Friday, December 19, 2014

Five on Friday

ONE // Never eat licorice ... EVER

Last night, I got my Influenster box in & was excited to see a bag of Red Vines licorice in it. I haven't had licorice forever... & now I remember why.  I ate a couple of pieces.  Yummy.  Grabbed another piece & ate it & then... what's that?  That doesn't feel right.
Yeah... my cap on my tooth came off.  Are you freaking kidding me?    Yeah, that's why I don't eat licorice.
Luckily - its on a root canal tooth so I don't have pain.  But you know when you have something wrong with your teeth how your whole mouth feels 'off'?  I literally just took a shower & went to bed so I didn't have to deal with anything the rest of the night.

PS - if y'all can lift a prayer about this.  I have the crown so I'm hoping they can just glue it back on & all be well & done.  I'm afraid they'll want to make a new one (hello Mr. No Cash with the holidays anyways) or I'm afraid there is a problem because this is the 3rd time this crown has come off.  My biggest fear is needing a tooth pulled.  & with the little tiny crown piece left, that would mean they would have to cut it out. ... I just got woozy... so just pray that they glue it on & I'm on my merry way this afternoon.

TWO // Clorax Disinfecting Wipes

The thing is, I don't carry the travel 9 pack
I carry the full on 34 pack :)

Cold & Flu season... I have taken my germaphobe to a new level.  I am carrying these in my purse now.  When we go out to a restaurant, I pull one out, wipe down the table & especially wipe down the salt & pepper shakers.  Do you know that's one of the germiest places in a restaurant?  Think how many hands are on that? ... Ricky & I laugh because when I use it, our table smells so fresh & clean.  The only problem is now, I'll never be able to go back to a small purse.  Next thing you know, I'll be carrying a back pack with all the round containers of wipes... (don't give me ideas)...

THREE // The Sisterhood

Did anyone else watch that show on Lifetime?  It was about 5 girls who were discerning about becoming nuns.  It was quite interesting to me.  I don't quite understand the Catholic lifestyle & why they do some of the things they do, but I just loved every Sister that was on the show.  The one in the picture above was by far my favorite.  You could totally tell which one of these girls were going to stick with the idea of becoming a nun from the first episode too... but this show had me coming back every week.  I loved that they went to a convent in Kentucky & all the girls were like, "Kentucky?  Nothing is in Kentucky..." & they were scared to death.  Ends up, one of them loved it so much, they are starting the process of joining that convent.  I think there is going to be another season next year on this... I'll be setting my DVR.

FOUR // The Interview

Man, this whole movie has turned into a big deal...
All I can think is, is it really that big of a loss that this movie didn't make it in the theaters? ... I think we're all better off for it :)
I will say, when I heard threats of theaters that were showing it, I told my husband, "We're not going to the movies to see anything"... people are crazy anymore.  Turn on the news.  See the crazy.  I wasn't taking chances.  So I kind of respect Sony for pulling the movie.  What if something DID happen?
... but I also get the uproar about it.  I think it hit me even more when Jimmy Kimmel said, "Don't people in our country die for the right of our freedom to watch what we want?"... ouch.  That's truth right there.
I think this is more attention then Seth Rogen & James Franco would have ever gotten if this movie just came out with no big hubbub...

FIVE // Survivor

I still love this stinkin' show!!!  Hasn't it been on for like 50 years now?  ....I love when people are sneaking & make big moves.  I was so rooting for Keith this year & he was one stupid immunity away from making it to the finals.  He would have won too if he made it.  Poor guy. When they talked to him at the reunion & he got teary eyed, it made me teary eyed!  I wasn't thrilled with the winner this year, but she did deserve it.  I can't wait for next year!  They are putting Blue Collar vs White Collar vs No Collar people.  Business men against hard workers against free spirits.  I still am trying to figure what category I would fit in.  Is there a Pink Collar? 

Hope you all have a great Friday!!!


  1. oh no about your crown! girl, we are falling apart! here's to hoping it's just a simple, inexpensive thing!!!

  2. Yikes, sorry about your tooth and the licorice! I had no idea that could happen :( I hope they can just glue it back in and it's not too big a deal.

  3. I agree - I dont think it's a loss at all that movie won't be shouldn't have gotten as far as it did to begin with!! I'm a germaphobe just like you...germs be gone!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. I just think the whole thing with the movie is crazy. I just think it's nuts that a few movie chains have now basically created foreign policy and the ways we negotiate with the enemy. Good luck with your tooth, that really sucks!

  5. I'm with you, the movie thing is just crazy! Oh no, BAD licorice!

  6. I LOVE survivor and have never missed a season! I felt like Natalie deserved the win..she was so smart to get Keith out of there, he would have one for sure!

  7. omg your tooth!!! What a bummer girl! Hope it gets fixed soon!!!!

    Have you heard of thieves essential oil? TOTALLY great for flu/cold season! And, contains no chemicals, even better!

  8. EWWW I hate licorice, so I'll steer clear.

    I haven't watched survivor in forever! PINK COLOR, woop wooP!

  9. Prayers for you little baby crown tooth!!! I can't imagine why anyone would want to become a nun. Maybe they have their reasons? I'm with Jimmy Kimmel on this one.. we should be able to make whatever stupid movies we want. I'm probably not going to see it, but I was never planning on seeing it before. I have a ton of great movies I haven't seen yet, and I'm not usually a huge Seth Rogen fan. I kind of wish it had just been released independently, maybe with less publicity to make it a big deal.

  10. So sorry to hear about your tooth! Praying they can just glue it back on. I have awful teeth and HATE the dentist! I thought the same thing to myself when I heard they were threatening movie theaters. We don't go that often anyway but people are crazy! And with all the flu going around, I don't blame you for carrying around the wipes. I may just have to steal that idea! Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Dental issues are the worst-- so sorry about your crown-- but hopefully they can just glue it back on since you still have the crown! I've never heard of The Sisterhood but it sounds like it could be interesting.

  12. Ugh, hope everything has been resolved with your tooth! Good thing I'm not a big fan of licorice ;) And I can't believe Survivor is still on! I remember watching the first season with my family back in middle/high school!!


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