Thursday, July 10, 2014


Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity
 into a lovely picture
~Kak Sri
07.03.14 Wizard of Oz finds!!!
I ran into the local hobby/craft store to get dad some paints & came across these babies.  How cute are they?!?!?!  Had to get them for my mom.
I wanted to keep them to wear myself on Halloween
... or just whenever....
07.04.14 4th of July
Everything that came with it...
beautiful weather, a family cookout, a day off work,
fireworks & of course, a fancy patriotic horse
07.05.14 Friends from afar
Ryan's sister was in from Colorado & we were able to meet her before she went to the airport for lunch.  She is just the sweetest soul.
She didn't want to leave her new little niece.
Distance bites sometimes.
07.06.14 A day with Miss Emerson
(Blurry because Ricky was keeping the 'baby bounce' going)
We got to see our Grandbuddy at church, then went out to lunch & then I got to spend the rest of the evening taking her picture.
New snuggly babies are the best.
07.07.14 She Reads Packet
I've been doing the She Reads Truth bible studies online
... they are awesome...
& I've never bought the packet. I just use a notebook.
But I wanted to see what it was all about.  When a coupon for the 4th of July came out, I bought one. & mercy, these things are nice. 
I'm excited to put it to use with the next study coming up.
I'm not sure I'll spend $25 every 2 weeks though for these though.
I'll have to be picky.
I do want to get a 8x10 frame though for these printables.
07.08.14 Peace & Quiet
The office manager had been out since the Wednesday of last week.  It's only me & her on our side of the office & when she's gone, its so quiet & peaceful & I don't mind going into work one bit when I'm there by myself.
You'd think that means I'm slacking off.
I actually get MORE work done.
I learn every time she's gone that I am more of a hermit then I realized.
07.09.14 Kicking Butt
This Saturday will be 2 weeks since the last wedding I did, & I'm hoping to be done editing all the pictures.  I'm at 601 pictures as of last night & have just the dancing at the reception to finish up! 
So what are you thankful for this week?


  1. I am such a hermit. I used to feel guilty about that, but I since realized that it just means that I'm comfortable with my own company. Ha! I don't know that I could give up interacting with others altogether, but I sure could go long periods of time by myself. ;-)

  2. I've been loving the She Reads Truth studies... Today's study was POWERFUL! :) I'm so thankful for a community of women who can grow together!

  3. Those Wizard of Oz masks are the cutest! I want to try the SRT study packets so bad! I always think to order them too late, and now i'm waiting for one I really want to do!

  4. I always get so much more done at work in the morning before anyone gets in! It's just easier for me to hunker down and focus I guess. Still loving the patriotic horse, so funny!

  5. I can totally relate, I love peace and quiet at the office too! That study pack does like nice, I may have to go for it one day :)

  6. I'm a big Oz the hobby lobby find!!!

    I always worked better after everyone left for the day :-)


  7. Those babies are too cute! This week I'm thankful for attending the Michael Buble concert with my BFF and having a fabulous city adventure together!


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