Monday, August 18, 2014

The weekend that I read a book....

Another weekend... a little bit of busy & a time to finally slow down... I could get used to that...

Here's some highlights of the weekend....

... after work, I almost went straight home.  But I heard the lure of Starbucks calling my name. I keep hearing that pumpkin lattes are coming out in a few weeks which means the summer flavors will be leaving. I need to get in all my Peach Green Tea Lemonades I can get right now.

... I totally dripped sweat dancing with Michael Jackson Experience on Kinect.  I wore my Polar Monitor & found out I literally burned more calories doing that then PiYo - a work out designed to make you leaner.  Michael Jackson may become my personal trainer.

... Ricky had to work on Saturday, which meant once again a early wake up call on Saturday.  The dogs panic when we leave & when they see one of us leave, they cling to the other.  #pleasedontgo

If my dogs could talk, this is exactly how they would react when they see us putting on shoes

... & once again I am able to clean up part of the house when Ricky is gone.  Today's mission was our bedroom.  My dresser is becoming like the kitchen counter - the catch all of all things tossed at the end of the day. 

... Got to do a photo session with a family that I love.  This was my 3rd time getting to spend time with them.  & they have a new member of the family!  The cutest little boy!  He had the most smiles of any baby I have ever been around. & literally would look at the camera & flash the smile every time.  Model baby!!!

... It's a job just to load & unload my car for a photo session :)

Look how good I treat my cameras - one is just balanced right there on top of my blue bag

...Went over & saw mom & dad.  It was a drizzly raining evening but it was great sitting under their covered porch & listening to the rain & just talking.  I can sit & talk with my mom & dad for hours....

... Worked on pictures & finished editing our pastor & his family's pictures I took the week before.  They took their oldest son & dropped him off at college on Saturday so I knew this momma would need something to make her smile as she was leaving him in his new 'home'

... Merge... where we had a cow's tongue in class.  Yep... a real cow's tongue... I was gagging.  The smell filled the room too.  A room that already smells of teenagers.  Which smells worse?  A toss up :)

... We got to go out & have lunch with our friends & our little Grandbuddy... she's at such a cute age of watching you when you talk to her & trying to 'talk' back. Love it.

... Ricky & I had some things to do but with it being a rainy day, we decided to just go home & relax.  Something I never do.  I made the choice to not even turn on my computer for the day. I grabbed my Kindle, took Sydney on the front porch with me (we both love rainy days on the porch) & Ricky came out with us... & I ended up sitting outside & reading a whole book. I haven't done that in the LONGESTTTTTT time.  I need more 'down days' to just relax. 

... If I Stay... I'm ready to see the movie now

I can't believe its already Monday... I'm a little sad about that...

Where's that petition for 3 day weekends? 

How was your weekend?


  1. You know you had me at book ;) glad you were able to take some time to read-- especially with how busy your weekend was-- ultra productive though! My brother was just telling me he had cows tongue tacos this week!

  2. Love Carly's comment. I've had cow tongue tacos before. They're very popular in my area. I've never had to deal with it uncooked though. I could imagine the smell! Although the teens and their smells probably win in the battle of smells.
    Oh reading! Pretty much what I did all weekend...oh and cleaning!
    My summer vacation is coming to an end and I'm oh so sad. Booooooo!

  3. You start a petition and I'll sign it! Where do the weekends go anymore? I still can't get over that cow tongue...BLECH!!!

  4. ohh that book is on my list, i want to read it before the movie comes out!

  5. Cows tongue is actually something very popular in my Russian culture - so I've eaten it many times, not quite in that manner as the picture shows haha! Great job on the Michael Jackson workout - who knew!

  6. Trouble moving past the tongue....what kind of class are you in that a tongue is present?

    Poor cow.....

    Hugs! :-)

  7. What a nice relaxing weekend! I saw somewhere that if you played along with a Starbucks scavenger hunt, you get early access to Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Crazy!

  8. What a great way to relax with your Kindle and a book! I am in dire need of some down time like that! :)

  9. Why in the world did you have an uncooked cow's tongue in your class?! I still can't quite figure out what I'm looking at in that picture... but maybe that's a good thing :) Glad you had a good weekend, your Sunday afternoon on the porch sounds like perfection!

  10. I'm not even sure what I'm looking at in the picture of the cows tongue but I can imagine the smell was awful. So glad you got to relax and enjoy your day. It's so important to take the time to unwind sometimes!

  11. Ahh what a perfect rainy day! We relaxed for a long time yesterday, it's very rare for us too. I am hoping more of this will be happening. I am kind of gagging over that cow tongue!

  12. OH MY GOSH! I swear to you I was JUST thinking the same thing about PGTLs when I saw on someone else's blog that PSLs are coming back! hhahahaha


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