Thursday, July 24, 2014

#ProjectThankful14 .... with a Birthday!!!

Before we even get started on my things I'm thankful for this week, I'll start it off being very thankful for a birthday today...

Mom practicing her duck lips

my Daddy's Birthday!!!!!
& just like I missed Father's Day because I was snapping pictures, I'm going to miss seeing him tonight because I have a wedding rehearsal to go to... so I'll be celebrating with him tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to the first man I ever loved in my life :)
OK... moving on with my #ProjectThankful14
07.17.14 50 years
I feel proud to say my parents have been married 50 years
... good to have someone to grow old with in life...
07.18.14 Chasity is back!!!!
I had an event to photograph & look who was back to assist?
Chasity!  She left Emerson for 2 hours to come help.
I'm sure it was tough for her.  But she's really going to be back this Saturday with the wedding.  That's usually a good 10-12 hour day.
I keep telling her to get a baby carrier & we'll just tote her along with us :)
07.19.14 Favorite Food lately
Toasted Ezekiel Bread, with avocado & tomato?
Yes please... every day
Why didn't I know about this sooner in life?
07.20.14 A Husband who loves animals like I do
Ricky loves his dogs... especially Sydney...
I've seen him walk barefoot onto ice to carry her out to go to the bathroom.
I've seen him carry her up & down the steps a dozen time in an hour because she wants to be with him
I've seen him stay up all night to hand feed her
I've seen him cancel plans so he can make sure Sydney was OK
This picture, Sydney had gone back to the gate to see why the other dogs were barking... she was having a hard time walking back to the house so Ricky went out & brought her back.
... his love for our fur babies is one of the reasons why I love this man...
07.21.14 Birthday Boy
Look who turned ONE YEAR OLD this week!
I can't believe it. 
I told him its time for him to stop tearing things up now
... he laughed & went into ripping that bone apart...
He's got another year of puppy in him.
That's OK... they get old too quick so I'll enjoy every pit of puppy energy he has.
07.22.14 A Study of Justice
This is the first She Reads Truth study where I bought the packet that goes with it.
I have to say, it makes me happy.
It made me excited for the study to kick off this week.
I enjoy the space in it to write for notes & the prayer journal side of it.
I'm really going to have to get more of these for the studies I'm interested in.
07.23.14 Our Fighter
I'm sure I've had this as a Thankful thing throughout the year
... I'll continue to be thankful...
Sydney is such a fighter.  We're getting ready to near 7 months since the diagnosis
... we are valuing every day with her like never before.
She has recently been finding ways to lay with her head propped up.
Whatever works. I'll walk around with a pillow to hold her head up if I have to.
What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Happy Birthday to your Dad! And that photo of Ricky carrying Sydney is just too sweet!

  2. Happy Birthday to your Dad! And that photo of Ricky carrying Sydney is just too sweet!

  3. That picture of Ricky carrying Sydney is so, so precious. Happy birthday to your dad and to Harvey!

  4. I am thankful for encouragement that God brings at just the right time this week!

    We have our new DILs 1yo aussie this week while they are on their honeymoon. SO MUCH energy!!! I think she is frustrated with all these "oldies" in this house that just are not quite ready to play first thing in the morning!! ha!

    The other funny thing is she feels the need to herd Lily and keep her away from the pool. Lily gets SO mad at her...hilarious!

  5. Happy birthday to your daddy today and cute lil Harvey! That is the sweetest thing ever, him carrying sweet Sydney. So precious!

  6. The look on Sydney's face makes me want to give her a hug. Poor baby. I will pray that she continues to fight! She's a beautiful dog.

    Today, I'm particularly thankful for all of my blogging friends. :)

  7. Happy Birthday to your dad and happy belated to Harvey! Hope he's starting to grow out of the chewing everything up phase :)

  8. Thankful Sydney has you two for parents... :-)



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