Monday, July 07, 2014

The weekend that I kept saluting a horse....

Mercy, I'm so glad it was a 3 day weekend because I know I couldn't have stuffed in everything I did in 2 days...

My goal this weekend was to get some sleep too.  .... & the universe laughed at me when I made that my goal.  At least my dogs laughed.  I was up all 3 days before 6:30am... I'm not even kidding.  So wrong in so many ways.


We got to take Bruno to get groomed.  It was great having the first appointment of the day, & I guess they weren't busy with it being a holiday because he was done in like 2 hours.  & so stinkin' cute too! 

He always get a good report card when he gets groomed.  He's such a man-diva.

While we waited on him to get finished up, we ran over to Gordman's.  I'm not a huge fan of the store, but Ricky loves it.  He can find jeans he likes really cheap there.  & speaking of man-diva, Ricky is very particular about his jeans (substitute the word jeans with "expensive jeans")  so if he can find some at this place that leaves a little bit of savings in the pocket, I'll go there.   I ended up happy with this trip because I ended up finding 2 necklaces on clearance & they were marking down the clearance even more... so these two babies were $2.83 a piece. OH MY GOSH.  Maybe Gorman's isn't so bad after all..

Ricky also gasped & aahhed when he found this huge canvas. 

It really is beautiful up close.  It'll look perfect in his super hero basement.  I need to take a picture when he gets it all straightened up (he's rearranging things & spiffy'ing it up)

We got home for a little bit so I could work on wedding pics & then we headed to my parents for a 4th cookout.

It honestly was the most beautiful day EVER for a 4th of July.  It was cool, there were gorgeous blue skies, it was amazing.

& yes, my dad painted his horse for the 4th of July.

I said when he ran by I felt like I needed to stand & salute every time

It was so funny because there was a party next door to mom & dad & people kept coming over taking the horse's picture.  It was the weirdest thing when I was scrolling through my Instagram & one of our local radio DJ's had posted the picture of dad's horse!!!!  He must have been over at the party.  Cochese is now famous & will start signing autographs soon.

It was awesome because my mom & dad's neighbors apparently have someone in the family who works in pyrotechnics & mercy, did they put on a fireworks display.  We sat for about 40 minutes watching it & it was like a display you see in local towns or something.  it was getting late & it was actually chilly out so we went home.  It was about another 40 minutes later & dad told me that they just stopped the fireworks. 

All I kept thinking was, "My goodness, how much money did that cost to buy all those?"... I'm practical if nothing when it comes to burning up money. 

Spending money on running shoes is another story.


I woke up early & started again on wedding pictures... Its a never ending task the 2 weeks after a wedding.  I'm making quick progress though.  I have over 500 pics edited so far & only have the wedding & reception left to edit.  Fingers crossed I finish by the weekend.

It was still such a beautiful morning, I got a 5k in!  Now, I haven't done a 5k since I did my half marathon in April.  it felt great to get moving.  My knee didn't feel so great.  But at least I got it in....

Ricky & I headed out at lunch to see Steph's daughter that was in town from Colorado to see her new niece.  We love Nina so much.  She reminds me so much of her momma.  Glad we got to see her on a quick lunch trip.  They left the restaurant & went straight to the airport for her to go home.  I'll take a few minutes to hug her over nothing.

Ricky & I then stopped at Sam's club... which meant of course I had to get another book.  It's just something that HAS to happen when you go to Sam's....

I just saw where this was in the top YA books of the year

SOUR NOTE... I apparently left my Sam's card at the store so I'll have to get a new one next time I'm there. Drats.  I hate when that happens.

I don't know if anyone else got caught up in the #DeadWhiteandBlue weekend on AMC but the replaying of all the Walking Dead episodes all weekend,  I kept catching episodes when I could.  I hate they drag out the seasons so far in between each other.  Kinda ridiculous.


We went to church & Merge & then headed out to lunch with friends, where I think Ryan & Ricky literally were almost rolling on the ground wrestling on who was going to pay.  Those boys.  Chasity & I just sat back & watched.  It's so normal to us to watch them pretty much duke it out sometimes... in the name of friendship of course.

I then headed over to Ryan & Chasity's house to take pictures of Emerson. 

I've said it before & I'll say it again, a baby rules a baby photo session.  Emerson just wasn't feeling it.  We did get some great shots the first 15 minutes we got started, but then she went all Beyoncé & was like, "I'm over it" :)  

No more pics for you

I know we got beautiful pictures of her, but of course when Chasity & I, who do pictures, & Chasity has her own baby, we have 1,001 ideas on what we want to do.  We forgot to think about what Miss Emerson wanted.  & that 1,001 went down to about 10 in her mind.

It's all good... it's not like this is going to be the ONLY time my camera is on that child... count on that one.

It just freaked me out to see Chasity, who is always behind the camera taking pictures of mommy's with their babies - her standing there in front of me with her own baby in her arms.  Moments are surreal sometimes.

I ended up not getting home until after 9... & then guess what I did... back to editing wedding pics. 

Wedding photography - its a lifestyle.

So how was your weekend? 
Was it full of family & fireworks?
Don't you wish every weekend was a 3 day weekend?


  1. I noticed that Cochese had a "cover" on his head ... we noticed the same thing at the stables in Hilton Head when we were there in May (stopped to take pictures of the horses because my oldest granddaughter is a horse freak ... and I say that very lovingly!!). She asked me why, and I didn't have an answer.

  2. Wow, sounds like a crazy (but fun) weekend for sure! Sleep was not good to me either. I'm photographing my second wedding in just two short weeks so I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who spends every free second editing! :/ Happy Monday!

  3. made me laugh when I saw the picture Ricky picked out....last week when I was with my son and DIL, Jason and I spent one day running around hobby lobby getting all the little things they needed...I kept having to drag him away from all the super hero items that kept sucking him in!!!

  4. That horse!!! So cool to have a celebrity around ;) You certainly take your job seriously and are awesome at it, btw!! If only I lived closer!! :)

  5. I have never seen a painted horse! That is so cool! I wonder if the paint is hard to wash off...
    Sounds like you got to see a great fireworks show! I was complaining about the cost of those things, we spent $30, and only got little crappy fireworks. Lol!
    Love those necklaces too!

  6. Hahaha... I love that your Dad painted the horse! 'MERICA! ;P hahaha

  7. Bruno is stinkin' cute! Cory would have freaked out over that picture as well. I won't tell him that Ricky has a whole super hero basement though because he might just move in with you guys! Love the horse too!

  8. LOVE that painted horse! Looks like an awesome weekend! Thanks for linking up with us! xo


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