Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday.. more knit stuff, an empty office & Neil Patrick Harris

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder


What I'm thankful for this week:

1. One last lunch with the Hubs.   Before our move, Ricky & I had our last lunch together.  But its even more a thankful thing because I think I'm going to be able to make it down every now & then for lunch with him even now. I know I will in December. I'll be the only one in the office a LOT in December so it won't matter if I'm a few minutes late getting back.  I'm glad. I miss seeing him during the day.

2. Enchanted Objects.  Packing up my office was such a drag & bummed me out. But I love I had my office Beauty & The Beast themed. It made me smile to see my enchanted friends smiling back at me.

3. Packed.  It wore me out - beat me down - but got it all done. I told my boss, if you plan on firing me after this move, just know I'm burning the building down as I walk out.  I'm too old to pack up 22 years of office junk.

4. Snuggly Puppy. The picture says it all.  Harvey is the SNUGGLIEST dog.  & he doesn't realize he's HUGE & HEAVY... he just wants to lay next to you or on you. I love that during winter. Better then any electric blanket.

5. Cowl!!!  This is my first tight gauge loom knit project on my Knitting Board. It took me about a month to do & I LOVED doing this one. The smaller stitches speak to me.  I left this project on my kitchen table & would do some every morning & a few rows every evening while dinner was cooking.  I'm so happy with the finished product. 

Another picture of how it comes over the head... LOVE IT!

6.  Hot chocolate & pictures.  Ricky went to the UK game on Friday & I was home by myself.  Editing pictures & sipping Starbucks hot chocolate was a good way to pass the time alone.

7.  Sharing the Knits.  I love when I am able to share my love of knitting with friends.  I always want to knit things & Ricky tells me, "not everyone wants knitted everything Rebecca" so I never want to MAKE someone wear my things. But when people say, Hey I would love to have _____, it makes me happy to whip up some quick projects & share along.

8. Neil Patrick Harris.  This book was sent to me for review & I was so giddy about it. I was going to buy it anyways because NPH is on my list of people that I am secretly in my head best friends with... so when I got this book for free?  I felt like a winner.
... PS. I'm just about 50 pages in & already loving NPH even more!  Didn't think that was possible.

9.  Pictures Done.  This was my last photo session of the year.  It felt like relief to be done & know that my nights are free now to clean my house & catch up on laundry.  Yeah -who are we kidding.... it means more time to knit.

BONUS THANKS: Imodium. This week would not have been pulled off without it.  :)

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Oh my gosh! I love how that cowl goes over your head! Super cute.

  2. Great list! Snuggly dogs are heaven aren't they?

  3. Seriously, those enchanted objects!! Where did you get them??? They are wonderful and would definitely bring a smile to my face! That photo of Harvey Dent is absolutely adorable!

  4. Love NPH - I had no idea that he has a book out! And kind of jealous that Harvey is a good snuggler, Brady wants nothing to do with us when it comes to cuddling!

  5. I LOVE that pic of Harvey, so precious! I love snuggly pups <3

  6. I have that NPH book on my to read list. How is the choose your own adventure style?

  7. You are so talented with your knits - you should start selling them!! Happy to hear everything with the move is done!

  8. I will never ever be able to knit as well as you!

  9. I love the cowl and if i knitted, that is what everyone would get as gifts!

    So glad you will be able to have lunch with your hubby every now and then!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  10. Thanks for linking up with us! I love your cowl! So pretty. :)

  11. i want to read that nph book! huge fan of his!


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