Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thankful Thursday #4 {Link Up}

You pray in your distress & in your need; 
would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy & in your days of abundance.
~Khalil Gibran

Another week to be thankful! 
I have so loved seeing what some of you have linked up with...
always excited when we have someone new that joins in...

Rules are simple... just do a post on what you're thankful for this week - big or small - the point being to find things every day that you are blessed with... link up... go visit someone else on the list.. Easy enough.

What I'm thankful for this week:

... So thankful for my scan results being OK.  Hearing the words like tumor, blockages, cancer, well, they can get my nerves all in a frenzy. I am praising Jesus that nothing serious was happening.

...A free Starbucks drink!  I stopped the same day of "result day" to get a drink in celebration, only to find out I had a free drink on my card left over from my Birthday. Apparently, they gave me TWO free drinks this year.    To celebrate for free?  Even better!

... My sweet husband.  He only gets 30 minutes for his lunch break but still took time from work to come to the doctor with me to find out the results.  He even ran & got me lunch once he found out everything was OK & brought back to me knowing I had to get back to work myself.  I can't tell you how much I love this nerd.

...Knitting friends who share patterns!  My incredible blog friend Cathy is also a loom knitter & I see in her Etsy store these adorable headbands.  I asked how she was making them & she sent me the instructions.  I have been on a headband craze. I think I have 8 made already.  I can make about 1 an hour.  A great way to make use of scrap yarn too!

... A wonderful visit with my family... & finally celebrating Christmas.

... Julie & the gang having a safe trip up & a safe trip home.  I always worry when they travel.  Julie, Steve & the baby also traveled to Florida & back the few days before their trip up... so its a DOUBLE Thankful that they were safe in both trips.

... Harvey Dent being such a good dog with the boys.  I love that my Grand-dudes love dogs & that Harvey loves them.  It made me choke up at one point because William was sitting in a feeding chair - the same one we had Isaac in... then Luke when he came along... & I thought of when Isaac was a baby & Sydney sat at his side waiting for food to drop.  Here was Will, but with no Sydney.... but he did have Harvey right next to him & I thought, at least Will doesn't get left out of having a buddy at our house.

... More sunlight in a day!!!

... A new flavor in this Natural Bliss coffee creamer.  If you've ever tried to read the labels of a normal coffee creamer, I would lay money you couldn't.  Words that aren't even pronounce-able (like that word)... this Natural Bliss coffee is basically cream & sugar.  I ADORE the Vanilla... but saw this new flavor & was so happy.  I found out by a friend that they also just came out with Cinnamon! Hmmm... I must find.

...Hot tea with honey on cold days when throats get scratchy.

... Gilmore Girls getting me through workouts on the treadmill... also that our local TV station plays Hot in Cleveland.  I'm able to catch up on past episodes.  Betty White is just the best.

So what are you thankful for this week?


  1. Betty White really is the best! and I LOVE hot tea with honey when my throat is sore. yum.

  2. Such a sweet hubs! By the way, is there a difference in loom knitting and just knitting? Love the headband!

  3. Rebecca Jo,
    Love the headband!!! Love that the Groom brought you lunch and went to the doc with you...if you weren't already married I would tell you to propose ...
    I know you still miss your sweet dog....hugs!
    For some reason people like to let others know when they have the same _____. That said, I have those same coffee cups, in both white and them. Okay maybe it's weird, moving on.....

    Have a great thankful Thursday ~ so thankful you are in the clear health wise!


  4. Thanks for the mention and link in your post. I really appreciate that. I love your headband. I'm definitely not as fast as you, or maybe I just take too many breaks. That's probably what it is. I knit and then I stop and talk or get involved in the show and forget to knit. haha Anyway, they are fun to make. I just finished a black one and am working on another red one, but I made them a little thinner this time. I went back and looked at the original YouTube that I got it from and for some reason I was making mine wider than hers. But actually, I like them both ways.

    I mentioned being thankful for my hubby too. Isn't it great to have a man who will support you and always be there for you. I think you and I both definitely have keepers!!

  5. I'm so glad that the scans results came back ok :) I hope you have a terrific weekend.

  6. So much to be thankful for! So glad you got to see your family!

  7. Glad your scans came back okay! I love the headband. And Betty White was wonderful no matter what she did. We still watch Golden Girls at night. It was a sad day when she passed. Thanks for hosting this meme.

  8. I've seen the Natural Bliss but haven't tried it. I love that coffee cup with the gold dots! (I LOVE DOTS!)
    I've said it before & I'll say it again, that Ricky is a keeper!
    How nice of Cathy to share her headband directions with you!
    I'll link up next week...for some reason I missed that you were hosting! :)

  9. Your hubby is, as I'm sure you know, a keeper. I love Betty White.

  10. that creamer sounds wonderful!!!i can't wait to check that one out.


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