewelry box that was HUGE because I had that much jewelry.  As I grew up, it was funny because I ended up being the person who has wore the same jewelry every day. 

My wedding ring, a ring on my right hand, my cross necklace & pearl earrings.  That's it.

But I've really gotten into jewelry again lately.  No, not going to the extreme like the 80's where everything was big... but I love the statement necklaces - love earrings - really love bracelets.  I'm finding how much it adds to a look in simple ways. 

What I'm wearing today

Now, if I could find statement pieces cheap... some of these things are crazy.  I spent $24 for a necklace & that about kicked me in the stomach.  If my husband asks, it was $15 ... (if any of you read "The Antelope in the living room" - you'll get that reference)

4. Bullet Journaling

So I saw this on someone else's blog earlier this week & I'm obsessed with it.

How many of you love those Erin Condren journals & all the pricey ones that are out there?  I will say, I'm a HUGE fan of My Agenda organizers.

But this idea?  Brillant.  You can make it work for just your needs.  & I love journaling anyways.

Here's the link to see more details about it...

& a video that explains it more too...

5. Lotion

I have always been the kind of person that hates lotion. I hate the feel of it.  I mean, I like it, but I hate the feel of it on something else.  So I could lotion up but have to stand naked for 10 minutes until everything dried on me because I hated the feeling of clothes touching my skin with lotion on it.

That commercial where the girl sprays on lotion & instantly pulls her clothes on?  It gives me the creeps & I want to scream...

Yes... I know I'm a weirdo...

But lately, my skin, I think in thanks to being in my 40's, is like a crocodile & as much as I hate lotion-ed skin touching clothes, I hate the feeling of my skin... so I've really been using lotion like a crazed woman.

What my skin feels like in my 40's

I've got some from Bath & Body works that my mother in law got me for Christmas, but its running low. 

So what's your favorite lotion to use?

Do you watch House of Cards?
Anyone else remember Santa Barbara... Eden & Cruz... swoon
Are you a journal freak like me?


  1. Groopdealz has tons of statement necklaces for cheap and they are great quality and look just like J.Crew. Can't tell a difference. Most of mine were under $10 and some others were only $20. Another great place is Versona Accessories :-)

  2. I use Bath and Body Works Moonlight path. It seems to dry pretty quick. And actually, I feel the same way you do about lotion.

    I've recently started wearing necklaces and bracelets again too. I found some at a store called Clothes Mentor (which is a chain). It is the women's version of Platos Closet. I thought the prices were good and they had a good selection.

  3. I just can't get into jewelry. I wear my wedding ring but I've stopped even wearing stud earrings. I would say I'm lazy because those don't take anytime at all to put in. I love watches and bracelets but working on a computer makes that impossible. And forget necklaces...I never know what goes with anything.

  4. Coconut's the cure for literally everything! I love all things owls when it comes to jewelry accents especially necklaces :-)

  5. Ok wait a minute, I'm still stuck on the Cheerios! You don't like them?!?! Did you say no?

  6. I'm like you with lotion. I use Eucerin Plus Smoothing Essentials. It moisturizes really well, and I only have to stand naked for about 5 minutes. ha!

    I don't do much jewelry any more. Pretty much my wedding ring only.

  7. Love that picture of you and your dad... and you can't beat grilling!! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating him! xo

  8. Never heard of House of Cards, sounds good. Did you like West Wing?
    I was a big, big, Santa Barbara fan, loved Cruz and Eden the mostest!! I do journal....Luberderm (sp) is my go to lotion,unscented non greasy....but still have to wait a moment before attempting a door knob!


  9. ERMAGERD - SANTA BARBARA!!! Eden and Cruz 4Eva!!!! Loved. That. Show. Cried like a baby when it went off the air. My skin feels a bit more on the zombie reptile end than the mummy end, but that's just splitting 40 year old hairs. ;)

  10. Oh my goodness, you were such a cute little kiddo! :D

  11. You don't like Cheerios?!?! I eat them every single morning for breakfast! Haha either way, very cool that they wanted to use your picture! And I agree about HOC - it took us a while to get into, too. I always thought Clare looked familiar and then it blew my mind when I found out she was the actress that played Jenny in Forrest Gump!

  12. That picture of you and your dad is so cute. And hilarious that the food you dislike asked you to use the photo. So funny.
    Also... I don't know about you, but I've been super bummed about missing five on Friday for the summer. If you're interested my friend Karli {september FARM} and I {the farmer's wife} are starting up a link-up "oh hey, friday!" with the exact same outline and would love for you to join us tomorrow! Hope to see you there.


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