Thursday, July 17, 2014


He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. ~Epictetus
07.10.14 A nice break
I had a load of pictures on my computer to be edited... but I didn't care.
It was GORGEOUS outside & I stopped for about an hour, grabbed my Kindle, went on the back porch, my dogs gathered all around me & I just enjoyed life...
if even for an hour
07.11.14 Healthy Eats
I'm sorry - but I feel proud of myself when I put all my food on the conveyor belt & it's all fruits & veggies, organic & health foods... I feel like its one thing I'm doing right in life.
07.12.14 Eating Outside!!!
One of the things I love to do more then anything is eat outside when its pretty nice out.  Ricky?  He doesn't care for it. He says he works outside for 50 hours a week, he wants to soak up AC when he's off.  So when we ran out to grab something, I thought it felt good - he thought it was warm.  But LOVE WINS because he said, "let's eat outside -I know you love it"... aaahhh...
& in the end, there was a great breeze all night & even he said it felt nice outside.
07.13.14 Hot Photography Hair
Hot as in heat... not as in sexy... obviously
I had to run & grab some pictures of my next Bride & Groom & it was the hottest day of the year.
My hair was doing pretty good straight for the day, but when its 97 degrees & you're walking with camera's - it goes up off the neck.
I'm thankful that my hair works with me sometimes on staying up & out of my face.
07.14.14 Baby Photos Posted
I ain't gonna lie.  We were so excited to do Baby Emerson's pictures.  Miss Em?  She wasn't feeling it.  She just wasn't having the whole thing of being picked up & moved around a lot.  She cried about 90% of the session... & I mean, SCREAM that new born baby scream of LEAVE ME ALONE.  So I was nervous that I didn't get good shots of Miss Em for mommy & daddy.  I was happy to go through the pics & see that I got more then I thought I would.  & got to post them up on Monday. 
When I got a text that mom & dad were happy... believe me, I was thankful.
07.15.14 A beautiful day for a walk
I had snuck out at lunch for a walk & got home & wanted to be outside in this summer vortex air even more.  So Ricky got the leash, we loaded up Harvey Dent (who may be the only dog who freaks out when we put him in the car) & we headed to a little walking path at a school.  It was so beautiful out. I honestly could have stayed until the sun went down & it was pitch dark.
... & even then, pull up a sleeping bag & sleep outside.
I want this weather forever.
07.16.14 Quick Picnic
This weather is still going & I have to take advantage of it as much as I can.
So at lunch, I ran to Subway, picked up sandwiches for both Ricky & I, then I went to his work & picked him up.  We went down to the River Front & pulled out a blanket & had a quick picnic.  He only gets 30 minutes for lunch so it was fast.  But it was fantastic to sit out in the weather & relax on a work day.. .even if it was for 30 minutes.
What are you THANKFUL for this week?
Just curious - anyone want to join me in this project next year?
I know that's 5 months away - but if I get some interest, I'll start a weekly link up
Who is in for #ProjectThankful15 ? :)


  1. Eating outside is one of my favorite things about summer! This weather has been perfect... I'm actually dreading next weeks 80+ degrees forecast!

  2. That fireman photo is just the lovely!

  3. I LOVE eating outside! My husband works in an AC'd office, yet hates sitting outside. He does it for me....sometimes <3
    That baby picture is adorable! You do such great work Ms. Rebecca Jo! And your hair is looking hot-not hot as in heat. Lol
    I would definitely love to join your link up! Still, by far, one of my favorite bloggers!

  4. Count me in for next will of course need to do a quick review of how it works :-)




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