Thursday, December 04, 2014

Thankful Thursday ... babies & mac & cheese... 2 of the best things in the world

There is no greater difference between men than between grateful & ungrateful people. ~R.H. Blyth

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I'm convinced... work is trying to kill me.  I am now 2 full weeks into our new building & I'm now sick twice with a head thing. Sore throat. Coughing. Ears.  I think fumes are getting pumped in the air or something.  So its official - work sickens me. Truly.

Let's not focus on the things that are trying to kill me though. That's never a good outlook.  Time to look at the things that have made me smile this past week & reminded me of an attitude of gratitude.

1. New Cousin.  My baby cousin had a baby.  Freaks me out because she's always going to be my baby cousin.  & mercy, she had a beautiful daughter.  Welcome to the world Violet.

2. Believe she could.  I saw a Groupon for this bracelet & have always loved the saying, so purchased it for myself. I so love this thing. It's small & comfortable & flexible to wear at all times. I have yet to take it off.  And love the reminder it gives me.

3. Pinterest Recipes.  I found a new recipe for a mac & cheese recipe that was DELISH.  It probably was the most fattening recipe ever for mac & cheese. Lots of dairy - 2 full bags of cheese. It was like carrying a 10 lb weight around loading it up.  I also found a recipe for pumpkin pies that didn't include using sugar.  It was YUMMINESS!  I just told Ricky I want to make another one just because now. 

4. Grey Thursday.  We ran down to Target on Thanksgiving & while everyone was running to the TV's & electronics, I ran to the book section. I knew Amy Poehler's book was 50% off.  This was my priority.  Everyone was walking around proud of their grabbing xbox & ipads... I was holding my book up high, walking with a strut.

5. Family.  Holidays are always better with family.  Amen?  Amen.  Thankful that my brother & sister in law have a beautiful home to host holidays.  Also thankful for my nieces. I love those girls so much.

6. Flameless Candles.  It's always a battle in my house with candles.  I light them, my husband goes right behind & blows them out. I sneak & relight, he sneak & blows them right back out.  He hates candles.  So when I found these flameless candles at Home Depot on Black Friday I got them to use during Christmas time. I now want to go get more of these to use year round. They just make a room look so beautiful. They even came with a remote control & they also have a 5 hour timer that comes on every night & goes off right when we go to bed.  Who invented these?  Someone whose husband went behind them - I'm sure.

7. Christmas Doggie.  I put up our tree over the weekend & love that my dogs just wanted attention & love & snuggles.  Bruno would follow me & throw himself down wherever I was... including by the tree.  It took all day to put up my tree at that pace of having to stop every few minutes to hold a dog.  I didn't mind one bit.

8. Our Grandbuddy.  We got to see Emerson & can't believe how big she's getting.  Almost to the 6 month mark.  It's funny because she's making noises now & she's really into the "na na na na" sound... which of course, I take it as her saying "Nanny"... duh :)

9. Precious Nativity.  I love Nativity scenes.  It's the most beautiful part of a Christmas decoration.  & while 99% of our decorating is Disney, I just love this nativity.  We actually got it at the end of Christmas last year at Hallmark for like 75% off.  Precious Moments are just so beautiful to me anyways so I love that we have a sweet little new nativity now.

What are you thankful for this week?
Do you love nativity sets?
What's a good Pinterest recipe you use?


  1. I love that your gray Thursday priority was a book :) I can see you walking through there amongst everyone else fighting over the electronics! And this is probably a rare thing these days but I find myself thankful today for the awesome boss I have.

  2. I don't know what I would do if my husband hated candles! I have one lit almost all day, everyday! Have you ever tried the melted waxes? Or is the smell he isn't into? Love all the precious baby pictures!

  3. AWWW congratulations on the new baby in your family - that is always so much fun!!! Mac & Cheese best food ever!!

  4. Oh darn, I just bought Amy's book on Barnes and Noble, but only for 25% off... what a waste haha! So many adorable babies!!

  5. I'm thankful for a husband who's always there for me...and let's me cry whenever I need to. Yes...I love nativity sets. I have one that Chris bought me about 25 years ago after we got married. I put it out every single year and haven't broken a piece yet. Those babies are precious!

  6. i collect nativity scenes from around the world and my tree is full of ornaments from my travels. and i love candles--no one in my family does, so i burn them when i'm alone! hehe


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