Monday, September 15, 2014

The weekend where I was on an emotional roller coaster

Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.  ~John Shirley

Another weekend bites the dust...

It was fun, sad, busy, relaxing... a little bit of everything.

Saturday, Ricky had to work & that usually means I clean my house.  But my morning was going to be busy, so I went ahead & got in my work out.  I did one of the hardest P90X cardio workouts, Plyo... I SO LOVED IT!

I couldn't believe the calorie burn... I may have to do that every day... a few times a day.

But as soon as I got finished with working out & getting cleaned up, it was time to swoop up two of the dogs, Zoe & Bruno & head to the groomers. 

Since its a pretty good drive for us, I just stay down in that area until they are finished.  Well, a big time sucker for my day was they were having a pet adoption fair going on in front of Pet Smart. I just wanted to stay there all day & love on the dogs. 

I actually found an Aussie mix that I was just drawn too.  Ricky had gotten off work & I had him meet me over there to look at her.  Her name was Dottie & she was beautiful.  All the other dogs were barking & throwing a fit... she was just laying here sleeping, never heard her bark one time. So we talked to the people about her. She was 2 years old ... & the reason she wasn't barking?  She's hearing impaired.... bless her heart.  They said she's so sweet & laid back & she does get along well with other dogs, but she doesn't play.  They said other dogs try to get her to play & she just looks at them & says, Nah & lays down & watches.  We are wanting a play buddy for Harvey Dent to wear his butt out & this probably wouldn't be a good fit then. 

Praying Dottie finds a perfect home for her

But mercy... do you know how hard it is to walk away from a dog that needs a home?  Some people find it as no problem. I seriously wanted to cry.  When I came back to pick up Zoe & Bruno, they had adopted SO MANY animals - I was so glad to see that.. .but I wanted to say, OK, everyone left behind, just pile 'em in my car.... #nodogleftbehind

While waiting, I also spend part of my time in Michaels finding more yarn.  I am looking for a project to work on Wednesday during dad's next hip replacement surgery day... & so far, I've bought like 4 projects worth of yarn.  Good excuse to keep buying yarn.

I headed home with Bruno asleep in my car & Zoe ended up hitching a ride home with Ricky & we had stopped at Sam's Club - so that was a huge unloading of the car... & as soon as I got the last item out of my car, I put my camera bag back in & headed right back out...

I went to do a Maternity session for my baby cousin.  I have tons of cousins on my mom's side... so many, I literally have no idea how many there are... my dad's side of the family? I have 2.  & Jasmine is the baby.  I remember when she was born, my mom coming & getting me from middle school & being at the hospital when she made her entrance.  She was a Jr. Bridesmaid at my own wedding & I have just loved her since the beginning...

My grandmother with Jasmine on her first Christmas

So to do her maternity pictures was so cool for me.  It was a perfect day for it too.  Cool, no humidity... perfect sunlight as it was setting...

I just can't wait to see this little girl in November...

Sunday had us with our usual Merge class.  The cool weather had the kids all fired up. I think we talked 90% about video games... or let me state this right... they talked about video games.  Me & 1 other girl just sort of sat with confused looks on my face. I let Ricky steer that conversation.

We ran out & grabbed a quick lunch & headed back 'up the hill' (how everything is know around our area) & went to see my niece Madi play some B-Ball... well, we at least tried. 

She got in the game in the 2nd quarter & wasn't in it for 1 minute & some girl ran into her knocking her down & she fell right on her knee... & back to the sidelines she goes with an ice pack... So much for that...

That's her in the red shirt on the left...

I told Ricky she gets hurting her knee from her awesome aunt...

Ricky & I had some more errands to run & then he wanted to pick up a pizza for supper later that night.  We ordered from a place that is like a local staple... & we have never ordered from there.  I think the whole town gasps when I say that... but that streak is now broke... & it was really yummy.  We'll be back... maybe in another 13 years.

Waiting for our pizza

The rest of Sunday looked like a lot of Sydney loving... She's just not doing well... She's just not eating any more & everything is a fight to get it down her.  I say that, but she'll actually take weird things every now & then. Pizza crust, pepperoni... but not the amount of food a dog her size should be eating.  She sleeps deep...

Ricky puts applesauce on his finger & lets her lick it
... she thinks she's just cleaning him...

We took her back on the front porch & she just is so happy there...

We think it's time to let her go, but then she'll watch TV & bark at the dogs on there & perk up when we talk to her & love on her... you just don't ever know when its time to make 'that call'... such a final decision... you have to know for sure... it feels like its getting there... but its still not easy...

sometimes life sucks...

But we love every minute we have with her...

So yeah, the weekend was full of every sort of emotion... told you...

& here we go into another week...
How was your weekend?


  1. Praying for you and Ricky this morning that you know clearly when the time is right to let your sweet girl go.

  2. it would be SO HARD to make that call! especially when they are still aware & responding to you! praying for ya'll!

  3. I'm SO sorry that Sydney seems to be getting worse. :( It's so hard. I'm praying for you guys.

    Love the maternity photos so much. That suitcase is so cool.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about Sydney - I cant imagine having to say goodbye to a pet that is like family, and hope you wont have to make that decision anytime soon either.

  5. Ugh, girl. Such a hard and awful decision to have to make. You know I'm praying for you all and your sweet lil girl.

  6. Sorry to hear about Sydney.....I swear when pets are sick....I still tear up thinking about my yorkie from like 10 years ago....longer than that now.....

  7. I know what you mean about not knowing when to make the call. I seriously thought we were going to take Ally in a couple of times, but she's hanging in there. I asked my Vet about it, and she said, "you'll know". It's so sad to see your baby like that. I keep thinking that Ally will just go on her own...hoping, anyway!
    The pictures of your cousin are gorgeous!

  8. :( Poor Sydney girl. Such a hard thing to go through and an even harder thing to know when it's the right time to end... :/ I'm sorry girl. :(

  9. So sorry to hear that Sydney isn't doing well. ((HUGS)) You certainly had a busy weekend. I was tired just reading about it. Your cousin is so pretty and I love the photos you took. Hope someone took Dottie home, she sounds like a sweetie pie.

  10. I'm sorry about your sweet pup. That's hard. The maternity photos are gorgeous!

  11. Poor Sydney, but she surely is lucky too. She has a mommy and daddy that love her so much. I'll be praying that God will give you the wisdom to know when it's right.


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