Monday, December 15, 2014

The weekend I sat on hold for almost 3 hours...

Another weekend... can you all believe we are nearing the end of the year? 
I'm about ready to get rid of 2014 - that's for sure. It hasn't been the best.
But another weekend whizzed right by... (& now I'm afraid of what kind of traffic I'll get to my blog using the word "Whizzed")...
Here's a quick glance of my weekend

... Went to the doctor on Friday about my pain in my side. I'll do a post on it tomorrow.  Preview:  I'm going to live.  At least I woke up today. That's all anyone can ask for, amen?

... If you follow me on Instagram, you all know what I did on Friday.  Held on the phone with the health insurance company FOR-EV-ER!!!  I was bored doing it so I made little videos on Instagram showing how Harvey felt about it - how Bruno felt about it... & the miracle of all - I had my phone recording when they answered... I felt like I ran a marathon.

wait time
This is near my half marathon time
... I'd rather have been out running... with a painful side

... All that waiting?  & the woman was USELESS.  & MEAN!  She yelled at me. Seriously, yelled at me.  I told her my card wasn't right & it should show I pay a copayment for a doctor's visit - her words to me were, "Why would you want to pay a co-payment.  Isn't it better you don't?"... I asked her if she really thought 10% of my deductible would be a better choice, as it shows on my card.  This woman didn't have a clue what she was talking about.  Finally, after about 20 minutes of her yelling & saying, "We were supposed to be out of here by 7 & we're all still here because people are still calling in" (really?) I told her, "Ma'am - I have been on this phone for 2 & a half hours - I'm frustrated to. Let's just try to figure this out together"... she FLIPPED OUT ON ME.  I just had to laugh. In the end, I found nothing out.  It was a waste of my time. .... & the funniest part, when the call was over, I stayed on to hear & she said goodbye & then I heard, "If they don't let us get out of here soon, I'm going to loose my mind.  This place is hell"... someone was having a bad day.

... Ricky had to work on Saturday. That usually means I get my house cleaned.  Not this time.  It meant I got some wrapping done.

... it also meant I slept.  I was so mad because I woke up with him at 5:30 & couldn't go back to sleep.  So I had breakfast, got some things done ... & then around 8, I fell asleep again. I never do that.  I slept until 10:30.  I felt so guilty telling Ricky who was working out in the cold. 

... I found out later that my new anti-inflammatory medicine causes drowsiness.  I don't handle medicine well.  I'll probably be in a coma like state for the next few days.

... Got to watch Women of the Bible on Lifetime... loved it.  That was the fastest 2 hours. I wanted more.  I still have to watch The Red Tent. I loved that book.

... Watched all sorts of Christmas movies on ABC Family.  Usually love every movie on there, except I watched Prancer (never saw it before) & feel like that's 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.  That girl in the movie was so whiney, I thought if I heard her cry one more time, I was going to throw my roll of tape through the TV.  & Sam Elliot, who has always been my man-crush is in it... but he's a jerk the whole movie.  Just ban this movie.

I prefer a smiling happy Sam Elliot

... I still honestly love Home Alone 3... most sequels are stupid.  Especially the more you get out in the number.  Example:  Jurassic Park 23 ... but if you haven't seen this movie, it really is so cute.  & I was shocked to see a young Scarlett Johansson as the sister.

... We had our youth Christmas Party.  These kids are just so much fun.  People who are willing to have others build a gingerbread house on their face?  They are my kinda people.

... White Elephant Gift exchange with teenagers can be scary.  I'll just say, Ricky came home with a jar full of organs. Granted, they were fake organs.  But they look very real. 

... I fell asleep with a towel on my head Saturday night.  Woke up with my hair all sorts of crazy... & can't find the towel.  What the hey?  Did I eat it in my sleep?  Did Harvey Dent eat it?  A mystery now needs solved.

... I so love small group with the youth kids.  We hardly ever stay on topic, we always end up talking about the funniest things, & we learn WAY too much about each other... exactly what I think middle school small group should be.

... Ricky & I were on a mission to get Christmas shopping done after church.  We were out for about 7 hours...  & I think I only marked 2 people off my list.  Help me Baby Jesus. Time is ticking away.

... My home looks like a disaster hit a disaster.  Tis the season.
So how was your weekend?
Is your house a wrapping nightmare?
Do you have a jar of organs sitting around your home?


  1. I would have lost my mind if someone yelled at me after I had been on hold for 2.5 hours!!! How rude of her...but lets just say it's Karma that she has to work there LOL!! Hope you don't fall asleep at work with your medicine!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Oh my gosh, I was cracking up watching your videos on Friday. Healthcare is THE WORST, I'm so sorry!!! My thought watching was worry in that your hand-held could die at any minute at this rate!! Also, Prancer is just an awful movies. I'm happy with Snow Dogs, little kids specials, anything...but that movie is just not good.

  3. the title of this post made me cringe! I would have totally hung up after 20 minutes haha!

  4. You my friend, have the patience of Job... There is no way I could have lasted almost three hours. I would have hung up and been done. Lol! I love all the Home Alone movies. They can always cheer me up. :) Okay, the pictures of people building gingerbread houses on faces are pricless! Kids are the greatest!

  5. I can't believe you were on hold that long!! and that nothing was even resolved. annoying!!! My weekend was good, we didn't do a whole lot. but we did get all of our wrapping done. we have a few people to buy for but no ideas what to get them.

  6. I'm still waiting for some gifts to arrive and we have one more gift card to buy (hubby is supposed to do that today). I need to wrap Kelli's gifts tonight and she comes home Wednesday and I'm hoping she'll wrap the rest because she likes wrapping. Hoping that will work out! :)

  7. Boo I can't believe that some companies still don't have callback numbers!!!! I have never heard of that movie, but now I want to see

  8. You have so much more patience than me! After about 20 minutes of being on hold, I would have been boiling. It totally stinks you didn't even get the answers you were looking for! I was watching ABC family on Saturday and had to change it from Prancer after about 30 minutes. I just couldn't handle the little girl!

  9. WOW, what a busy weekend! Sorry you dealt with such a mean lady, that's so wrong :(!

    Glad you got a nap, though! They are truly the best!

  10. I am so sorry about staying on hold! I saw that on Friday and it is insane! My new card doesn't say I have dental and I do but I am going to email them about that because it may just not have it on there. Also, I saw the photo of decorating the faces, that was hysterical!

  11. That is insane! You're a better person than I am for waiting that long on the line. Having worked with customer service people (never again) I know how stressed they can get but really, that long of a wait is crazy!

  12. Don't remind me... I still haven't started wrapping! UGH. It's on my to do list this week. And I cannot believe your 3 hour phone call ended like that... insurance people are some of the rudest people ever. Not to make generalizations or anything ;)

  13. Wow, I've never been on hold for that long or dealt with such an unpleasant person on the other end! I think I would have lost it haha. I'm glad you had a sense of humor about it. The towel mystery needs to be answered! Maybe it moved out and is living in the wild now.

  14. I cannot believe you lasted that long on the phone ... and didn't go ballistic when that woman yelled at you for so long.

    My house needs to be a wrapping nightmare. I think I keep putting it off because I cannot remember what I purchased for who. Part of the problem is that DD ordered some stuff for me to give the Ts as she was ordering her gifts for them and another part is that I've also purchased gifts for my dad to give them. All that's compounded by my idea that it would be wiser to wait to wrap them all at one time so I could get the wrapping paper out, wrap gifts, and then put it all away ... IOW, a mess for just one day rather than whenever another gift arrived/was purchased.

    Hope you can get some answers about your health insurance.

  15. my house is a disaster too. i'm hoping to feel well enough to wrap this weekend!

  16. I can't get over the gingerbread house on the face!!! I've never seen that before.....

  17. I am LAUGHING over here about the towel - ha!!


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